Rank is Just a Number: Elementum 49th on Glassdoor Best Places to Work List

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Rank is Just a Number: Elementum 49th on Glassdoor Best Places to Work List

MOUNTAIN VIEW, Calif.--()--It’s not about where you rank on the list—it’s about what list you’re on. This year, Elementum made the cut for the Glassdoor Employees’ Choice Award, and we’re thrilled. Watch our faces as we receive the great news of coming in...49th place: http://www.elementum.com/49th


About Elementum

Think of all the things you own, touch, or use each day: your clothes, your computer, your car. We are living in a $25T product economy, and every single product—from coffee to life-saving medicine—depends on a supply chain to get it where it needs to go. Unfortunately, supply chain technology is still stuck in the 80’s. That’s where Elementum comes in. We’re building the world’s Product Graph™, a digital mapping of the global product economy—bigger than Facebook’s Social and LinkedIn’s Jobs Graphs COMBINED. With a suite of real-time supply chain apps, customers get end-to-end visibility and actionable insights to better identify, collaborate on, and resolve issues, finally bringing supply chain into the 21st century. For more information, visit www.elementum.com.

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Rob Cheng, 650-318-1491
Lisa Holden


Rob Cheng, 650-318-1491
Lisa Holden