Directorate change


4 October 2016

Centrica plc (‘the Company’)

Centrica appoints non-executive director

Centrica plc is pleased to announce that Joan Gillman is to be appointed as a Non-Executive Director of the Company, effective from 11 October 2016. Joan will become a member of Centrica's Nominations Committee and the Safety, Health, Environment, Security and Ethics Committee.

Rick Haythornthwaite, Chairman of Centrica said: “I am delighted to welcome Joan to the Board as a Non-Executive Director. Joan’s strong perspective into the North American customer and deep understanding of digital content and regulated industries will be of significant benefit to the Board as we implement our strategy.”

There is no information to be disclosed under Listing Rule 9.6.13R.



Centrica Investor Relations: +44 (0)1753 494900

Centrica Media Relations: +44 (0)1753 494105

Notes to Editors:

Joan H. Gillman is former Executive Vice President of Time Warner Cable, as well as Chief Operating Officer Time Warner Cable Media and President, Time Warner Cable Media LLC.

Prior to its acquisition by Charter Communications, Time Warner Cable was the second largest cable company in the United States, operating in 29 states and generating over $23 billion in annual revenue. Joan led one of Time Warner Cable’s three operating divisions, doubling revenues and overseeing the company’s big data strategy.

Joan started her career in a Senator’s office of the United States Senate. As the internet became a growing force, Joan began to pursue her interest in media and communications. She joined Physicians’ Online Inc., a closed ISP for the healthcare community before moving to London as Business Development Director for British Interactive Broadcasting Holdings Limited, a digital satellite television joint venture.

Category Code: BOA
Sequence Number: 552048
Time of Receipt (offset from UTC): 20161003T142637+0100


Centrica plc


Centrica plc