As the seasons change, GEICO asks drivers to plan for a season of safe driving

WASHINGTON--()--Today marks the beginning of fall. With the change in seasons, GEICO encourages drivers to study their habits behind the wheel to see if they need to make any changes. The below safe driving building blocks can help drivers arrive safely at their destinations.

Safe Driving Fundamentals:

  • Always wear a safety belt: In 2015, the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) reports that nearly 50 percent of vehicle occupants killed in a crash were unbuckled. Even with many of the recent safety advancements in cars, the safety belt is still one of the top ways to prevent serious injuries and fatalities in a crash.
  • Obey speed limits: The faster you drive, the less time you have to react to the unexpected. Moreover, speeding was named as one of the most prevalent factors in fatal crashes by NHTSA in 2015.
  • Avoid aggressive driving: A few examples of aggressive driving include weaving through traffic, tailgating, cutting off other vehicles and rude gestures. It’s important to keep your emotions in check while behind the wheel, and try not to take it personally if another driver does something to cause a problem.
  • Stay alert for pedestrians: Whether they're rushing to the bus stop or a Poké stop, drivers should always yield to pedestrians who have entered a crosswalk or who have a walk symbol. Even if the walk symbol has expired, drivers still need to wait for anyone who hasn't finished crossing.
  • Follow traffic signals: According to the Insurance Institute for Highway Safety, approximately 900 people die each year from cars running red lights. If you approach a stoplight that turns yellow, get in the habit of preparing to stop rather than trying to speed through. For stop signs, always come to a complete stop at the marked line.

GEICO (Government Employees Insurance Company) is a member of the Berkshire Hathaway family of companies and is the second-largest private passenger auto insurance company in the United States. GEICO, which was founded in 1936, provides millions of auto insurance quotes to U.S. drivers annually. The company is pleased to serve more than 14 million private passenger customers, insuring more than 23 million vehicles (auto & cycle).


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