Cantargia AB: Cantargia Interim Report January – June 2016

STOCKHOLM--()--Cantargia AB (“Cantargia”) interim report for January – June 2016 is available on the company website (

Significant events in the second quarter

· The exercise period for warrants of series TO 1 and TO 3 began on 23 March 2016 and ended on 13 April 2016. In total, 4,127,260 warrants of both series were exercised, representing around 83.5 per cent of the number of warrants issued. Through the warrants Cantargia raised approximately SEK 31.4 million before issue costs.

· During the period the Company gave investor presentations at the international BioEquity conference in Copenhagen on 10 May 2016 and at the Småbolagsdagen small cap investor event at the Sheraton Stockholm Hotel on 13 June 2016.

· The annual report for the financial year 2015 was published on 29 April 2016. The company held its Annual General Meeting on 25 May 2016 and published a report on the AGM the following day. The annual report and AGM report are available for download on the company’s website,

· Cantargia received a Notice of Allowance from the US Patent Office for IL1RAP as target molecule for antibody-based treatment in acute lymphoblastic leukemia followed by a Notice of Allowance for IL1RAP as target molecule for antibody-based treatment in solid tumours from the same patent office. The company also received formal approval in Japan of a patent for solid tumours.

· The company announced that its CAN04 product candidate has been shown to have a high level safety in high doses – repeated treatment with up to 100 mg/kg. During the period Cantargia also decided that the company will conduct further process development studies to establish a strong foundation for long-term production and that the start of the GLP toxicity study will therefore be postponed until autumn 2016. Consequently, the start of clinical studies will also be postponed until the end of the first quarter of 2017.

· A third party filed an opposition to Cantargia’s patent in Europe for IL1RAP as a target molecule for antibody treatment and leukemia diagnostics. Cantargia will be working with its patent agents and the European Patent Office to conduct the process in a professional and correct manner.

Significant events after the end of the period

· In July Cantargia announced that the US Patent Office had approved the company’s application for IL1RAP as target molecule for antibody-based treatment of solid tumours.

· In August Cantargia announced that the company’s former CEO, Agneta Svedberg, has exercised 1,250 warrants of series 2011/2016. The exercise of the warrants will raise SEK 250,212.50 for Cantargia.

Financial information

First half (1 Jan 2016 – 30 Jun 2016)

· Other operating revenue was kSEK 0 (0).

· Earnings after financial items were kSEK -16,023 (-9,059).

· Earnings per share were approximately SEK -0.91 (-0.68).

· The equity/assets ratio was around 87 (89) per cent compared with the beginning of the year.

Second quarter (1 Apr 2016 – 30 Jun 2016)

· Other operating revenue was kSEK 0 (0).

· Earnings after financial items were kSEK -7,926 (-5,432).

· Earnings per share were approximately SEK -0.45 (-0.41).


· Earnings per share: Profit for the period divided by 17,633,134 shares as at 30 June 2016.

· Equity/assets ratio: Equity divided by total capital.

· Unless otherwise indicated, figures in parentheses refer the same period in the previous year.

This constitutes information that Cantargia is required to publish under the EU’s Market Abuse Regulation. The information was submitted for publication through the above contact person at 8:30 (CEST) on August 24, 2016.

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Cantargia AB
Göran Forsberg, CEO
Telephone: +46 (0)46 275 62 60
Certified Adviser: Sedermera Fondkommission


Cantargia AB
Göran Forsberg, CEO
Telephone: +46 (0)46 275 62 60
Certified Adviser: Sedermera Fondkommission