Global Talent Perspectives 2016 Finds Green Card Sponsorship, Perk Packages Give Employers Competitive Edge in War for Talent

CHICAGO--()--Seventy percent of temporary visa holders say whether a company has a green card sponsorship policy in place is very or extremely important in deciding if they’d work for the organization — a huge opportunity for employers to develop a policy that would attract global talent. This is according to Global Talent Perspectives 2016, which reflects the insights of more than 700 visa and green card holders (“expats”) across the United States.

The survey, commissioned by VISANOW and conducted online by Harris Poll, also reveals that 60 percent of visa holders claim their current company offered an immigration-related perk package as part of its employment offer. Transportation, including a car service and/or a company or rental car, was cited as the most popular perk (44 percent), followed by temporary and/or corporate housing (42 percent); travel, such as free air fare to visit their home country and/or air fare for immediate family members (40 percent); and paying for dependent visa or green card applications for family members (40 percent).

“Expats offer employers tremendous value, as they tend to be highly educated and experienced, particularly in STEM roles that are notoriously difficult to fill,” said Dick Burke, president and chief executive officer of VISANOW. “Our survey results demonstrate that understanding international candidates’ wants and needs is crucial for employers to create a more informed, highly competitive talent management program — providing a positive employee experience from sourcing and onboarding through retention and development — that attracts and retains the best and brightest from around the world.”

Encouragingly, most expats — 63 percent — feel they fit in well with their company’s culture, regardless of whether they’re green card or visa holders. In STEM fields, that number increases to 70 percent, and lags in non-STEM fields at 56 percent. Thirty-one percent of those who feel they don’t fit in only somewhat or not at all say additional orientation training would help them fit in better, while 21 percent desired more robust cultural assimilation training.

According to the survey, when it comes to risk factors for losing talent, recruiters are most likely to lure STEM workers from their current positions — a reflection of the growing STEM talent shortage. For those in STEM industries, 21 percent are approached by external recruiters one to four times a month to discuss a new position at a different company versus 12 percent for non-STEM. Forty-four percent of expats say a higher salary is what would most entice them to leave their current company — even though 67 percent believe they are presently paid a fair wage. Forty-six percent believe they would be paid more at their current company if they were a U.S. citizen.

A tenuous political environment, however, makes the future uncertain for many visa holders. While one in two expats (53 percent) is optimistic about the impact one of the Democratic candidates would have on their desire to continue working in the United States, only 23 percent feel the same about one of the Republican candidates for president. Fifty-six percent of expats say that Hillary Clinton, if elected, would have a positive impact on their desire to continue working in the United States, compared to 21 percent for Donald Trump.

Totals may not equal 100 percent due to rounding or the ability to choose more than one response.

Survey Methodology

This survey was conducted online within the United States by Harris Poll on behalf of VISANOW among 704 temporary visa and green card holders ages 21 and older (employed full-time) between April 29 and May 31, 2016. Respondents for this survey were selected from among those who have agreed to participate in Harris Poll surveys. Because the sample is based on those who were invited to participate in the Harris Poll online research panel, no estimates of theoretical sampling error can be calculated. The data is weighted; a full methodology is available.


Founded in Chicago in 1998, VISANOW is a global immigration services provider integrating the best of people and technology to simplify and expedite the immigration process. Its patented cloud-based people management platform provides fast response times, easy access to case information and comprehensive customer support — helping customers save time, money and stress. Since its inception, the company has prepared cases for tens of thousands of individual and business visa applications with a 95%+ VISANOW-affiliated attorney case approval rate.*

Website, technology platform and administrative services are provided by, Inc., a Delaware corporation. Legal services are provided by VISANOW-affiliated attorneys. *Approval is not guaranteed in any given case; approval depends on the specific facts and legal circumstances of each case. This excludes B-2 visas. Please visit for more information.


Kristen Bugaris
T 312.922.2591


Kristen Bugaris
T 312.922.2591