The Annual General Meeting (the "Meeting") in Com Hem Holding AB (publ) was held today in Stockholm.

STOCKHOLM, Sweden--()--Regulatory News:

The Annual General Meeting (the "Meeting") in Com Hem Holding AB (publ) was held today in Stockholm.

Election of members of the Board and auditor The Meeting resolved to re-elect Andrew Barron, Nicholas Stathopoulos, Joachim Ogland, Monica Caneman, Eva Lindqvist and Anders Nilsson as members of the Board. Andrew Barron was re-elected as the chairman of the Board.

The Meeting further resolved to re-elect KPMG AB as registered audit firm for the period until the next Annual General Meeting.

Dividend The Meeting resolved to distribute dividend of SEK one fifty (1.50) per share for the 2015 financial year. The record date for the dividend will be 23 May, 2016 and the dividend payment is expected to be distributed by Euroclear on 26 May, 2016.

Buy-back The Meeting authorized the Board to, until the end of the next Annual General Meeting, on one or more occasions, resolve on acquisitions of shares in the Company to such extent that the Company's holding at any time does not exceed a tenth of the total number of shares in the Company.

Incentive program The Meeting resolved to implement a long-term share savings incentive program for senior managers and certain other key employees within the Com Hem Group ("LTIP 2016") and to transfer treasury shares as hedge for delivery under LTIP 2016. The Meeting also resolved to transfer treasury shares to the participants of LTIP 2015.

Reduction and increase of share capital The Meeting resolved to reduce the share capital by way of cancellation of such own shares that were held by the Company three weeks prior to the Meeting and to simultaneously increase the share capital by way of a bonus issue with an amount corresponding to no less than the amount the share capital was being reduced with. Further, the Meeting resolved upon an additional reduction of the share capital by way of cancellation of such own shares that are held by the Company at the date of the notification of the resolution to the Swedish Companies Registration Office.

Com Hem Holding AB discloses the information provided herein pursuant to the Swedish Securities Markets Act (2007:528) and/or the Swedish Financial Instruments Trading Act (1991:980). The information was submitted for publication at 19:00 CET on May 19, 2016.

About Com Hem

Com Hem offers broadband, TV, play and telephony services to Swedish households and companies. Approximately 40 percent of the country’s households are connected to Com Hem’s network, making Com Hem an important driver of digital Sweden. We offer broadband speeds of up to 1 Gbit /s and a wide range of channels via digital TV at home or mobile via Com Hem Play. The company was founded in 1983 and has approximately 1,200 employees including about 700 employees within customer service. Com Hem is headquartered in Stockholm and operates through three subsidiaries; Com Hem AB, Phonera Företag AB and iTUX Communication AB. In 2015, Group sales totaled SEK 5,000 million. Since 2014 the Com Hem share is listed on Nasdaq Stockholm.

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For queries, please contact:
Investors Petra von Rohr, Director IR & Corporate Communications
Tel: +46(0)734 39 06 54
Media Fredrik Hallstan, Head of PR
Tel: +46(0)761 15 38 30


For queries, please contact:
Investors Petra von Rohr, Director IR & Corporate Communications
Tel: +46(0)734 39 06 54
Media Fredrik Hallstan, Head of PR
Tel: +46(0)761 15 38 30