Result of AGM




Regus plc (société anonyme) held its Annual General Meeting for shareholders today at 11am (Luxembourg time).

All resolutions proposed at the meeting were passed by the requisite majorities and were decided by means of a poll vote. The full results of voting on each resolution are set out below.

Total number of shares in issue and eligible to be voted (excluding treasury shares) as at the meeting date: 931,952,432.

Proxy appointments were received from the holders of 786,668,752 shares, representing 84% of issued share capital.

Resolutions 1 to 20 (inclusive) proposed as ordinary resolutions

Resolution Number   For*   Against*   Withheld*   Total Votes*
Number of shares   % of total Number of shares   % of total Number of
1 785,014,194 99.97 260,300 0.03 1,394,258 785,274,494
2 786,081,660 99.97 260,300 0.03 326,792 786,341,960
3 649,889,542 82.62 136,733,610 17.38 45,600 786,623,152
4 584,579,868 74.48 200,316,015 25.52 1,772,869 784,895,883
5 770,120,753 97.90 16,534,707 2.10 13,292 786,655,460
6 783,839,766 99.64 2,815,694 0.36 13,292 786,655,460
7 785,599,731 99.90 755,674 0.10 313,347 786,355,405
8 786,646,252 100.00 0 0.00 22,500 786,646,252
9 784,570,649 100.00 4,000 0.00 2,094,103 784,574,649
10 785,292,426 100.00 4,000 0.00 1,372,326 785,296,426
11 785,755,130 99.88 912,289 0.12 1,333 786,667,419
12 784,841,998 99.77 1,824,695 0.23 2,059 786,666,693
13 785,571,831 99.86 1,091,530 0.14 5,391 786,663,361
13** 490,869,957 99.78 1,091,530 0.22 294,707,265 491,961,487
14 766,104,220 97.39 20,562,473 2.61 2,059 786,666,693
14** 471,402,346 95.82 20,562,473 4.18 294,703,933 491,964,819
15 770,853,916 97.99 15,809,445 2.01 5,391 786,663,361
15** 476,152,042 96.79 15,809,445 3.21 294,707,265 491,961,487
16 785,575,763 99.86 1,090,930 0.14 2,059 786,666,693
16** 490,873,889 99.78 1,090,930 0.22 294,703,933 491,964,819
17 785,575,763 99.86 1,090,930 0.14 2,059 786,666,693
17** 490,873,889 99.78 1,090,930 0.22 294,703,933 491,964,819
18 785,494,220 99.85 1,172,473 0.15 2,059 786,666,693
18** 490,792,346 99.76 1,172,473 0.24 294,703,933 491,964,819
19 777,725,516 98.86 8,942,486 1.14 750 786,668,002
20 785,289,791 100.00 2,635 0.00 1,376,326 785,292,426

* These figures include proxy votes. Where shareholders have appointed the Chairman of the meeting as their proxy with discretion as to voting on the resolutions, those votes have been cast in favour of the relevant resolutions. A vote withheld is not a vote in law, withheld votes therefore do not form part of the total votes cast.

** Votes of the Independent Shareholders. Independent Shareholders are all shareholders other than Mark Dixon, Chief Executive and holder of 294,701,874 ordinary shares as at 15 May 2016.

Resolutions 21 and 22 proposed as ordinary resolutions voted on by Independent Shareholders** only***

Resolution Number   For*   Against*   Withheld*   Total Votes*
Number of shares   % of total Number of shares   % of total Number of
21 326,773,504 66.72 163,016,460 33.28 296,878,788 489,789,964
22 306,410,761 62.56 183,379,203 37.44 296,878,788 489,789,964

* These figures include proxy votes. Where shareholders have appointed the Chairman of the meeting as their proxy with discretion as to voting on the resolutions, those votes have been cast in favour of the relevant resolutions. A vote withheld is not a vote in law, withheld votes therefore do not form part of the total votes cast.

** Independent Shareholders are all shareholders other than Mark Dixon, Chief Executive and holder of 294,701,874 ordinary shares as at 15 May 2016.

Resolutions 23 to 25 (inclusive) proposed as special resolutions

Resolution Number   For*   Against*   Withheld*   Total Votes*
Number of shares   % of total Number of shares   % of total Number of
23 786,605,282 100.00 29,018 0.00 34,452 786,634,300
24 783,479,802 99.60 3,163,118 0.40 25,832 786,642,920
25 690,158,532 98.30 11,908,805 1.70 84,601,415 702,067,337

* These figures include proxy votes. Where shareholders have appointed the Chairman of the meeting as their proxy with discretion as to voting on the resolutions, those votes have been cast in favour of the relevant resolutions. A vote withheld is not a vote in law, withheld votes therefore do not form part of the total votes cast.

National Storage Mechanism

A copy of the resolutions approved at the Annual General Meeting has been submitted to the National Storage Mechanism, and will shortly be available for inspection at:

For further information, please contact: Lynsey Blair, Company Secretary
Telephone: +352 22 99 99 5752
Date of announcement: 17 May 2016

Category Code: RAG
Sequence Number: 526879
Time of Receipt (offset from UTC): 20160517T175118+0100


