NORMA Group SE Closes 2015 Financial Year Successfully

Sales increase by 28.0 percent; earnings up 28.6 percent

MAINTAL, Germany--()--NORMA Group SE, a global market leader in engineered joining technology, achieved record figures in financial year 2015. Sales rose by 28.0 percent to 889.6 million euros (2014: 694.7 million euros).

Acquisitions made in 2014 contributed 115.4 million euros to this increase. The company posted organic growth of 3.7 percent in 2015 compared to the previous year. Currency effects contributed 7.7 percent to the sales growth.

Adjusted earnings before interest, taxes, and amortization (adjusted EBITA) increased by 28.6 percent to 156.3 million euros (2014: 121.5 million euros). NORMA Group thus achieved an adjusted EBITA margin at a sustainably high level of 17.6 percent (2014: 17.5 percent). Adjusted earnings per share based on the shares outstanding on 31 December 2015 rose to 2.78 euros (2014: 2.24 euros).

“Financial year 2015 was a successful year for us in which we set the course for the future. We managed to diversify ourselves even further, expanded the area of water management, and synchronized our core business of joining technology for industrial and commercial customers,” said Werner Deggim, CEO of NORMA Group.

“The business developed was in line with our expectations in 2015. At 3.7 percent, organic growth was at the lower end of the forecast range. Against the backdrop of persistently difficult economic conditions, particularly in Brazil and China, we are satisfied. Due to the broad diversification of our business and our stable financial base, we expect to be able to continue to grow profitably in a difficult economic environment.”

Growth in all three regions – Americas becoming increasingly important

In the EMEA region (Europe, Middle East and Africa), NORMA Group was able to increase its sales by 5.5 percent in 2015 to 416.0 million euros (2014: 394.5 million euros). This solid growth was supported by the economic recovery and the positive development of the European automobile industry, in particular.

In the Americas region, NORMA Group achieved significant sales growth of 66.3 percent in 2015 to 395.3 million euros (2014: 237.8 million euros) despite the decline in demand in the commercial vehicles and agricultural machinery sectors and the generally weak economic situation in Brazil. Revenues from the acquisition of National Diversified Sales Inc. (“NDS”) in the amount of 115.4 million euros and the appreciation of the U.S. dollar had positive effects.

In the Asia-Pacific region, NORMA Group managed to increase its sales in 2015 strongly by 25.1 percent to 78.2 million euros (2014: 62.5 million euros). The company developed very dynamically in the region in spite of the decreasing economic output of China and was able to continue expanding its business.

Proposed dividend increase to 0.90 euros per share

The NORMA Group Management Board and Supervisory Board will propose a dividend of 0.90 euros per share for financial year 2015, an increase of 0.15 euros. This corresponds to total dividend payments of 28.7 million euros. As a consequence, the pay-out ratio amounts to 32.3 percent of the Group’s adjusted net income in 2015 of 88.7 million euros.

Equity ratio improved again

The company’s equity increased by 61.8 million euros on 31 December 2015 to 429.8 million euros (31 December 2014: 368.0 million euros). The equity ratio improved to 36.8 percent at the end of 2015 (31 December 2014: 34.1 percent). Net debt including hedging instruments decreased by 3.3 percent at the end of the reporting period on 31 December 2015 to 360.9 million euros (31 December 2014: 373.1 million euros).

The number of employees of NORMA Group rose by 331 to 6,306 employees worldwide including temporary employees on 31 December 2015 (31 December 2014: 5,975 employees). This increase resulted from the international growth the company generated at many of its sites in all three regions. For example, a new distribution center was set up in the U.S. In China, the second factory located in Changzhou started producing GEMI clamps and established a global RE-Engineering Center to adapt products to the needs of local markets. In addition, the site in Serbia expanded its capacity quite significantly.

Solid organic growth expected in 2016

NORMA Group expects moderate growth in the global economy that is slightly higher than last year’s level, driven by the industrialized countries and the emerging Asian economies. Thanks to its broad diversification, the company is well positioned to benefit from the growth trends in the various end markets and regions in the future.

For the EMEA region, NORMA Group forecasts solid organic growth in financial year 2016 compared to the prior year and a slight improvement in the general economic situation. In the automotive industry, in particular, increasing production volumes are assumed due to higher exports and the lower exchange rate of the euro. Positive effects also are expected due to the new EU fleet regulations for passenger cars, which will require more advanced technologies and increasing motor efficiency in the future.

NORMA Group expects to see solid organic growth in 2016 in the Americas region. The growth the company experienced the previous year is expected to continue, and cross-selling effects will be realized in the USA, while other synergies are generated at the global level. For the Asia-Pacific region, NORMA Group again expects to be able to generate double-digit organic growth. Despite subdued growth predictions for China, the dynamics in the region should continue, driven by stricter emissions standards for cars and trucks, but also by the expansion of operating activities.

In total, NORMA Group expects solid organic sales growth of between 2 percent and 5 percent year-on-year for financial year 2016. A sustainable adjusted EBITA margin of more than 17 percent as in previous years is targeted for financial year 2016 (2015: 17.6 percent; 2014: 17.5 percent; 2013: 17.7 percent).

NORMA Group SE – 2015 Financial Results

Key figures at a glance (in EUR millions)   Financial year 2015   Financial year 2014   Financial year 2013
Income statement 01/01-31/12/2015 01/01-31/12/2014 01/01-31/12/2013
Sales 889.6 694.7 635.5
Adjusted EBITA 156.3 121.5 112.6
Adjusted EBITA margin 17.6% 17.5% 17.7%
Adjusted earnings per share* 2.78 2.24 1.95
Balance sheet 31/12/2015 31/12/2014 31/12/2013
Balance sheet 1,167.9 1,078.4 823.7
Equity 429.8 368.0 319.9
Equity ratio 36.8% 34.1% 38.8%
Net debt** 360.9 373.1 153.5
Key figures at a glance (in EUR millions)   Q4 2015   Q4 2014   Q4 2013
Income statement 01/10 – 31/12/2015 01/10 – 31/12/2014 01/10 – 31/12/2013
Sales 217.0 176.2 152.8
Adjusted EBITA 35.6 29.2 27.6
Adjusted EBITA margin 16.4% 16.6% 18.0%

* Adjusted earnings per share based on the number of shares outstanding at the end of 2015

**Net debt including hedging instruments (2015: EUR 3.4 million; 2014: EUR 20.2 million; 2013: EUR 15.3 million)

Adjustments: 2015 for integration costs (EUR 1.1 million), step-up effects from purchase price allocations (EUR 2.5 million) and depreciation and amortization from purchase price allocations; 2014 for acquisition-related costs, step-up effects from purchase price allocations and depreciation and amortization from purchase price allocations

The 2015 Annual Report can be downloaded from reports. Additional information is available from NORMA Group’s Investor Relations section at Please visit for press photos.

About NORMA Group

NORMA Group is a global market leader in engineered joining technology. The company manufactures a wide range of innovative connecting solutions and water management technology offering more than 35,000 products to customers in 100 countries with around 6,500 employees. NORMA Group helps its customers and business partners to react to global challenges such as climate change and increasing scarcity of resources. NORMA Group joining products can be found in vehicles and trains, ships and aircraft, buildings and water management as well as in applications for the pharmaceutical and biotechnology industry. The company generated sales of around EUR 890 million in 2015. NORMA Group operates a global network of 22 production facilities as well as numerous sales and distribution sites across Europe, the Americas, and Asia-Pacific. NORMA Group has its headquarters in Maintal, Germany. NORMA Group SE is listed on the German stock exchange (Prime Standard) and included in the MDAX index.


This press release contains certain future-oriented statements. Future-oriented statements include all statements which do not relate to historical facts and events and contain future-oriented expressions such as “believe,” “estimate,” “assume,” “expect,” “forecast,” “intend,” “could,” or “should” or expressions of a similar kind. Such future-oriented statements are subject to risks and uncertainties since they relate to future events and are based on the company’s current assumptions, which may not in the future take place or be fulfilled as expected. The company points out that such future-oriented statements provide no guarantee for the future and that the actual events including the financial position and profitability of NORMA Group SE and developments in the economic and regulatory fundamentals may vary substantially (particularly on the down side) from those explicitly or implicitly assumed in these statements. Even if the actual assets for NORMA Group SE, including its financial position and profitability and the economic and regulatory fundamentals, are in accordance with such future-oriented statements in this press release, no guarantee can be given that this will continue to be the case in the future.


Company contact:
Daphne Recker, +49 6181.6102.743
Group Communications
Andreas Trösch, +49 (0)6181 – 610 2741
Investor Relations
Media Contact:
AutoCom Associates
Larry Weis or Mike Arnholt, +1 248.647.8621


Company contact:
Daphne Recker, +49 6181.6102.743
Group Communications
Andreas Trösch, +49 (0)6181 – 610 2741
Investor Relations
Media Contact:
AutoCom Associates
Larry Weis or Mike Arnholt, +1 248.647.8621