New IEEE 802.3bw™ Ethernet Standard Driven Primarily By Growing Industry Interest In New, Standards-based Architecture for Internal Networking Within Automobiles

New IEEE 802.3™ 100BASE-T1 standard supports 100 Mb/s Ethernet operation over a single balanced twisted pair cable

PISCATAWAY, N.J.--()--IEEE, the world's largest professional organization dedicated to advancing technology for humanity, today announced the approval of IEEE 802.3bw™, IEEE Standard for Ethernet Amendment: Physical Layer Specifications and Management Parameters for 100 Mb/s Operation over a Single Balanced Twisted Pair Cable (100BASE-T1). The standard is driven primarily by the needs of the global automotive industry and illustrates Ethernet’s expansion into new application areas.

Mainstream adoption of emerging in-car applications such as advanced driver assistance systems (ADAS) and infotainment has created the need for cost-effective, high-bandwidth connectivity. The first of several Ethernet standards especially tuned to the needs of the in-car automotive market, IEEE 802.3bw-2015 100BASE-T1 will provide 100 Mb/s Ethernet over a single twisted-pair. It is intended to enable the consolidation of these new, as well as legacy, in-car applications on a homogenous network architecture.

“The introduction of new bandwidth-intensive applications must deal with the constant pressure the automotive industry faces to minimize the total weight of the vehicle,” said Thomas Hogenmueller, senior manager with Bosch, who chaired the initial phase of the IEEE P802.3bw 100BASE-T1 project. “The definition of a 100 Mb/s Ethernet standard that operates over a single twisted pair will address both of these issues.”

“The standard is the first step in a global market migration to a modern, elegant and powerful, standards-based communications architecture,” added Steve Carlson of High Speed Design, Inc., who chaired the final phase of the IEEE P802.3bw 100BASE-T1 project. “This will simplify the cumbersome, heavy and complicated wiring harnesses in use today, while providing high data rates.”

The need to reduce wiring is shared by other applications, such as industrial automation and avionics, and the IEEE 802.3bw-2015 100BASE-T1 standard effort grew out of global market interest from all application areas for an IEEE 802.3 Ethernet standard.

“This is another example of the diversification of Ethernet into new application areas, providing the opportunity for them to leverage the vast wealth of Ethernet technology,” said David Law, chair of the IEEE 802.3 Ethernet Working Group and distinguished technologist with Hewlett Packard Enterprise. “The 100BASE-T1 standard was based upon, and is interoperable with, the existing OPEN Alliance BroadR-Reach® automotive specification. 100BASE-T1, however, is only the first in a family of Ethernet standards to address these application areas, with other projects underway in IEEE 802.3 to develop 1 Gb/s operation and power delivery over a single twisted pair cable, as well as traffic prioritization.”

IEEE 802.3bw is available for purchase at the IEEE Standards Store.

For more information on IEEE 802.3bw, please visit

Deployment of technology defined by IEEE 802® standards is already globally pervasive, driven by the ever-growing needs of data networks around the world. New application areas are constantly being considered that might leverage IEEE 802 standards in their networks from wireless, to twisted-pair cabling, to fiber-optic cabling solutions. To better address the needs of all of these areas, IEEE 802 standards are constantly evolving and expanding. The success of IEEE 802 standards—from their inception through today—has been their fair, open and transparent development process.

For more information about the IEEE 802.3 Ethernet Working Group, please visit

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Global Standards Solutions & Content Marketing
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Shuang Yu, Director, +1 732-981-3424
Global Standards Solutions & Content Marketing
Jeff Pane, +1 732-465-6605
Solutions Marketing Specialist