Company Profile for AT4 wireless - a DEKRA company

--()--AT4 wireless is a DEKRA company since its acquisition in June, 2015 by the the international expert organization. We are a leading network of testing laboratories offering world-class services for carrier device acceptance, performance, conformance, regulatory, field, functional and interoperability testing as well as worldwide compliance and type approval consulting in over 200 countries.

AT4 wireless offers testing, consultancy, development and training services to a wide range of industries as telecommunications, automotive, health, consumer electronics and safety around wireless, cellular technologies; in fact, AT4 wireless testing and certification laboratories have a leading position in the Connected Car and IoT markets.

Company:   AT4 wireless - a DEKRA company
Headquarters Address: P.T.A. C/ Severo Ochoa, 2
Málaga 29590
Main Telephone: +952619100

Type of Organization: Private
Industry: Telecommunications
Key Executives:

Managing Director: Fernando E. Hardasmal

COO: Andrés Morenos

Financial, Administration & RR.HH. Director: Laura Luque

Corporate Marketing
Contact: Belén García
Phone: +34952619309