More says Alvarez is “serial screw up” in high profile cases;
pattern of poor judgment and cover ups puts community on edge

Evidence and facts define the job
so truth matters in State’s Attorney race

CHICAGO--()--Before a packed house at the City Club of Chicago this morning, State’s Attorney candidate Donna More sounded alarm bells about a crisis of violence, fear, and distrust that has reached epidemic proportions in Cook County.

She told the Club’s crowd of business leaders, “I’ve been out there and, believe me, the tension is palpable. It’s in churches, businesses, and schools. It’s in city halls, police precincts, and county courts. It’s a virulent, deadly epidemic that is eating away at the … foundations of our community.”

The first-time candidate blamed the problem on incumbent State’s Attorney Anita Alvarez’ penchant for “serial screw-ups when it comes to high profile cases.”

She rattled off some of the notable ones: McDonald, Koschman, Sevrin, Farmer, Pinex, Glen View, Bogdalik, Williamson and said, “These constitute a pattern of poor judgment and cover ups that have put this community on the edge.”

More sharply criticized her other opponent before she outlined extensive plans to deal with gun violence, police shootings and mental health.

“Truth matters in this race because evidence and fact define the job,” More asserted. “If a candidate inflates her credentials, how can we trust her to be the chief prosecutor?

“In this day and age, where a football coach gets dismissed for inflating his resume, have we sunk so low that the standard bearer for truth and justice in our County can get away with such deceits?” More asked.

Party and machine endorsed candidate Kim Foxx has claimed that she tried hundreds of felony trials. A public record request by the Chicago Sun-Times revealed that she has tried just one felony and that she has never tried a murder case.

Following her speech, More said that voters have a choice on March 15. “They can mark their ballot for the incumbent’s incompetence or Foxx’s prevarication. Or they can support my independence.”


For Donna More
John Davis, 312.622.1246


For Donna More
John Davis, 312.622.1246