Airlines for America Statement on FAA Reauthorization Bill

Urges Congress to seize this historic opportunity to deliver the transformational ATC reform airline customers deserve

WASHINGTON--()--Airlines for America (A4A), the industry trade organization for the leading U.S. airlines, today applauded the introduction of legislation to reauthorize the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA), including transformational Air Traffic Control (ATC) reform.

The inefficiency of our current ATC system costs customers, airlines and our economy $30 billion annually in unnecessary delays. A4A and our members have consistently advocated for Congress to support transforming our nation’s Air Traffic Organization system into a federally chartered, self-funded, not-for-profit organization governed by a board inclusive of all stakeholders, including employee unions, general aviation and private fliers, and passengers.

“This is a historic day. We applaud the hard and diligent work the Committee has done to produce a bill that could accomplish for the National Air Space what others have only talked about for years, putting it at the forefront of aviation technology and innovation,” said A4A President and CEO Nicholas E. Calio. “A more efficient system with proper governance, funding and accountability will bolster our nation’s first-rate safety record and result in more choice, more direct trips, lower fuel consumption, reduced emissions and fewer flight delays. We share Chairman Shuster’s goal of seeing more air traffic controllers hired, making our system even safer, and most importantly, making flying better – and at no additional cost – for the traveling public.

“This legislation moves the 2 million passengers and 50,000 tons of cargo flying on U.S. airlines every day one step closer to the world-class ATC system that airline customers deserve,” Calio said.

Finally, Calio noted that, “The legislation is not perfect. We would like it to do more in some areas and less in others. But, this is only the beginning of the process, and the legislation marks the most significant reforms to the U.S. aviation system in decades and A4A pledges to continue working with Members of Congress and all industry stakeholders as the process moves forward.”


Annually, commercial aviation helps drive nearly $1.5 trillion in U.S. economic activity and more than 11 million U.S. jobs. Airlines for America (A4A) vigorously advocates on behalf of the American airline industry as a model of safety, customer service and environmental responsibility and as the indispensable network that drives our nation’s economy and global competitiveness.

America needs a cohesive National Airline Policy that will support the integral role the nation’s airlines play in connecting people and goods globally, spur the nation’s economic growth and create more high-paying jobs. A4A works collaboratively with the airlines, labor groups, Congress and the Administration to improve air travel for everyone.

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Airlines for America
Melanie Hinton, 202-626-4034
Managing Director, Airline Industry Public Relations and Communications
Vaughn Jennings, 202-626-4209
Managing Director, Government and Regulatory Communications
Jean Medina
Senior Vice President, Communications

Release Summary

A4A applauded the introduction of legislation to reauthorize the FAA, including transformational Air Traffic Control reform.


Airlines for America
Melanie Hinton, 202-626-4034
Managing Director, Airline Industry Public Relations and Communications
Vaughn Jennings, 202-626-4209
Managing Director, Government and Regulatory Communications
Jean Medina
Senior Vice President, Communications