Four Men and Women Have 10,000 Extra Reasons to Be Thankful after Winning $10,000 in National Health Challenge

Life Time Fall 90-Day Challenge Winners (Photo: Business Wire)

MINNEAPOLIS--()--Eric Scott of Omaha, Neb.; Danielle Gee of Humble, Texas; Chuck Tanner of Cary, N.C.; and Rachel Winston of Summerlin, Nev. all have 10,000 extra reasons to be thankful this holiday season after learning they were the winners of $10,000 in a national 90-Day Weight Loss and Transformation Challenge. Based on their significant weight loss or transformation, these four beat out nearly 32,000 others to claim a top spot in the fall competition with Life Time℠, The Healthy Way of Life Company.

Eric Scott, Omaha, Neb.

Eric was sitting in the doctor’s office with his wife Cait when the doctor passed along the news that she had been diagnosed with Thyroid cancer. He recalls, “So many thoughts ran through my mind. ‘I am 29 years old, have a one-year old daughter at home, and my wife has cancer? Is this a nightmare? How does this happen to her? Why wouldn’t this have happened to me, the guy who is 80 pounds overweight and has horrible eating habits? If this happens to my seemingly healthy wife, what is in store for me?’ That last thought is what changed my life.” Eric lost 100 pounds in 180 days and 60 pounds in the 90-Day Challenge, and now with his wife in remission and his family on the mend, he looks forward to his future. Read more from Eric here.

Danielle Gee, Humble, Texas

Danielle’s story is a familiar one. Danielle was aware she was overweight and unhealthy, but for years didn’t care enough to make it a priority. She was “uncomfortably content” and put her own needs on the backburner to everyone else’s. Feeling constantly tired, achy and going at any measure to hide her body, not to mention dealing with pregnancy-induced hypothyroidism and a condition where her abdominal muscles separated causing her to look 6 months pregnant, Danielle finally decided it was time to make a change. Danielle met with trainers at Life Time who encouraged her to join the 90-Day Challenge. Her new goals became: lowering her cholesterol, losing 30 pounds, no longer looking pregnant, fitting into her clothes and increasing her energy. In 90 days, Danielle met all of her goals, including a 57.68 percent change in body fat percent and finally, feels amazing. Read more from Danielle here.

Chuck Tanner, Cary, N.C.

For most of his life, Chuck was extremely physically active and able to operate at a high athletic level. But, two years ago, between having a child and life itself, Chuck found himself slowly falling out of the habit of taking care of himself. Chuck stopped going to the gym and paying attention to his diet, and ultimately gained 45 pounds in a short period of time. His noticed his energy levels had also decreased significantly. A month after he found out his A1C blood sugar levels indicated he was pre-diabetic and that he was considered medically obese with a BMI over 32, Chuck decided to join Life Time’s 90-Day Challenge. With the support of the personal trainers, he started working out more and completely changed his diet. At the end of the challenge, Chuck says his energy levels are back and his final weigh-in showed an 81.81 percent change in body fat percentage. “I feel awesome, my energy level is through the roof and all the bread and pasta in the world would not taste as good as being this fit and healthy feels.” Read more from Chuck here.

Rachel Winston, Summerlin, Nev.

After having one healthy, beautiful daughter, Rachel encountered secondary infertility issues. She resorted to two years of infertility treatments and gained more than 100 pounds, becoming depressed, despondent and frustrated with the fertility rollercoaster. Her doctor suggested she take a break from the treatments and focus on getting healthy again, and that’s just what she did. Rachel started with several assessments and learned how to fuel her body and work our smarter, not harder, and at the end of the 90-Day Challenge she had lost 88.6 pounds. But, most importantly, she says the challenge has given her the hope of possibly having another child. Read more from Rachel here.

Participants in the Fall Challenge lost a record-breaking 87,650 pounds across the country, making it the most successful in the Company’s history. And, in recognition of weight lost by all participants, $25,000 was donated to the Life Time Foundation, whose mission is to improve children’s health by improving school lunch nutrition.

To win this bi-annual competition, contenders are judged on percent change in weight (Weight Loss category) and percent change in body fat (Transformation category), along with before and after photos and a personal essay. Following a review of all 90-Day submissions by Life Time, the field was narrowed down to the top five men and top five women in each category. An online public vote determined the winners in each category to receive national titles and a $10,000 prize.

For more info on Life Time’s 90-Day Challenge, which has been going on since 2011 with more than 175,000 people having lost weight or transformed their bodies and losing over 462,000 pounds visit

*Results vary based on individual factors such as diet, genetic make-up and overall health. Please see your physician before beginning any new nutrition or exercise program.

About Life Time℠, The Healthy Way of Life Company

Life Time is a privately held, comprehensive health and lifestyle company that offers a personalized and scientific approach to long-term health and wellness. Through its portfolio of distinctive resort-like destinations, athletic events and corporate health services, the Healthy Way of Life Company helps members achieve their goals everyday with the support of a team of dedicated professionals and an array of proprietary health assessments. As of November 2015 the company operates 118 centers in 26 states and 35 major markets under the LIFE TIME FITNESS® and LIFE TIME ATHLETIC® brands in the United States and Canada. Additional information is available at


Life Time
Amy Henderson, 952-229-7721

Release Summary

Four men and women from across the country have 10,000 extra reasons to be thankful this holiday season after learning they are winners of a national 90-Day Weight Loss and Transformation Challenge.


Life Time
Amy Henderson, 952-229-7721