Concordia Maritime: Interim Report 1 January–30 September 2015

GÖTEBORG, Sweden--()--Regulatory News:

· Total income, Q3: SEK 209.7 (104.0) million 9 months: SEK 592.4 (405.4) million

· Result before tax, Q3: SEK 52.4 (–23.0) million 9 months: SEK 124.5 (29.2) million

· EBITDA, Q3: SEK 108.0 (22.3) million 9 months: SEK 289.7 (160.5) million

· Result per share after tax, Q3: SEK 1.10 (–0.57) 9 months: SEK 2.61 (0.53)

· The market exceeded expectations

· Renewed contract with a large international oil and gas company. The contract is being extended by twelve months for two vessels and also includes an additional vessel for six months.

After the end of the reporting period

· On 15 October, the Company took delivery of the IMOIIMAX vessel Stena Important. This means that the two IMOIIMAX tankers that were on order have now been delivered.

Key ratios

· Total income, SEK million 592.4 (405.4)

· EBITDA, SEK million 289.7 (160.5)

· EBITDA, USD million 34.4 (24.0)

· Operating result, SEK million 152.0 (54.2)

· Result after tax, SEK million 124.5 (25.3)

· Equity ratio, % 43 (43)

· Growth in equity, from prev. quarter, % 10 (14)

· Return on equity, % 6 (0)

· Available liquid funds, including unutilised credit facilities, SEK million 362.5 (358.3)

· Result per share after tax, SEK 2.61 (0.53)

· Equity per share, SEK 38.27 (30.9)

Distribution Our quarterly reports are no longer being printed for environmental reasons, but are only published digitally. Concordia Maritime's interim reports as well as additional financial information about the Company can be read or downloaded at our website

Concordia Maritime (STO:CCORB) is an international tanker shipping company. Our focus is on cost-effective and safe transportation of refined petroleum products and vegetable oils. The company’s B shares were admitted to trading on Nasdaq OMX Stockholm in 1984.

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Kim Ullman
Concordia Maritime AB
Tel: 46 31 855003
Mobile: 46 704 855003


Kim Ullman
Concordia Maritime AB
Tel: 46 31 855003
Mobile: 46 704 855003