Clinical Data Demonstrating Significant Improvements in Near and Intermediate Vision with ReVision Optics’ Raindrop Near Vision Inlay Published in Journal of Cataract Refractive Surgery

LAKE FOREST, Calif.--()--ReVision Optics, Inc. (RVO), a leader in implantable presbyopia-correcting corneal inlay technology, announces that clinical data on the company’s Raindrop® Near Vision Inlay was published in the peer-reviewed Journal of Cataract Refractive Surgery. The Raindrop Inlay is a microscopic hydrogel inlay designed to improve near and intermediate vision, thus reducing the need for reading glasses.

The article titled, “Range of refractive independence and mechanism of action of a corneal shape–changing hydrogel inlay: results and theory,” authored by Roger F. Steinert, MD, et al., reviewed data from a multi-center, prospective study that evaluated the visual acuity of 188 subjects with presbyopia who received the Raindrop Inlay in their non-dominant eye.

Study data showed improved visual acuity across the 2.0 D preoperative refractive range and improvement in task performance, independent of age and preoperative manifest refraction spherical equivalent (MRSE). In the Raindrop Inlay eye, the mean postoperative visual acuities were 20/25 for near vision, 20/25 for intermediate vision and 20/32 for distance vision. Binocularly, the subjects were all 20/25 at distance. Near task performance was also significantly improved postoperatively in both good and dim light, compared with preoperative levels.

“The Raindrop Inlay produced good visual acuity and performance from distance through near vision independent of the subject’s preoperative refraction (between -0.5 D to +1.5 D) or presbyopic age,” said Dr. Steinert, Chair of Ophthalmology and Director of the Gavin Herbert Eye Institute in Irvine, Calif. and a Medical Monitor for the Raindrop Inlay US FDA trial. “The Raindrop Inlay reshapes the cornea creating a near center that transitions to intermediate and distance resulting in full range of vision. We confirmed the findings in this study using visual acuity simulations. We also were very impressed with the high rate of satisfaction experienced by the Raindrop Inlay study subjects.”

“These study data clearly add to the growing body of evidence supporting the efficacy of the Raindrop Inlay in improving the near and intermediate vision without significant compromise in distance vision in with people with presbyopia,” said John Kilcoyne, RVO President and Chief Executive Officer. “We associate the high satisfaction rate found in this study with what we call the ‘WOW factor’ whereby post procedure, the subjects were very quickly able to perform near tasks without having to hunt for reading glasses.”

About the Raindrop Near Vision Inlay

The Raindrop Near Vision Inlay is placed in the cornea of the non-dominant eye during a 10-minute procedure. It is comprised of approximately 80% water and has a refractive index very similar to the cornea. It is as transparent as natural tears, therefore not restricting the amount of light reaching the retina. The gentle reshaping of the anterior curvature of the cornea provides for a natural restoration of near and intermediate vision.

About ReVision Optics

ReVision Optics, Inc. focuses on the development and commercialization of innovative optical solutions dedicated to presbyopic vision correction. RVO’s Raindrop Near Vision Inlay offers a unique, patented refractive surgery solution. The Inlay is designed to improve near vision that has been lost through the eye’s natural aging process called presbyopia. The Raindrop Inlay provides an ideally suited surgical option for near and intermediate vision enhancement. The Raindrop Inlay has received CE Mark approval.

CAUTION: Investigational device. Limited by U.S. (Federal) law to investigational use.


ReVision Optics
John Kilcoyne
President & CEO
Jody Cain, 310-691-7100


ReVision Optics
John Kilcoyne
President & CEO
Jody Cain, 310-691-7100