WGL Energy to Demonstrate Clean Energy Leadership at the 2015 Renewable Energy Markets (REM) Conference

ARLINGTON, Va.--()--WGL Energy will serve as the official city sponsor of the 20th annual 2015 Renewable Energy Markets (REM) Conference when it comes to town on October 18-20. WGL Energy provides natural gas, electricity, renewable energy, carbon reduction, distributed generation and energy efficiency to commercial, government and residential customers in Washington, D.C. and across the country.

Highlights of WGL Energy’s participation in the REM conference include:

  • Catholic University Solar Tour – WGL Energy will co-host a tour of one of the first large-scale campus solar installations in the region. Representing the first solar power purchase agreement in the District of Columbia, Catholic University partnered with WGL Energy and Standard Solar to install solar arrays in various location on its campus. During the tour, WGL Energy and Standard Solar experts will highlight the innovative features of the carport, electric vehicle charging stations, and rooftop arrays.
  • Power Table -- Dr. Louis Hutchinson, WGL’s vice president and chief revenue officer, will participate in the conference’s opening session, the “Power Table,” featuring senior industry executives who will discuss the landscape for renewable energy markets, organizational sustainability goals, and market growth opportunities.
  • Clean Power Plan Panel -- Bernice K. McIntyre, WGL Energy’s regulatory director, will moderate a panel addressing the role of renewable energy in reducing emissions as proposed by the Clean Power Plan. McIntyre will lead a discussion addressing topics such as tracking emissions reductions, avoiding double counting, the role of RECs and tracking systems, and managing interstate trading issues.
  • Green Product Marketing -- Alicia LaRoche, manager, green products for WGL Energy, will moderate a panel on green power marketing success stories. Panelists will be asked to share their stories from inspiration and development to overcoming roadblocks and final outcome.
  • Energy Trading -- Chris Leveriza, senior structure analyst and trader for WGL Energy, will moderate a panel addressing policy, pricing, trading activity and financing issues in PJM and the mid-Atlantic, perhaps the most dynamic and volatile renewable energy market in the country. Panelists will discuss supply and demand fundamentals in the PJM Tier I market and legislative/regulatory changes that may impact pricing.

The REM Conference will be held at the Hilton Crystal City in Arlington, Virginia. WGL Energy staff will be present to answer any energy-related questions.

About WGL Energy

WGL Energy delivers a full ecosystem of energy offerings including natural gas, electricity, renewable energy, carbon reduction, distributed generation and energy efficiency provided by WGL Energy Services, Inc. (formerly Washington Gas Energy Services, Inc.) and WGL Energy Systems, Inc. (formerly Washington Gas Energy Systems, Inc.). To learn more, visit us at www.wglenergy.com.

About WGL

WGL (NYSE: WGL), headquartered in Washington, D.C., is a leading source for clean, efficient and diverse energy solutions. With activities and assets across the U.S., WGL consists of Washington Gas, WGL Energy, WGL Midstream and Hampshire Gas. WGL provides natural gas, electricity, green power and energy services, including generation, storage, transportation, distribution, supply and efficiency. Our calling as a company is to make energy surprisingly easy for our employees, our community and all our customers. Whether you are a homeowner or renter, small business or multinational corporation, state and local or federal agency, WGL is here to provide Energy Answers. Ask Us. For more information, visit us at www.wgl.com. Follow us @wglanswers on Twitter or WGL on Linkedin.


WGL Energy
News Media:
Jim Monroe, 202-624-6620
Financial Community:
Douglas Bonawitz, 202-624-6129


WGL Energy
News Media:
Jim Monroe, 202-624-6620
Financial Community:
Douglas Bonawitz, 202-624-6129