Innsbruck U Vice-Rector Visits NCKU to Strengthen Collaboration

TAINAN, Taiwan--()--National Cheng Kung University (NCKU) in southern Taiwan and University of Innsbruck, Austria, signed an Exchange Student Agreement on the morning of August 24, for student exchange and academic collaboration.

NCKU Vice President Prof. Cheng-Hung Huang and University of Innsbruck Vice-Rector for student affairs and teaching Roland Psenner signed the agreement on behalf of the respective organizations.

In his welcome remark, Vice President Hwang said, “with the agreement we signed today and previous MoU, more opportunities for exchanges and cooperation and joint research and development in disciplines of mutual interest are expecting to be identified.”

Vice-Rector Psenner said, “I’m here to establish and strengthen the relationship we have already”.

Two schools signed a MoU in 2012 and since then student exchange program has started with two students each academic year.

Psenner indicated that Taiwan is the best country to start with as they are departing their Asian strategy.

After a guided tour on campus and the NCKU museum particularly, Psenner said, “I had an impression that I have learned so much in these three days.” “The longer I stayed here the more I realize that Austria and Taiwan and especially the area we have our universities situated has many similarities,” said Psenner.

“Because we are in a way squeeze us in between two cultures, Italian and German world, trying to forge our own culture and to find out in our own way,” he added.

“We have 40% foreign students already in Austria but we would like to have more students from Asia,” said Psenner.

Talking about the language barrier, Psenner noted that they have to enforce in their language institutes teaching of Japanese and Chinese.


National Cheng Kung University
Sonia Chuang, +886-6-275-7575 ext. 50042
News Center


National Cheng Kung University
Sonia Chuang, +886-6-275-7575 ext. 50042
News Center