DoD Secretary Briefs American Legion on Situations in Russia, Middle East During National Convention Address

BALTIMORE--()--Department of Defense Secretary Ashton Carter stressed on Tuesday that the United States never wants to go to war when issues arise with foreign countries. But Carter told delegates at the 97th American Legion National Convention that if there is no other option, the U.S. military is ready to take the necessary steps.

“We want peaceful solutions to all disputes,” Carter told Legionnaires in Baltimore. “But let me be clear: The United States will fly, sail and operate wherever international law allows, as we do all around the world.”

Carter specifically referenced situations going on in both Europe and the Middle East.

“We do not seek to make Russia an enemy,” he said. “But make no mistake: while Vladimir Putin may be intent on turning the clock back in Russia, he cannot turn the clock back in Europe. We will defend our allies… we will defend a rules-based international order, and we will defend the positive future that affords us.”

Calling the situation in the Middle East “complex,” Carter said the United States is focused on protecting its interests and allies, and defending U.S citizens.

“First, we will deliver a lasting defeat to ISIL,” Carter said. “With a global coalition of some 60 nations, we’re taking the fight to ISIL across the physical, virtual and ideological battle space as it requires. Our coalition has conducted over 6,500 airstrikes, severely hampering ISIL’s movement and operations and systematically eliminating this evil group’s leadership.

“Dealing ISIL a lasting defeat means that there must be capable, motivated, local forces on the ground to sustain the defeat. Otherwise we know from experience that ISIL will be defeated, but then five years, 10 years later, something like it will be back. The coalition and us, we can support such local forces, but we can’t substitute for them.”

Shifting to Iran, Carter said the nuclear deal is, “a good deal because once implemented, it will remove a critical source of risk and uncertainty in an important but tumultuous region: Iran’s ability to obtain a nuclear weapon. But while the deal puts limits on Iran, the point I want to make is the deal places no limits whatsoever on our military and our military option is real and will remain real. We will continue to protect our friends in the region, especially Israel, from Iran’s destabilizing activities.”

But Carter said that any military action needs to be completely justified because of those who will be asked to carry it out. “Our great responsibility is to make sure we never put a single one of America’s brave sons or daughters, or their families, in harm’s way without the greatest care and reflection about why we’re doing it and how it benefits our nation,” he said.


The American Legion
Henry Howard, 765-491-3545


The American Legion
Henry Howard, 765-491-3545