UBS Group AG confirms successful completion of SESTA procedure and payment date of supplementary dividend

UBS Group AG successfully completes SESTA procedure and holds 100% in UBS AG.

UBS AG's shares were traded the last time on SIX Swiss Exchange on 27 August 2015.

UBS Group AG to pay supplementary dividend of CHF 0.25 per share to its shareholders on 22 September 2015.


UBS AG and UBS Group AG (NYSE:UBS) (SWX:UBSN) announced on 19 August 2015 the successful completion of a procedure under article 33 of the Swiss Stock Exchange Act (the "SESTA Procedure"), pursuant to which all UBS AG shares that remained publicly held were cancelled and UBS Group AG shares were delivered as compensation. UBS Group AG initiated the SESTA Procedure after the successful completion of the 2014 exchange offer by UBS Group AG to acquire all issued shares of UBS AG.

The SESTA Procedure has now been successfully completed. Today, UBS Group AG holds 100% of the issued shares of UBS AG. The UBS AG shares traded on SIX Swiss Exchange for the last time on 27 August 2015. As a result only UBS Group AG shares are now traded on SIX Swiss Exchange and on the New York Stock Exchange.

As previously announced, UBS Group AG will distribute the supplementary dividend of CHF 0.25 per share, as approved by the 2015 Annual General Meeting on 7 May 2015, to UBS Group AG shareholders on 22 September 2015. The ex-dividend date for this supplementary dividend, meaning the date from which the UBS Group AG shares will be traded without the right to receive the supplementary dividend, will be 18 September 2015. The record date will be 21 September 2015. Every shareholder holding UBS Group AG shares on this date is entitled to receive the supplementary dividend on the UBS Group AG shares. The supplementary dividend will be paid out of capital contribution reserves. For US federal income tax purposes, UBS expects the dividend will be paid from current or accumulated earnings and profits.

UBS Group AG
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Category Code: MSC
Sequence Number: 482064
Time of Receipt (offset from UTC): 20150831T114745+0100


