IRI Beer Expert Provides 2015 Mid-Year Results on Beer Category and Craft Beer Segment




Dan Wandel, Principal, Beverage Alcohol, Client Insights, IRI



Beer category sales have improved in 2015, based on the strength of the import, craft and super-premium segments as well as new product offerings throughout the category. IRI beverage alcohol expert, Dan Wandel, will examine how the beer category and craft segment performed during the first half of 2015 in his presentation “2015 Craft Brewing & Mid-Year Category Sales Review” during the Brewers Association Power Hour interactive teleconference.



The craft segment continues to be one of the true success stories in the beverage alcohol industry for the past several years, and 2015 is no exception. Wandel’s presentation will take a closer look at where craft beers are succeeding and will address such critical questions as:
-- What are the mid-year sales trends for the beer category in 2015?
-- How is the beer category and craft segment performing in 2015?
-- What are the top-selling craft beer styles for the first half of 2015?
-- What are the hot new beer brands in 2015?
-- Which beverage alcohol defined vendors are driving craft sales growth?
-- What is happening in craft’s largest-selling style, IPA?
-- How are can packages selling within the craft segment?


Thursday, Sept. 3, 2015, 12 p.m. CT



Brewers Association Power Hour

Only Brewers Association members can participate. To pre-register, click here.

Beer Power Hour

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Shelley Hughes, +1 312.474.3675


Shelley Hughes, +1 312.474.3675