Merger Exchange Ratio


Merger exchange ratio for the merger of

db x-trackers S&P 500® Equal Weight UCITS ETF

db x-trackers FTSE All-World Ex UK UCITS ETF

(both being former sub-funds of the Merging Fund, the “Merging Sub-Funds”)


db x-trackers S&P 500® Equal Weight UCITS ETF (DR)

db x-trackers FTSE All-World ex UK UCITS ETF (DR)1

(both being sub-funds of the Receiving Fund, the “Receiving Sub-Funds”)

30 June 2015

The boards of directors of the Merging and Receiving Funds wish to announce that the merger of the Merging Sub-Funds into the Receiving Sub-Funds (the “Merger”) became effective on 26 June 2015 (the “Effective Date”). Further to the notification to shareholders in the Merging Sub-Funds dated 8 May 2015, the exchange ratio used to calculate the number of shares in the relevant Receiving Sub-Fund(s) issued to former shareholders of the Merging Sub-Fund(s) was as follows:

Merging Sub-Fund ISIN-code

NAV per share2 In the currency of the relevant Merging Sub-Fund as of 26 June 2015

Receiving Sub-Fund ISIN-code

NAV per share3 In the currency of the relevant Receiving Sub-Fund as of 26 June 2015

Merger Exchange Ratio4 Merger Exchange Ratio – the number of shares of the relevant Receiving Sub-Fund received for each share of the respective Merging Sub-Fund

db x-trackers S&P 500® Equal Weight UCITS ETF Class 1C: LU0659579493 38.5590 db x-trackers S&P 500® Equal Weight UCITS ETF (DR) Class 1C:


38.8831 0.9916649
db x-trackers FTSE All-World Ex UK UCITS ETF Class 1C: LU0322254383 36.0180 db x-trackers FTSE All-World ex UK UCITS ETF (DR)1 Class 1C:


36.1484 0.9963941

The Merging Sub-Funds have been delisted from each of the relevant exchanges.

The time(s) at which shareholders of the relevant Merging Sub-Fund(s) will receive shares in the corresponding Receiving Sub-Fund(s) will depend on the timeframes and arrangement agreed between shareholders and their custodian, broker and/or relevant central securities depositary for processing such corporate actions.

Shareholders who have any queries or to whom any of the above is not clear should seek advice from their stockbroker, bank manager, legal adviser, accountant or other independent financial advisor. Shareholders should also consult their own professional advisers as to the specific tax implications under the laws of the countries of their nationality, residence, domicile or incorporation.

Any further information in relation to the Merger may be obtained from the legal entities mentioned under ‘contact information’ or by sending an email to

db x-trackers & Concept Fund Solutions plc

The Boards of Directors

Contact Information

db x-trackers

49, avenue J.F. Kennedy, L-1855 Luxembourg, Grand Duchy of Luxembourg

Deutsche Asset & Wealth Management Investment S.A.

2, boulevard Konrad Adenauer, L-1115 Luxembourg, Grand Duchy of Luxembourg

Concept Fund Solutions plc

78 Sir John Rogerson’s Quay, Dublin 2, Ireland

1 On the Effective Date, the Receiving Sub-Fund was renamed from db x-trackers FTSE All-World ex UK UCITS ETF (Prospective DR)

2 In the currency of the relevant Merging Sub-Fund as of 26 June 2015

3 In the currency of the relevant Receiving Sub-Fund as of 26 June 2015

4 Merger Exchange Ratio – the number of shares of the relevant Receiving Sub-Fund received for each share of the respective Merging Sub-Fund

Category Code: MSC
Sequence Number: 472739
Time of Receipt (offset from UTC): 20150630T085607+0100


Concept Fund Solutions


Concept Fund Solutions