Form 8.3 - BG GROUP PLC


FORM 8.3



Rule 8.3 of the Takeover Code (the “Code”)


(a)   Full name of discloser:   Barclays PLC.
(b) Owner or controller of interest and short
  positions disclosed, if different from 1(a):  
(c) Name of offeror/offeree in relation to whose BG GROUP PLC
  relevant securities this form relates:  
(d) If an exempt fund manager connected with an
offeror/offeree, state this and specify identity of
(e) Date position held/dealing undertaken: 27 May 2015
(f) In addition to the company in 1(c) above, is the discloser making YES:
  disclosures in respect of any other party to the offer? ROYAL DUTCH SHELL PLC


If there are positions or rights to subscribe to disclose in more than one class of relevant securities of the offeror or offeree named in 1(c), copy table 2(a) or (b) (as appropriate) for each additional class of relevant security.

(a) Interests and short positions in the relevant securities of the offeror or offeree to which the disclosure relates following the dealing (if any)

Class of relevant security:   ORD
  Interests   Short Positions
    Number   (%) Number   (%)
(1) Relevant securities owned
and/or controlled: 24,912,072 0.73% 12,971,631 0.38%
(2) Cash-settled derivatives:
6,523,157 0.19% 7,306,062 0.21%
(3) Stock-settled derivatives (including options)
and agreements to purchase/sell: 0 0.00% 0 0.00%
TOTAL: 31,435,229 0.92% 20,277,693 0.59%

All interests and all short positions should be disclosed.

Details of any open stock-settled derivative positions (including traded options), or agreements to purchase or sell relevant securities, should be given on a Supplemental Form 8 (Open Positions).

(b) Rights to subscribe for new securities (including directors’ and other employee options)

Class of relevant security in relation to which subscription right exists:  
Details, including nature of the rights concerned and relevant percentages:  


Where there have been dealings in more than one class of relevant securities of the offeror or offeree named in 1(c), copy table 3(a), (b), (c) or (d) (as appropriate) for each additional class of relevant security dealt in.

The currency of all prices and other monetary amounts should be stated.

(a) Purchases and sales

Class of relevant   Purchase/sale   Number of   Price per unit
security   securities  
ORD Purchase 58 11.4075 GBP
ORD Purchase 627 11.4425 GBP
ORD Purchase 628 11.3975 GBP
ORD Purchase 1,055 11.4125 GBP
ORD Purchase 2,096 11.4015 GBP
ORD Purchase 2,735 11.4050 GBP
ORD Purchase 3,209 11.3820 GBP
ORD Purchase 3,283 11.3800 GBP
ORD Purchase 4,079 11.4100 GBP
ORD Purchase 5,141 11.3950 GBP
ORD Purchase 5,768 11.3500 GBP
ORD Purchase 6,114 11.3952 GBP
ORD Purchase 6,849 11.3750 GBP
ORD Purchase 7,070 11.4350 GBP
ORD Purchase 7,467 11.4098 GBP
ORD Purchase 8,158 11.4300 GBP
ORD Purchase 8,397 11.3850 GBP
ORD Purchase 8,904 11.4400 GBP
ORD Purchase 9,716 11.4150 GBP
ORD Purchase 12,753 11.4450 GBP
ORD Purchase 13,025 11.4250 GBP
ORD Purchase 13,947 11.3877 GBP
ORD Purchase 14,712 11.4039 GBP
ORD Purchase 14,926 11.3996 GBP
ORD Purchase 18,124 11.3900 GBP
ORD Purchase 24,255 11.3968 GBP
ORD Purchase 26,946 11.4200 GBP
ORD Purchase 38,456 11.4080 GBP
ADR Purchase 42,800 17.6405 USD
ORD Purchase 47,394 11.4198 GBP
ORD Purchase 82,976 11.4228 GBP
ORD Purchase 111,639 11.4117 GBP
ORD Purchase 115,000 11.3986 GBP
ORD Purchase 135,266 11.4142 GBP
ORD Purchase 200,000 11.4137 GBP
ADR Purchase 276,600 17.5819 USD
ORD Purchase 430,287 11.4148 GBP
ORD Purchase 771,241 11.4000 GBP
ORD Sale 45 11.3818 GBP
ORD Sale 61 11.4256 GBP
ORD Sale 70 11.4165 GBP
ORD Sale 88 11.3962 GBP
ORD Sale 97 11.4157 GBP
ORD Sale 99 11.4007 GBP
ORD Sale 117 11.4168 GBP
ORD Sale 173 11.3918 GBP
ORD Sale 204 11.3806 GBP
ORD Sale 294 11.4095 GBP
ORD Sale 300 11.4005 GBP
ORD Sale 356 11.4257 GBP
ORD Sale 505 11.3525 GBP
ORD Sale 525 11.3550 GBP
ORD Sale 625 11.3956 GBP
ORD Sale 627 11.4425 GBP
ORD Sale 628 11.3975 GBP
ORD Sale 700 11.4255 GBP
ORD Sale 734 11.4022 GBP
ORD Sale 1,055 11.4125 GBP
ORD Sale 1,094 11.3906 GBP
ORD Sale 1,229 11.4000 GBP
ORD Sale 1,260 11.3905 GBP
ORD Sale 1,300 11.3960 GBP
ORD Sale 1,425 11.4336 GBP
ORD Sale 1,925 11.4205 GBP
ORD Sale 1,950 11.4118 GBP
ORD Sale 2,200 11.4155 GBP
ORD Sale 2,500 11.4536 GBP
ORD Sale 2,735 11.4050 GBP
ORD Sale 2,820 11.4218 GBP
ORD Sale 3,283 11.3800 GBP
ORD Sale 3,410 11.3955 GBP
ORD Sale 4,159 11.4375 GBP
ORD Sale 4,464 11.4011 GBP
ORD Sale 5,141 11.3950 GBP
ORD Sale 5,550 11.4210 GBP
ORD Sale 6,835 11.3642 GBP
ORD Sale 6,892 11.4013 GBP
ORD Sale 7,070 11.4350 GBP
ORD Sale 8,158 11.4300 GBP
ORD Sale 8,579 11.3850 GBP
ORD Sale 8,740 11.4365 GBP
ORD Sale 8,904 11.4400 GBP
ORD Sale 9,716 11.4150 GBP
ORD Sale 10,398 11.4099 GBP
ORD Sale 13,025 11.4250 GBP
ORD Sale 13,987 11.3835 GBP
ORD Sale 14,079 11.4100 GBP
ORD Sale 23,843 11.4217 GBP
ORD Sale 26,946 11.4200 GBP
ORD Sale 27,048 11.4234 GBP
ORD Sale 27,721 11.4159 GBP
ORD Sale 28,444 11.4236 GBP
ORD Sale 34,148 11.3804 GBP
ORD Sale 36,107 11.3900 GBP
ORD Sale 40,920 11.4018 GBP
ADR Sale 42,800 17.6405 USD
ORD Sale 65,030 11.4143 GBP
ORD Sale 69,337 11.4450 GBP
ORD Sale 71,812 11.4119 GBP
ORD Sale 76,713 11.4139 GBP
ORD Sale 79,472 11.4184 GBP
ORD Sale 100,000 11.4062 GBP
ORD Sale 101,480 11.4132 GBP
ORD Sale 101,875 11.4087 GBP
ORD Sale 110,355 11.4134 GBP
ORD Sale 133,925 11.4090 GBP
ORD Sale 157,316 11.4327 GBP
ADR Sale 276,600 17.5819 USD
ORD Sale 282,613 11.4201 GBP
ORD Sale 304,381 11.3750 GBP

(b) Cash-settled derivative transactions

Class of   Product   Nature of dealing   Number of   Price per
relevant description reference unit
security     securities  
ORD SWAP Long 2,422 11.4145 GBP
ORD CFD Long 4,159 11.4375 GBP
ORD CFD Long 4,464 11.4011 GBP
ORD CFD Long 9,746 11.3934 GBP
ORD CFD Long 10,398 11.4099 GBP
ORD CFD Long 16,887 11.4198 GBP
ORD SWAP Long 27,539 11.4117 GBP
ORD CFD Long 27,721 11.4159 GBP
ORD CFD Long 26,882 11.3942 GBP
ORD SWAP Long 61,534 11.4446 GBP
ORD CFD Long 133,925 11.4090 GBP
ORD CFD Long 138,295 11.4245 GBP
ORD CFD Long 344,430 11.4102 GBP
ORD CFD Short 2,096 11.4015 GBP
ORD CFD Short 2,630 11.4365 GBP
ORD SWAP Short 10,321 11.4063 GBP
ORD CFD Short 19,795 11.4448 GBP
ORD CFD Short 21,400 11.4312 GBP
ORD SWAP Short 27,761 11.4108 GBP
ORD SWAP Short 44,656 11.4132 GBP
ORD CFD Short 47,311 11.4373 GBP
ORD SWAP Short 82,976 11.4228 GBP
ORD CFD Short 115,000 11.3986 GBP
ORD SWAP Short 200,000 11.4137 GBP
ORD CFD Short 551,312 11.4116 GBP

(c) Stock-settled derivative transactions (including options)

(i) Writing, selling, purchasing or varying

Class of relevant security   Product description e.g. call option   Writing, purchasing, selling, varying etc.   Number of securities to which option relates   Exercise price per unit   Type

e.g. American, European etc.

  Expiry date   Option money paid/ received per unit

(ii) Exercise

Class of relevant security   Product description

e.g. call option

  Exercising/ exercised against   Number of securities   Exercise price per unit

(d) Other dealings (including subscribing for new securities)

Class of relevant security   Nature of dealing

e.g. subscription, conversion

  Details   Price per unit (if applicable)


(a) Indemnity and other dealing arrangements

Details of any indemnity or option arrangement, or any agreement or understanding, formal or informal, relating to relevant securities which may be an inducement to deal or refrain from dealing entered into by the person making the disclosure and any party to the offer or any person acting in concert with a party to the offer:

Irrevocable commitments and letters of intent should not be included. If there are no such agreements, arrangements or understandings, state “none”

(b) Agreements, arrangements or understandings relating to options or derivatives

Details of any agreement, arrangement or understanding, formal or informal, between the person making the disclosure and any other person relating to:

(i) the voting rights of any relevant securities under any option; or

(ii) the voting rights or future acquisition or disposal of any relevant securities to which any derivative is referenced:

If there are no such agreements, arrangements or understandings, state “none”

(c) Attachments

Is a Supplemental Form 8 (Open Positions) attached?   NO
Date of disclosure: 28 May 2015
Contact name: Jay Supaya
Telephone number: 020 7773 0635

Public disclosures under Rule 8 of the Code must be made to a Regulatory Information Service and must also be emailed to the Takeover Panel at The Panel’s Market Surveillance Unit is available for consultation in relation to the Code’s disclosure requirements on +44 (0)20 7638 0129.

The Code can be viewed on the Panel’s website at

Category Code: RET
Sequence Number: 467839
Time of Receipt (offset from UTC): 20150528T143902+0100


