J.D. Power Reports:
In-store Sales Representative is a Key Driver
In Delivering an Outstanding Wireless Purchase Experience

Virgin Mobile Ranks Highest in Wireless Purchase Experience Satisfaction

TORONTO--()--Despite the prevalence of online shopping, the in-store experience and sales representative interaction are still the key drivers of an outstanding wireless purchase experience, according to the J.D. Power 2015 Canadian Wireless Purchase Experience StudySM released today.

The study examines wireless carriers’ performance across sales-related activities in-store, over the phone and online. Satisfaction is measured in six factors: store representative; online purchase; phone purchase; facility; offerings and promotions; and cost of service. Overall wireless purchase experience satisfaction is 752 on a 1,000-point scale.

Customers are looking for simplicity when purchasing wireless products and services. An outstanding in-store experience is one in which sales representatives display knowledge, professionalism and genuine concern for customer needs. Satisfaction with the purchase experience is substantially higher when store representatives take the time to explain or demonstrate device operations than when they don’t (799 vs. 692, respectively); thank customers for their business (786 vs. 662, respectively); and inform them about potential extra charges (803 vs. 700, respectively).

“Wireless carriers need to consider that the sales rep is the face of the organization,” said Adrian Chung, account director at J.D. Power. “The interaction between a customer and their sales rep during a transaction or store visit can have a significant impact on purchase experience satisfaction and shape their overall perception of the brand. Looking ahead, this can also influence a customer’s decision-making process whether to stay with their current carrier or seek out alternatives when they are in the market for a new device or need to renew their contract.”


  • On average, 67 per cent of wireless customers who have made a purchase during the past six months visit a store to complete a transaction. Among customers visiting a store, 50 per cent do so to change an existing service plan or feature and 39 per cent to purchase a phone.
  • For the in-store channel, satisfaction is higher among customers who wait less than a minute (813) to speak with a representative than among those who wait one to four minutes (767). Satisfaction declines further as wait times become even longer—five to 14 minutes (728), and 15 minutes or more (681). Nearly one-fourth (24 per cent) of customers wait less than a minute to speak to a store representative.
  • Satisfaction is higher when in-store reps spend more time providing an explanation of device operations: 10 minutes or more (799); five to nine minutes (774); within one to four minutes (749); or less than one minute (710). More than one-third (38 per cent) of customers receive an explanation about device operations that lasts 10 minutes or more.
  • Overall satisfaction with the purchase experience can influence customer loyalty and advocacy. On average, 83 per cent of “delighted” customers (overall satisfaction scores of 900 or higher) say they “definitely will” shop at the same store and 84 per cent say they “definitely will” recommend the store they visited during their last purchase. In comparison, only seven per cent of “displeased” customers (scores of 549 or lower) say they “definitely will” shop at the same store and seven per cent say they “definitely will” recommend the store they visited.

Wireless Carrier Rankings

Virgin Mobile ranks highest in purchase experience satisfaction with a score of 789 and performs particularly well in the store representative factor. SaskTel (776) ranks second, followed by Koodo Mobile (774).

The 2015 Canadian Wireless Purchase Experience Study is based on responses from more than 5,000 wireless customers. The study was fielded in October-November 2014 (Wave 1) and March 2015 (Wave 2).

Overall Customer Satisfaction Index Ranking


J.D. Power.com Power Circle RatingsTM

(Based on a 1,000-point scale)

For Consumers

Virgin Mobile







Koodo Mobile



TELUS Mobility



Industry Average



WIND Mobile






Bell Mobility



Rogers Wireless



Note: Included in the study but not ranked due to market share are MTS Mobility and Videotron.

Power Circle Ratings Legend
5 – Among the best
4 – Better than most
3 – About average
2 – The rest

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Cohn & Wolfe
Beth Daniher,647-259-3279
Gal Wilder,647-259-3261
J.D. Power
John Tews, 248-680-6218

Release Summary

J.D. Power's 2015 Wireless Purchase Experience Study shares insights on Canadians' satisfaction levels with their wireless carrier's performance across sales-related activities.


Cohn & Wolfe
Beth Daniher,647-259-3279
Gal Wilder,647-259-3261
J.D. Power
John Tews, 248-680-6218