Final Results


This announcement is for our U.S.$5,000,000,000 Euro Medium Term Note Programme

Consolidated Financial Results for the Year Ended March 31, 2015 [IFRS]  
Tokyo, May 8, 2015 - Mitsui & Co., Ltd. announced its consolidated financial results for the year ended March 31, 2015, based on International Financial Reporting Standards ("IFRS").
Mitsui & Co., Ltd. and subsidiaries

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Representative Director and Executive Vice President : Masayuki Kinoshita
Investor Relations Contacts : Michihiro Nose, General Manager, Investor Relations Division TEL 81-3-3285-7533
1. Consolidated financial results
(1) Consolidated operating results information for the year ended March 31, 2015
(from April 1, 2014 to March 31, 2015)
Years ended March 31,
2015     2014  
                                            %           %
Revenue                       Millions of yen 5,404,930       △ 5.7   5,731,918       16.7
Profit before income taxes             Millions of yen 431,827       △ 21.6   550,517       7.6
Profit for the year                   Millions of yen 326,924       △ 12.6   373,863       18.2
Profit for the year attributable to owners of the parent Millions of yen 306,490       △ 12.5   350,093       18.0
Comprehensive income for the year         Millions of yen 439,272       △ 21.1   556,973       △ 20.8
Earnings per share attributable to owners of the parent, basic Yen     170.98       192.22      
Earnings per share attributable to owners of the parent, diluted Yen     170.95       192.21      
Profit ratio to equity attributable to owners of the parent %       7.7       9.7      
Profit before income taxes to total assets     %       3.6           4.9        
1. Percentage figures for Revenue, Profit before income taxes, Profit for the year, Profit for the year attributable to owners of the parent,

and Comprehensive income for the year represent changes from the previous year.

2. Share of profit of investments accounted for using the equity method for the years ended March 31, 2015 and 2014 were ¥144,596 million

and ¥171,239 million, respectively.

(2) Consolidated financial position information
March 31, 2015 March 31, 2014
Total assets                     Millions of yen 12,202,921         11,491,319        
Total equity                     Millions of yen 4,397,374         4,100,304        
Total equity attributable to owners of the parent   Millions of yen 4,099,795         3,815,767        
Equity attributable to owners of the parent ratio   %       33.6         33.2        
Equity per share attributable to owners of the parent Yen     2,287.17         2,128.73        
(3) Consolidated cash flow information
Years ended March 31,      
                                    2015       2014      
Operating activities                 Millions of yen 639,967         449,243        
Investing activities                 Millions of yen (386,397)         (659,818)        
Financing activities                 Millions of yen (126,193)         (13,237)        
Cash and cash equivalents at the end of the year Millions of yen 1,400,770         1,226,317        
2. Dividend information          
      Years ended March 31, Year ending March 31, 2016 (Forecast)
                                          2015     2014      
Interim dividend per share                 Yen     32       25       32
Year-end dividend per share               Yen     32       34       32
Annual dividend per share                 Yen     64       59       64
Annual dividend (total)                   Millions of yen 114,737       106,590        
Consolidated dividend payout ratio           %       37.4       30.7       47.8
Consolidated dividend on equity attributable to owners of the parent %       2.9       2.9        
3. Forecast of consolidated operating results for the year ending March 31, 2016 (from April 1, 2015 to March 31, 2016)
Year ending

March 31, 2016

Profit attributable to owners of the parent                 Millions of yen 240,000        
Earnings per share attributable to owners of the parent, basic     Yen     133.89        
4. Others
(1) Increase/decrease of important subsidiaries during the period : None
(2) Changes in accounting policies and accounting estimate :
(i) Changes in accounting policies required by IFRS None
(ii) Other changes None
(iii) Changes in accounting estimates Yes
Note :
For further details please refer to page 29 "5. Consolidated Financial Statements (7) Changes in Accounting Estimates".
(3) Number of shares :
                                  March 31, 2015 March 31, 2014
Number of shares of common stock issued, including treasury stock 1,796,514,127           1,829,153,527          
Number of shares of treasury stock           3,995,027           36,641,439          
                                  Year ended

March 31, 2015

Year ended

March 31, 2014

Average number of shares of common stock outstanding 1,792,516,185           1,821,338,844          
Disclosure Regarding Annual Audit Procedures:
As of the date of disclosure of this earnings report, an audit of the annual financial statements is being carried out in accordance
with the Financial Instruments and Exchange Act.
A Cautionary Note on Forward-Looking Statements:
This report contains forward-looking statements including those concerning future performance of Mitsui & Co., Ltd. ("Mitsui"), and those
statements are based on Mitsui's current assumptions, expectations and beliefs in light of the information currently possessed by it. Various factors
may cause Mitsui's actual results to be materially different from any future performance expressed or implied by these forward-looking statements.
Therefore, these statements do not constitute a guarantee by Mitsui that such future performance will be realized.
For key assumptions on which the statements concerning future performance are based, please refer to (2) "Forecasts for the Year Ending
March 31, 2016" on p.19. For cautionary notes with respect to forward-looking statements, please refer to the "Notice" section on p.22.
Supplementary materials and IR meeting on financial results:
Supplementary materials on financial results can be found on our web site.
We will hold an IR meeting for analysts and institutional investors on financial results on May 11, 2015.
Contents of the meeting (English and Japanese) will be posted on our web site immediately after the meeting.

Table of Contents

1. Qualitative Information

(1) Operating Environment……………………………………………………………………...………….….2

(2) Results of Operations………………………………………………………………………………………2

(3) Financial Condition and Cash Flows……………………………………………………………………..14

2. Management Policies

(1) Progress with the New Medium-term Management Plan..…………………………………...…………..19

(2) Forecasts for the Year Ending March 31, 2016………..……………………………………...………….19

(3) Profit Distribution Policy….……………………………………………………………………………...22

3. Basic Approach on Adoption of Accounting Standards……………………………………………….....22

4. Other Information……………………………………………………………………………………….....22

5. Consolidated Financial Statements

(1) Consolidated Statements of Financial Position.........................................................................................24

(2) Consolidated Statements of Income and Comprehensive Income............................................................26

(3) Consolidated Statements of Changes in Equity.........................................................................................27

(4) Consolidated Statements of Cash Flows....................................................................................................28

(5) Assumption for Going Concern.................................................................................................................28

(6) Basis of Consolidated Financial Statements.............................................................................................29

(7) Changes in Accounting Estimates..............................................................................................................29

(8) Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements............................................................................................30

1. Qualitative Information

As of the date of disclosure of this earnings report, the audit procedures for consolidated financial statements have not been completed.

(1) Operating Environment

The following is an overview of the operating environment for the year ended March 31, 2015, and hereafter.

Overall, the global economy recovered moderately, driven by firm economic growth in the United States.

In the United States economy, well-balanced growth was observed owing to steadily improving employment, gradual recovery in the housing market, wealth effect generated by higher stock and land prices, and strong corporate earnings. In the Japanese economy, in spite of two consecutive quarters of negative growth owing to the prolonged impact of the consumption tax hike, the economy recovered, though moderately, thanks to improvement in the export sector due to a weaker yen, a steady improvement in the employment and income environments, and other factors.

In the European economy, despite flat growth owing partly to a harsh employment environment, there were positive trends supporting the economy going forward, as quantitative easing by the European Central Bank led to lower interest rates, a weaker euro, and higher stock prices.

In the Chinese economy, despite the support of monetary easing and other policies, a restraint over excess production capacity and a softer real estate market have led to a slowdown in the economic growth rate. In other emerging economies, in resource importing countries such as India, purchasing power is increasing with the fall in commodity markets, and lower interest rates caused by moderating inflationary pressure is creating a virtuous cycle in the economy. In resource exporting countries, where there are delays in improving fundamentals such as current account deficits and fiscal deficits, the fall in commodities markets has led to a considerable dampening of growth.

The spot reference price for iron ore CFR North China (Fe 62%) continued to show a downward trend, falling near the US$50-per-ton level, due to lower growth rates in the Chinese economy. With OPEC showing no signs of curbing production despite a slowdown in the growth of global oil demand, the Dubai Crude spot price sharpened its downward trend from October onward, and plunged below US$50-per-barrel.

Looking forward, the global economy faces risk factors including the Chinese economy slowing more than expected, capital outflowing from emerging countries triggered by an interest rate hike in the United States and a further sharp fall in resource prices, and the debt crisis in Greece becoming more severe. Despite these risk factors, the global economy is expected to continue to recover moderately, supported by the economic recovery in the United States spreading to other countries, the purchasing power of resource importing countries increasing due to the fall in commodities markets, and a continuing relaxed financial environment in developed countries, even considering an interest rate hike in the United States.

(2) Results of Operations

1) Analysis of Consolidated Income Statements


Mitsui & Co., Ltd. (“Mitsui”) and its subsidiaries (collectively “we”) recorded total revenue of ¥5,404.9 billion for the year ended March 31, 2015 (“current year”), a decline of ¥327.0 billion from ¥5,731.9 billion for the year ended March 31, 2014 (“previous year”).

  • Revenue from sales of products for the current year was ¥4,815.2 billion, a decline of ¥391.6 billion from ¥5,206.8 billion for the previous year, as a result of the following:
  • The Energy Segment reported a decline of ¥478.4 billion. Petroleum trading operations recorded a decline of ¥305.1 billion due to a decrease in trading volume and the sale of Mitsui Oil Co., Ltd. resulted in a decline of ¥227.9 billion. Meanwhile, oil and gas producing operations recorded an increase of ¥41.8 billion reflecting higher production volume. MMGS Inc., a gas distribution subsidiary in the United States, also reported an increase of ¥27.0 billion due to an increase in sales volume.
  • The Iron & Steel Products Segment reported a decline of ¥56.7 billion. Shipments of line pipe to LNG projects had been almost completed by the end of the previous year, and trading volume of other steel products also decreased.
  • The Americas Segment reported an increase of ¥124.0 billion due to an increase in trading volume of soybean.
  • Revenue from rendering of services for the current year was ¥432.1 billion, an increase of ¥16.7 billion from ¥415.4 billion for the previous year.
  • Other revenue for the current year was ¥157.7 billion, an increase of ¥47.9 billion from ¥109.8 billion for the previous year. Petroleum trading operations in the Energy Segment recorded an increase of ¥18.9 billion due to valuation of derivatives related to market fluctuations, and the commodity derivatives trading business at Mitsui recorded an increase in other revenue corresponding to a deterioration of ¥9.5 billion in the foreign exchange gains and losses posted in other expenses.

Gross Profit

Gross profit for the current year was ¥845.8 billion, a decline of ¥34.3 billion from ¥880.1 billion for the previous year.

  • The Mineral & Metal Resources Segment reported a decline of ¥54.8 billion. Iron ore mining operations in Australia reported a decline of ¥53.1 billion due to lower iron ore prices, which was partially offset by the positive impact of exchange rate fluctuations, higher sales volume, an increase in income from infrastructure usage and cost reductions.
  • The Iron & Steel Products Segment reported a decline of ¥13.1 billion. Shipments of line pipe to LNG projects had been almost completed by the end of the previous year, and trading volume of other steel products also decreased.
  • The Chemicals Segment reported a decline of ¥10.4 billion. P.T. Kaltim Pasifik Amoniak, an ammonia producer in Indonesia, reported a decline of ¥10.4 billion due to completion of business at the end of the previous year as a result of an asset transfer under the build-operate-transfer (BOT) contract.
  • The Machinery & Infrastructure Segment reported an increase of ¥15.4 billion, attributable to an increase in trading volume of newly built and second-hand ships as well as recognition of commission relevant to overseas plant projects.
  • The Innovation & Corporate Development Segment reported an increase of ¥14.8 billion. The commodity derivatives trading business at Mitsui recorded an increase in gross profit corresponding to a deterioration of ¥9.5 billion in the foreign exchange gains and losses posted in other expense. Furthermore, Mitsui & Co. Commodity Risk Management Ltd. reported an increase of ¥6.1 billion due to the recovery of underperforming trading of derivatives for the previous year.
  • The Americas Segment reported an increase of ¥13.9 billion. Novus International, Inc. reported an increase of ¥12.5 billion reflecting higher sales prices of methionine.

Other Income (Expenses)

Selling, General and Administrative Expenses

Selling, general and administrative expenses for the current year were ¥584.6 billion, an increase of ¥9.7 billion from ¥574.9 billion for the previous year. The table below provides a breakdown of selling, general and administrative expenses used in accordance with our internal control.

Gain on securities and other investments—net

Gain on securities and other investments for the current year was ¥42.5 billion, an increase of ¥11.7 billion from ¥30.8 billion for the previous year.

  • For the current year, a ¥12.0 billion gain on sale of a stake in relation to aviation business was recorded. Also, ¥9.1 billion and ¥6.5 billion gains on the sales of the stakes in Silver Bell Mining, LLC and Shanghai Senmao International Real Estate Co., Ltd. were recorded, respectively. Furthermore, due to the partial sale of shares in TPV Technology Limited, a ¥6.2 billion gain on the sale of shares and valuation on retained shares was recorded in total. MBK Real Estate LLC recorded a ¥4.9 billion gain on sales of a stake related to senior living business.
  • For the previous year, a gain on the sale of shares in Mitsui Oil Co., Ltd. for ¥11.3 billion and a ¥4.1billion gain on sale of shares in a port terminal company in Brazil by Multigrain Trading AG were recorded. Also, a ¥5.4 billion valuation gain on the investment in Nippon Steel Trading Co., Ltd. due to discontinuance of applying the equity method of accounting resulting from the merger with Sumikin Bussan Corporation was recorded. Furthermore, an ¥8.4 billion gain due to a reversal of impairment loss on shares in Penske Automotive Group, Inc., reflecting a rise in the share price, and a ¥4.4 billion impairment loss on shares in TPV Technology Limited reflecting a decline in the share price were recorded. An impairment loss of ¥2.6 billion was recorded on the investment in SCM Minera Lumina Copper Chile, the project company for the Caserones Copper Mine.

Impairment Loss of Fixed Assets

Impairment loss of fixed assets for the current year was ¥79.9 billion, a deterioration of ¥19.9 billion from ¥60.0 billion for the previous year.

  • Reflecting the decline in oil prices, Mitsui E&P Texas LP recorded an impairment loss of ¥58.9 billion related to Eagle Ford shale oil and gas producing operations and Mitsui E&P UK Limited recorded an impairment loss of ¥13.8 billion related to oil and gas fields in the North Sea for the current year.
  • For the previous year, Mitsui Coal Holdings Pty. Ltd. recorded an impairment loss of ¥39.3 billion related to coal mines mainly attributable to a decline in coal price. Furthermore, Mitsui E&P Texas LP recorded an impairment loss of ¥14.2 billion related to Eagle Ford shale oil and gas producing operations mainly attributable to a review of the production estimates.

Gain on Disposal or Sales of Fixed Assets—Net

Gain on disposal or sales of fixed assets for the current year was ¥1.4 billion, a decline of ¥15.0 billion from ¥16.4 billion for the previous year.

  • There were miscellaneous small transactions for the current year.
  • For the previous year, Mitsui E&P Middle East B.V. and Mitsui E&P Australia Pty Limited recorded a gain on sales of interests in oil fields in Egypt and New Zealand, respectively, totaling ¥6.2 billion. Furthermore, Bussan Real Estate Co., Ltd. recorded a ¥4.3 billion gain on sales of office buildings in Japan and MBK Real Estate LLC recorded a ¥4.3 billion gain on sale of senior living facilities.

Other Expense (Income)—Net

Other expense for the current year was ¥34.9 billion, an increase of ¥13.2 billion from the expense of ¥21.7 billion for the previous year.

  • For the current year, exploration expenses totaled ¥34.9 billion, including those recorded at oil and gas producing businesses. The Lifestyle Segment recorded foreign exchange losses of ¥5.7 billion in the coffee trading business at Mitsui, which corresponded to related gross profit in the same segment. Mitsui E&P UK Limited recorded an impairment loss of ¥4.8 billion on goodwill related to oil and gas fields in the North Sea. Furthermore, the Lifestyle Segment recorded a one-time negative impact due to reorganization among affiliated companies. Meanwhile, Mitsui Oil Exploration Co., Ltd. recorded a foreign exchange translation gain of ¥6.7 billion related to foreign currency deposits. The Innovation & Corporate Development Segment recorded foreign exchange gains of ¥4.9 billion in the commodity derivatives trading business at Mitsui, which corresponded to related gross profit in the same segment.
  • For the previous year, exploration expenses totaled ¥20.2 billion, including those recorded at oil and gas producing businesses. Mitsui Raw Materials Development Pty. Ltd. recorded a ¥3.6 billion foreign exchange loss related to borrowings denominated in U.S. dollars, and Mitsui recorded a ¥3.1 billion loss in relation to the sale of shares in Mitsui Oil Co., Ltd. Furthermore, the Lifestyle Segment recorded foreign exchange losses of ¥0.3 billion in the coffee trading business at Mitsui, which corresponded to related gross profit in the same segment. Meanwhile, the Innovation & Corporate Development Segment recorded foreign exchange gains of ¥14.4 billion in the commodity derivatives trading business at Mitsui, which corresponded to related gross profit in the same segment. Mitsui Oil Exploration Co., Ltd. recorded a foreign exchange translation gain of ¥4.6 billion related to foreign currency deposits.

Finance Income (Costs)

Interest Income

Interest income for the current year was ¥33.1 billion, a decline of ¥0.5 billion from ¥33.6 billion for the previous year.

Dividend Income

Dividend income for the current year was ¥114.1 billion, a decline of ¥9.9 billion from ¥124.0 billion for the previous year.

  • Dividends from six LNG projects (Sakhalin II, Qatargas 1, Abu Dhabi, Oman, Qatargas 3 and Equatorial Guinea) were ¥87.1 billion in total, a decline of ¥9.1 billion from ¥96.2 billion for the previous year. Dividends received from the Sakhalin II project declined, while those from the Abu Dhabi project increased.

Interest Expense

Interest expense for the current year was ¥50.2 billion, an increase of ¥1.0 billion from ¥49.2 billion for the previous year. The following table provides the simple average of the rates at the end of each month of three-month Tibor for the Japanese yen and three-month Libor for the U.S. dollar for both years.

  Current Year Previous Year
Japanese yen 0.19% 0.22%
U.S. dollar 0.24% 0.25%

Share of Profit of Investments Accounted for Using the Equity Method

Share of profit of investments accounted for using the equity method for the current year was ¥144.6 billion, a decline of ¥26.6 billion from ¥171.2 billion for the previous year.

  • Inversiones Mineras Acrux SpA, a copper mining company in Chile, reported a decline of ¥19.2 billion due to additional recognition of a deferred tax liability reflecting the tax system revision in Chile, and lower copper prices.
  • Valepar S.A. reported a decline of ¥15.4 billion. The main factor behind the decline was lower iron ore prices and foreign exchange valuation losses on debt at Vale S.A., which was partially offset by a reversal of loss due to Vale S.A.’s participation in the federal tax settlement (REFIS) relating to Brazilian corporate income tax and social contribution of its non-Brazilian subsidiaries and affiliates for the previous year.
  • Robe River Mining Co. Pty. Ltd., an iron ore mining company in Australia, reported a decline of ¥8.3 billion due to lower iron ore prices, which was partially offset by the positive impact of exchange rate fluctuations, income from infrastructure usage and cost reduction.
  • A decline was anticipated for Toyo Engineering Corporation. Furthermore, IPP businesses recorded a decline of ¥7.5 billion.
  • ENEOS GLOBE Corporation, a liquefied petroleum gas sales company in Japan, reported a decline of ¥5.7 billion due to inventory valuation losses reflecting a decline in LPG prices.
  • SCM Minera Lumina Copper Chile, a project company for the Caserones Copper Mine, reported an improvement of ¥5.4 billion due to a reversal effect of a ¥16.8 billion impairment loss on fixed assets posted in the previous year, which was partially offset by a ¥12.3 billion impairment loss on fixed assets for the current year.
  • For the previous year, a ¥4.8 billion impairment loss was recorded in the renewable energy business in Europe. A ¥3.8 billion impairment loss was recorded in the infrastructure business other than IPP business. Furthermore, Arch Pharmalabs Limited, a pharmaceutical contract manufacturer in India, posted a ¥4.2 billion impairment loss on fixed assets and other assets.

Income Taxes

Income taxes for the current year were ¥104.9 billion, a decline of ¥71.8 billion from ¥176.7 billion for the previous year.

  • Profit before income taxes for the current year was ¥431.8 billion, a decline of ¥118.7 billion from ¥550.5 billion for the previous year. In response, applicable income taxes also declined.
  • For the current year, a ¥20.1 billion one-time positive impact was recorded in income taxes due to the reduction of the Japanese corporate income tax rate. The main cause of the positive impact was the reversal of deferred tax liabilities on undistributed retained earnings of associated companies.
  • For the current year, there was a ¥12.0 billion decline in tax burden in relation to income taxes recognized as other comprehensive income corresponding to sales of financial assets measured at FVTOCI, including the share of Recruit Holdings Co., Ltd.
  • There was an increase in tax burden in Australian resource-related taxes due to a reversal of declined production at Mitsui E&P Australia Pty Limited associated with the refurbishment of its oil production facility for the previous year.

The effective tax rate for the current year was 24.3%, a decline of 7.8% from 32.1% for the previous year. The main increasing factor was the tax burden in Australian resource-related taxes of Mitsui E&P Australia Pty Limited. Meanwhile, the major factors for the decline were the decline in tax burden in relation to the reduction of the Japanese corporate income tax rate and sales of financial assets measured at FVTOCI.

Profit for the Year

As a result of the above factors, profit for the year was ¥326.9 billion, a decline of ¥47.0 billion from ¥373.9 billion for the previous year.

Profit for the Year Attributable to Owners of the Parent

Profit for the year attributable to owners of the parent was ¥306.5 billion, a decline of ¥43.6 billion from ¥350.1 billion for the previous year.


We have begun to use EBITDA as a measure of underlying earning power from the current year.

EBITDA is the total of “gross profit,” “selling, general and administrative expenses,” “dividend income” and “share of profit of investments accounted for using the equity method” from the consolidated statements of income and “depreciation and amortization” from the consolidated statements of cash flows.

(Billions of Yen) Current Year Previous Year Change
EBITDA (a+b+c+d+e) (*1) 788.3 819.6 (31.3)
  Gross profit a 845.8 880.1 (34.3)
Selling, general and administrative expenses b (584.6) (574.9) (9.7)
Dividend income c 114.1 124.0 (9.9)
Profit of equity method investments (*2) d 144.6 171.2 (26.6)
  Depreciation and amortization e 268.4 219.1 +49.3

*1 May not match with the total of items due to rounding off. The same shall apply hereafter.

*2 “Profit of equity method investments” means “share of profit of investments accounted for using the equity method” in the consolidated statements of income. The same shall apply hereafter.

3) Operating Results by Operating Segment

Iron & Steel Products Segment

(Billions of Yen) Current Year Previous Year Change
EBITDA 12.9 21.8 (8.9)
  Gross profit 38.0 51.1 (13.1)
Selling, general and administrative expenses (35.8) (37.6) +1.8
Dividend income 1.9 1.5 +0.4
Profit of equity method investments 7.6 5.4 +2.2
  Depreciation and amortization 1.2 1.4 (0.2)
Profit for the year attributable to owners of the parent 8.5 14.6 (6.1)

EBITDA declined by ¥8.9 billion, mainly due to the following factors:

Gross profit declined by ¥13.1 billion. Shipments of line pipe to LNG projects had been mostly completed by the end of the previous year and trading volume of other steel products also decreased.

Profit of equity method investments increased by ¥2.2 billion.

Profit for the year attributable to owners of the parent declined by ¥6.1 billion. In addition to the factors mentioned above, the following factors also affected results:

  • For the previous year, a ¥5.4 billion valuation gain on the investment in Nippon Steel Trading Co., Ltd. due to discontinuance of applying the equity method of accounting resulting from the merger with Sumikin Bussan Corporation was recorded.
  • Foreign exchange gains and losses corresponding to transactions of line pipe improved by ¥2.1 billion.

Mineral & Metal Resources Segment

(Billions of Yen) Current Year Previous Year Change
EBITDA 155.5 241.8 (86.3)
  Gross profit 146.1 200.9 (54.8)
Selling, general and administrative expenses (40.5) (41.8) +1.3
Dividend income 1.8 1.7 +0.1
Profit of equity method investments 0.9 38.0 (37.1)
  Depreciation and amortization 47.2 42.9 +4.3
Profit for the year attributable to owners of the parent 60.9 88.1 (27.2)

EBITDA declined by ¥86.3 billion, mainly due to the following factors:

Gross profit declined by ¥54.8 billion reflecting the impact from lower iron ore prices on iron ore mining operations in Australia.

As for iron ore pricing, the majority of contract prices applied to products sold during the current year were based on pricing that more closely reflects current spot reference prices as in the previous year, such as the daily average of spot reference prices for the current quarter of shipments, and the daily average of spot reference prices for the shipment month.

Mitsui Iron Ore Development Pty. Ltd. reported a decline of ¥42.8 billion in gross profit reflecting lower iron ore prices, which was partially offset by the positive impact of exchange rate fluctuations,

income from infrastructure usage and cost reduction. Mitsui-Itochu Iron Pty. Ltd. reported a decline of ¥10.4 billion in gross profit reflecting lower iron ore prices, which was offset by higher sales volume, cost reduction and positive impact of exchange rate fluctuations.

Profit of equity method investments decreased by ¥37.1 billion.

  • Inversiones Mineras Acrux SpA, a copper mining company in Chile, recorded a decline of ¥19.2 billion to a loss of ¥15.0 billion from a profit of ¥4.2 billion for the previous year, due to additional recognition of a deferred tax liability reflecting the tax system revision in Chile and lower copper prices.
  • Valepar S.A. posted a loss of ¥25.3 billion, a decline of ¥15.4 billion from a loss of ¥9.9 billion for the previous year. The main factor behind the decline was lower iron ore prices and foreign exchange valuation losses on debt at Vale S.A., which was partially offset by a reversal of loss due to Vale S.A.’s participation in the federal tax settlement (REFIS) relating to Brazilian corporate income tax and social contribution of its non-Brazilian subsidiaries and affiliates for the previous year.
  • Profit from Robe River Mining Co. Pty. Ltd. was ¥34.6 billion, a decline of ¥8.3 billion from ¥42.9 billion due to lower iron ore prices, which was partially offset by the positive impact of exchange rate fluctuations, income from infrastructure usage and cost reduction.
  • SCM Minera Lumina Copper Chile, the project company for the Caserones Copper Mine, reported a loss of ¥11.2 billion, an improvement of ¥5.4 billion from a ¥16.6 billion loss for the previous year, due to a reversal effect of a ¥16.8 billion impairment loss on fixed assets posted in the previous year, which was partially offset by a ¥12.3 billion impairment loss on fixed assets for the current year.

Depreciation and amortization increased by ¥4.3 billion.

Profit for the year attributable to owners of the parent declined by ¥27.2 billion. In addition to the above, the following factors also affected results:

  • For the previous year, Mitsui Coal Holdings Pty. recorded an impairment loss of ¥39.3 billion on coal mines reflecting the decline in coal prices.
  • For the current year, a ¥7.1 billion one-time positive impact was recorded in income taxes due to the reduction of the Japanese corporate income tax rate. The main cause of the positive impact was the reversal of deferred tax liabilities on undistributed retained earnings of associated companies.
  • A ¥4.5 billion gain on the sale of the stake in Silver Bell Mining, LLC was recorded for the current year.
  • For the previous year, Mitsui Raw Materials Development Pty. Ltd. recorded a ¥3.6 billion foreign exchange loss related to borrowings denominated in U.S. dollars.
  • For the previous year, an impairment loss of ¥2.6 billion was recorded on the investment in SCM Minera Lumina Copper Chile.

Machinery & Infrastructure Segment

(Billions of Yen) Current Year Previous Year Change
EBITDA 55.0 35.6 +19.4
  Gross profit 130.1 114.7 +15.4
Selling, general and administrative expenses (131.8) (124.2) (7.6)
Dividend income 4.1 3.5 +0.6
Profit of equity method investments 33.0 24.4 +8.6
  Depreciation and amortization 19.6 17.2 +2.4
Profit for the year attributable to owners of the parent 45.7 17.1 +28.6

EBITDA increased by ¥19.4 billion, mainly due to the following factors:

Gross profit increased by ¥15.4 billion.

  • The Infrastructure Projects Business Unit reported an increase of ¥4.8 billion.
  • The Integrated Transportation Systems Business Unit reported an increase of ¥10.6 billion. The main factor behind the increase was an increase in trading volume of newly built and second-hand ships.

Selling, general and administrative expenses increased by ¥7.6 billion.

Profit of equity method investments increased by ¥8.6 billion.

  • The Infrastructure Projects Business Unit reported an increase of ¥1.8 billion.

For the previous year, a ¥4.8 billion impairment loss was recorded in the renewable energy business in Europe. Furthermore, a ¥3.8 billion impairment loss was recorded for infrastructure businesses other than IPP business.

Gas distribution business in Brazil and water treatment business in Mexico reported increases. Meanwhile, a decline was anticipated for Toyo Engineering Corporation.

IPP businesses posted a profit of ¥12.4 billion in total, a decline of ¥7.1 billion from ¥19.5 billion for the previous year.

  • In the current year, impairment losses on obsolete thermal power plants in the UK were recognized.
  • Mark-to-market valuation gains and losses, such as those on long-term power derivative contracts and long-term fuel purchase contracts, declined by ¥1.4 billion to a gain of ¥0.5 billion from ¥1.9 billion for the previous year.
  • The Integrated Transportation Systems Business Unit reported an increase of ¥6.8 billion. Automotive-related business in North America achieved a solid performance. Meanwhile, there was a new contribution from VLI S.A., an integrated freight transportation company in Brazil, in which Mitsui invested in the current year.

Profit for the year attributable to owners of the parent increased by ¥28.6 billion. In addition to the above, the following factors also affected results:

  • For the current year, this segment recorded a ¥12.0 billion gain on sale of a stake in relation to aviation business.
  • For the current year, a ¥5.2 billion one-time positive impact was recorded in income taxes due to the reduction of the Japanese corporate income tax rate. The main cause of the positive impact was the reversal of deferred tax liabilities on undistributed retained earnings of associated companies.
  • For the previous year, this segment recorded a ¥6.7 billion gain against past impairment losses on shares in Penske Automotive Group, Inc., reflecting a recovery in the share price.

Chemicals Segment

(Billions of Yen) Current Year Previous Year Change
EBITDA 18.1 28.5 (10.4)
  Gross profit 70.1 80.5 (10.4)
Selling, general and administrative expenses (71.6) (69.8) (1.8)
Dividend income 1.2 1.8 (0.6)
Profit of equity method investments 7.2 8.6 (1.4)
  Depreciation and amortization 11.1 7.4 +3.7
Profit for the year attributable to owners of the parent 3.7 8.4 (4.7)

EBITDA declined by ¥10.4 billion, mainly due to the following factors:

Gross profit declined by ¥10.4 billion.

  • The Basic Chemicals Business Unit reported a decline of ¥3.5 billion. Mitsui & Co. Texas Chlor-Alkali, Inc., a chlor-alkali producer in the United States, reported a decline of ¥6.0 billion due to unfavorable market conditions.
  • The Performance Chemicals Business Unit reported a decline of ¥6.9 billion. P.T. Kaltim Pasifik Amoniak, an ammonia producer in Indonesia, reported a decline of ¥10.4 billion due to completion of business at the end of the previous year as a result of an asset transfer under the build-operate-transfer (BOT) contract. Meanwhile, sales of agricultural chemicals showed good performance.

Profit of equity method investments declined by ¥1.4 billion.

Depreciation and amortization increased by ¥3.7 billion. Mitsui & Co. Texas Chlor-Alkali, Inc., recorded an increase of ¥4.5 billion.

Profit for the year attributable to owners of the parent declined by ¥4.7 billion. In addition to the above, a loss of ¥3.0 billion due to the cancellation of a feasibility study on alpha olefins production in the United States was recorded for the previous year.

Energy Segment

(Billions of Yen) Current Year Previous Year Change
EBITDA 439.8 416.1 +23.7
  Gross profit 202.7 199.8 +2.9
Selling, general and administrative expenses (59.8) (57.9) (1.9)
Dividend income 92.8 102.3 (9.5)
Profit of equity method investments 56.6 60.1 (3.5)
  Depreciation and amortization 147.5 111.8 +35.7
Profit for the year attributable to owners of the parent 119.7 188.4 (68.7)

EBITDA increased by ¥23.7 billion, mainly due to the following factors:

The weighted average crude oil prices applied to our operating results for the current year and the previous year were estimated to be US$103 and US$110 per barrel, respectively.

Gross profit increased by ¥2.9 billion, primarily due to the following factors:

  • Mitsui E&P Australia Pty Limited reported an increase of ¥24.4 billion due to a reversal of declined

production during the previous year associated with the refurbishment of its oil production facility.

  • Mitsui E&P Texas LP reported an increase of ¥8.1 billion from increased production.
  • Mitsui E&P USA LLC reported an increase of ¥4.5 billion from lower costs and higher production.
  • Mitsui E&P Middle East B.V. reported a decline of ¥12.4 billion due to an increase in production cost as well as the sales of interests in oil fields in Egypt in the previous year, despite a depreciation of the Japanese yen.
  • A decline of ¥8.5 billion was recorded from the sale of Mitsui Oil Co., Ltd. in the previous year.

Dividend income declined by ¥9.5 billion. Dividends from six LNG projects (Sakhalin II, Qatargas 1, Abu Dhabi, Oman, Qatargas 3 and Equatorial Guinea) were ¥87.1 billion in total, a decline of ¥9.1 billion from ¥96.2 billion for the previous year. Dividends received from the Sakhalin II project declined, while those from the Abu Dhabi project increased.

Profit of equity method investments declined by ¥3.5 billion. ENEOS GLOBE Corporation reported a decline of ¥5.7 billion from ¥2.6 billion for the previous year due to inventory valuation losses reflecting a drop in LPG prices.

Depreciation and amortization increased by ¥35.7 billion. Oil and gas producing operations recorded an increase of ¥37.8 billion, including an increase of ¥4.2 billion at Marcellus and Eagle Ford shale gas and oil operations in the United States.

Profit for the year attributable to owners of the parent decreased by ¥68.7 billion. In addition to the above, the following factors also affected results:

  • For the current year, reflecting the decline in oil prices, Mitsui E&P Texas LP recorded an impairment loss of ¥58.9 billion on fixed assets related to Eagle Ford shale oil and gas producing operations and Mitsui E&P UK Limited recorded impairment losses related to oil and gas fields in the North Sea for ¥13.8 billion on fixed assets and ¥4.8 billion on goodwill.
  • For the current year, exploration expenses of ¥33.3 billion in total were recorded, including those recorded by Mitsui E&P Mozambique Area 1 Limited and Mitsui E&P USA LLC. For the previous year, exploration expenses of ¥18.6 billion in total were recorded, including those recorded by Mitsui E&P Australia Pty Limited and Mitsui E&P Mozambique Area 1 Limited.
  • For the current year, Mitsui E&P UK Limited recorded a ¥4.7 billion reversal of deferred tax liability due to revisions in forecasted future tax liability in Italy, and also recorded a ¥5.8 billion reversal of deferred tax assets in relation to its oil and gas business in the North Sea reflecting the decline in oil prices.
  • For the previous year, Mitsui E&P Texas LP recorded an impairment loss of ¥14.2 billion related to Eagle Ford shale oil and gas producing operations mainly attributable to a review of the production estimates.
  • For the previous year, Mitsui E&P Middle East B.V. and Mitsui E&P Australia Pty Limited recorded a gain on sales of interests in oil fields in Egypt and New Zealand, respectively, totaling ¥6.2billion.
  • For the current year, a ¥3.1 billion one-time positive impact was recorded in income taxes due to the reduction of the Japanese corporate income tax rate. The main cause of the positive impact was included in the reversal of deferred tax liabilities on undistributed retained earnings of associated companies.

Lifestyle Segment

(Billions of Yen) Current Year Previous Year Change
EBITDA 16.2 20.2 (4.0)
  Gross profit 116.2 114.0 +2.2
Selling, general and administrative expenses (139.2) (129.4) (9.8)
Dividend income 4.8 5.4 (0.6)
Profit of equity method investments 21.6 19.3 +2.3
  Depreciation and amortization 12.6 10.9 +1.7
Profit for the year attributable to owners of the parent (2.7) 12.1 (14.8)

EBITDA declined by ¥4.0 billion, mainly due to the following factors:

Gross profit increased by ¥2.2 billion.

  • The Food Resources Business Unit reported a decline of ¥1.8 billion. Multigrain Trading AG recorded a decline of ¥8.1 billion due to underperforming origination and merchandising.
  • The Food Products & Services Business Unit recorded an increase of ¥7.1 billion. There was an increase in gross profit corresponding to a ¥5.4 billion deterioration of foreign exchange losses related to the coffee trading business at Mitsui posted in other expense for the current year and for the previous year. In addition, food-related subsidiaries in Japan recorded an increase due to higher volume.
  • The Consumer Service Business Unit reported a decline of ¥3.0 billion, mainly attributable to deconsolidation of ShopNet Co., Ltd., a TV shopping company in Taiwan, resulting from the sale of its shares in the current year.

Selling, general and administrative expenses increased by ¥9.8 billion. Multigrain Trading AG reported an increase of ¥3.1 billion due to an increase in provision for doubtful receivables. Food-related subsidiaries in Japan also recorded increases.

Profit of equity method investments increased by ¥2.3 billion.

  • The Food Resources Business Unit reported a decline of ¥0.8 billion.
  • The Food Products & Services Business Unit reported a decline of ¥0.2 billion.
  • The Consumer Service Business Unit reported an increase of ¥3.4 billion. Arch Pharmalabs Limited, a pharmaceutical contract manufacturer in India, posted a ¥4.2 billion impairment loss on fixed assets and other assets for the previous year.

Profit for the year attributable to owners of the parent declined by ¥14.8 billion. In addition to the above, the following factors also affected results:

  • A ¥6.5 billion gain on the sales of the stake in Shanghai Senmao International Real Estate Co., Ltd. was recorded for the current year.
  • For the current year and for the previous year, foreign exchange losses of ¥5.7 billion and ¥0.3 billion, respectively, were posted in other expense in relation to the coffee trading business at Mitsui.
  • For the previous year, Bussan Real Estate Co., Ltd. recorded a ¥4.3 billion gain on sales of office buildings in Japan, and a ¥4.1billion gain on sale of shares in a port terminal company in Brazil by Multigrain Trading AG was recorded.
  • For the current year, a one-time negative impact was recorded due to reorganization among affiliated companies.

Innovation & Corporate Development Segment

(Billions of Yen) Current Year Previous Year Change
EBITDA (5.0) (23.6) +18.6
  Gross profit 37.4 22.6 +14.8
Selling, general and administrative expenses (58.6) (59.7) +1.1
Dividend income 5.1 3.4 +1.7
Profit of equity method investments 5.7 4.9 +0.8
  Depreciation and amortization 5.3 5.2 +0.1
Loss for the year attributable to owners of the parent 6.0 (12.3) +18.3

EBITDA increased by ¥18.6 billion, mainly due to the following factors:

Gross profit increased by ¥14.8 billion.

  • There was an increase in gross profit corresponding to a ¥9.5 billion deterioration of foreign exchange gains and losses related to the commodity derivatives trading business at Mitsui posted in other expense for the current year and for the previous year.
  • Mitsui & Co. Commodity Risk Management Ltd. reported an increase of ¥6.1 billion due to the recovery of underperforming trading of derivatives for the previous year.

Profit of equity method investments increased by ¥0.8 billion.

Profit for the year attributable to owners of the parent improved by ¥18.3 billion. In addition to the factors mentioned above, the following factors also affected results:

  • For the current year and for the previous year, foreign exchange gains of ¥4.9 billion and ¥14.4 billion, respectively, were posted in other expense in relation to the commodity derivatives trading business at Mitsui.
  • For the current year, due to the partial sale of shares in TPV Technology Limited, a ¥6.2 billion gain on the sale of shares and valuation on retained shares was recorded in total. For the previous year, an impairment loss of ¥4.4 billion on shares in TPV Technology Limited was recorded reflecting the decline in share price.
  • For the current year, a decline of ¥5.9 billion of income tax was recorded reflecting tax deduction of previously recognized impairment losses on shares in TPV Technology Limited.

Americas Segment

(Billions of Yen) Current Year Previous Year Change
EBITDA 41.3 26.3 +15.0
  Gross profit 92.6 78.7 +13.9
Selling, general and administrative expenses (67.8) (64.9) (2.9)
Dividend income 0.1 0.4 (0.3)
Profit of equity method investments 7.5 4.0 +3.5
  Depreciation and amortization 9.0 8.1 +0.9
Profit for the year attributable to owners of the parent 25.8 13.7 +12.1

EBITDA increased by ¥15.0 billion, mainly due to the following factors:

Gross profit increased by ¥13.9 billion. Novus International, Inc. reported an increase of ¥12.5 billion due to higher methionine prices.

Profit of equity method investments increased by ¥3.5 billion.

Profit for the year attributable to owners of the parent increased by ¥12.1 billion. In addition to the factors mentioned above, the following factors also affected results:

  • For the current year, MBK Real Estate LLC recorded a ¥4.9 billion gain on sales of a stake related to senior living business. Furthermore, this segment recorded a ¥4.5 billion gain on the sale of the stake in Silver Bell Mining, LLC.
  • For the previous year, MBK Real Estate LLC recorded a ¥4.3 billion gain on sales of senior living facilities.

Europe, the Middle East and Africa Segment

(Billions of Yen) Current Year Previous Year Change
EBITDA (0.5) 0.5 (1.0)
  Gross profit 19.3 18.8 +0.5
Selling, general and administrative expenses (21.2) (21.0) (0.2)
Dividend income 0.3 0.7 (0.4)
Profit of equity method investments 0.6 1.4 (0.8)
  Depreciation and amortization 0.5 0.7 (0.2)
Profit for the year attributable to owners of the parent 3.4 0.4 +3.0

EBITDA declined by ¥1.0 billion, mainly due to the following factors:

Gross profit increased by ¥0.5 billion.

Profit of equity method investments decreased by ¥0.8 billion.

Profit for the year attributable to owners of the parent increased by ¥3.0 billion.

Asia Pacific Segment

(Billions of Yen) Current Year Previous Year Change
EBITDA (2.5) (0.3) (2.2)
  Gross profit 12.2 12.5 (0.3)
Selling, general and administrative expenses (20.8) (19.4) (1.4)
Dividend income 0.9 1.5 (0.6)
Profit of equity method investments 4.5 4.5 0
  Depreciation and amortization 0.7 0.5 +0.2
Profit for the year attributable to owners of the parent 30.5 30.7 (0.2)

EBITDA declined by ¥2.2 billion, mainly due to the following factors:

Gross profit declined by ¥0.3 billion.

Profit of equity method investments was ¥4.5 billion which was the same amount for the previous year.

Profit for the year attributable to owners of the parent declined by ¥0.2 billion. In addition to the above, this segment recorded profit from the segment’s minority interest in iron ore mining and coal mining operations in Australia, which declined due to the fall in prices of iron ore and coal.

(3) Financial Condition and Cash Flows

1) Financial Condition

Total assets as of March 31, 2015 was ¥12,202.9 billion, an increase of ¥711.6 billion from ¥11,491.3 billion as of March 31, 2014.

Total current assets as of March 31, 2015 was ¥4,730.5 billion, an increase of ¥265.1 billion from ¥4,465.4 billion as of March 31, 2014. Other financial assets increased by ¥112.9 billion, mainly due to price fluctuations of the commodity derivatives trading business in the Innovation & Corporate Development Segment and oil trading business in the Energy Segment.

Total current liabilities as of March 31, 2015 was ¥2,841.1 billion, a decline of ¥143.6 billion from ¥2,984.7 billion as of March 31, 2014. Corresponding to the increase in other financial assets as mentioned above, other financial liabilities increased by ¥113.0 billion. Meanwhile, short-term debt and current portion of long-term debt declined by ¥146.3 billion and ¥33.2 billion, respectively, due to repayment of debt.

As a result, working capital, or current assets less current liabilities, as of March 31, 2015, totaled ¥1,889.4 billion, an increase of ¥408.7 billion from ¥1,480.7 billion as of March 31, 2014.

Total non-current assets as of March 31, 2015 totaled ¥7,472.4 billion, an increase of ¥446.5 billion from ¥7,025.9 billion as of March 31, 2014, mainly due to the following factors:

  • Investments accounted for using the equity method as of March 31, 2015 was ¥2,791.3 billion, an increase of ¥342.5 billion from ¥2,448.8 billion as of March 31, 2014, mainly due to the following factors:
  • An increase of ¥101.4 billion resulting from foreign currency exchange fluctuations;
  • An increase of ¥91.4 billion due to an acquisition of a 20% stake in Penske Truck Leasing Co., L.P., which is engaged in truck leasing and rental business in North America;
  • An increase of ¥70.1 billion due to an acquisition of a 20% stake in VLI S.A., which is engaged in integrated freight transportation in Brazil;
  • An increase of ¥13.6 billion due to an investment in Cameron LNG Holdings, LLC, which is engaged in construction and operation of natural gas liquefaction facilities in the United States;
  • An increase due to additional investments in ESBR Participações S.A., which runsthe Jirau hydropower project in Brazil;
  • An increase of ¥10.0 billion due to an acquisition of a 15% stake in a passenger railway transportation business in Brazil with Odebrecht TransPort S.A.; and
  • A decline of ¥184.0 billion due to dividends received from equity accounted investees, despite an increase of ¥144.6 billion corresponding to the profit of equity method for the current year.
  • Other investments as of March 31, 2015 were ¥1,529.8 billion, a decline of ¥24.9 billion from ¥1,554.7 billion as of March 31, 2014, mainly due to the following factors:
  • A ¥102.6 billion net decline due to valuation on financial assets measured at FVTOCI, despite the increase of fair value in listed securities due to higher share prices, and
  • A ¥109.5 billion net increase due to foreign currency exchange fluctuations.
  • Trade and other receivables as of March 31, 2015 totaled ¥425.1 billion, a decline of ¥45.8 billion from ¥470.9 billion as of March 31, 2014, mainly due to the following factors:
  • A decline of ¥21.7 billion due to the sales of aircraft and locomotive finance lease receivables at Mitsui & Co. (U.S.A.), Inc. and
  • A decline of ¥11.7 billion due to the collection of long-term loan receivables at a private equity-sponsored loans business with GE Capital.
  • Property, plant and equipment as of March 31, 2015 totaled ¥2,148.1 billion, an increase of ¥140.6 billion from ¥2,007.5 billion as of March 31, 2014, mainly due to the following factors:
  • An increase of ¥57.7 billion (including a foreign exchange translation gain of ¥47.7 billion and a decrease by ¥13.8 billion due to the recognition of an impairment loss related to oil and gas fields in the North Sea) at oil and gas operations other than U.S. shale gas and oil producing operations;
  • An increase of ¥28.0 billion (including a foreign exchange translation gain of ¥3.5 billion) at the methanol manufacturing joint venture in the United States;
  • An increase of ¥21.4 billion (including a foreign exchange translation gain of ¥9.5 billion) at the tank operation in the United States;
  • An increase of ¥14.1 billion (including a foreign exchange translation loss of ¥0.8 billion) at the wind power generation business in Australia;
  • An increase of ¥10.6 billion (including a foreign exchange translation loss of ¥14.0 billion) at iron ore mining operations in Australia;
  • An increase of ¥6.8 billion (including a foreign exchange translation gain of ¥44.4 billion and a decrease by ¥58.9 billion due to the recognition of impairment loss) at the Marcellus and Eagle Ford shale gas and oil producing operations in the United States; and
  • A decline of ¥22.3 billion due to the reclassification of freight car leasing and management business in the United States to an investment accounted for using the equity method.
  • Intangible assets as of March 31, 2015 totaled ¥163.0 billion, an increase of ¥18.8 billion from ¥144.2 billion as of March 31, 2014. There was an increase of ¥13.2 billion due to the acquisition of an agrichemical fungicide business.

Total non-current liabilities as of March 31, 2015 totaled ¥4,964.4 billion, an increase of ¥558.0 billion from ¥4,406.4 billion as of March 31, 2014. Long-term debt, less current portion as of March 31, 2015 was ¥4,030.6 billion, an increase of ¥562.3 billion from ¥3,468.3 billion as of March 31, 2014, due to the impact of depreciation of the Japanese yen as well as an increase in long-term borrowings at the Marcellus and Eagle Ford shale gas and oil producing operations in the United States.

Total equity attributable to owners of the parent as of March 31, 2015 was ¥4,099.8 billion, an increase of ¥284.0 billion from ¥3,815.8 billion as of March 31, 2014. Major components included:

  • Retained earnings increased by ¥192.0 billion. In addition to the ¥306.5 billion profit for the year attributable to owners of the parent, there were the following factors:

- An increase of ¥54.0 billion was recorded due to a transfer from other components of equity. The major component was a transfer from financial assets measured at FVTOCI for ¥38.8 billion, including a ¥23.7 billion increase due to a sale of shares in Recruit Holdings Co., Ltd. and

- Decline factors were a dividend payment for ¥118.3 billion and a cancellation of treasury stock for ¥50.2 billion.

  • Other components of equity as of March 31, 2015 increased by ¥48.0 billion to ¥814.6 billion from ¥766.6 billion as of March 31, 2014, mainly due to the following factors:

- Foreign currency translation adjustments increased by ¥124.8 billion, reflecting the appreciation of the U.S. dollar against the Japanese yen despite the depreciation of the Brazilian Real and

- Financial assets measured at FVTOCI declined by ¥50.5 billion. Fair value in investments in LNG projects declined reflecting the drop in oil prices, while fair value in listed securities increased due to higher share prices. In addition, there was a decline of ¥38.8 billion due to the transfer to retained earnings.

  • Treasury stock declined by ¥50.2 billion, due to cancellation.

Net interest-bearing debt or interest-bearing debt less cash and cash equivalents and time deposits as of March 31, 2015 was ¥3,382.2 billion, an increase of ¥203.4 billion from ¥3,178.8 billion as of March 31, 2014. The net debt-to-equity ratio (DER) as of March 31, 2015 was 0.82 times, 0.01 points lower compared to 0.83 times as of March 31, 2014.

2) Cash Flows

Cash Flows from Operating Activities

(Billions of Yen) Current Year Previous Year Change
Cash flows from operating activities a 640.0 449.2 +190.8
Cash flows from change in working capital b (21.6) (159.7) +138.1
Core operating cash flow a-b 661.6 608.9 +52.7

Net cash provided by operating activities for the current year was ¥640.0 billion, an increase of ¥190.8 billion from ¥449.2 billion for the previous year.

Net cash outflow from an increase in working capital, or changes in operating assets and liabilities for the current year, was ¥21.6 billion, a decline of ¥138.1 billion from ¥159.7 billion for the previous year.

Core operating cash flow, cash flows from operating activities without the net cash outflow from an increase in working capital, for the current year amounted to ¥661.6 billion, an increase of ¥52.7 billion from ¥608.9 billion for the previous year.

  • Depreciation and amortization for the current year was ¥268.4 billion, an increase of ¥49.3 billion from ¥219.1 billion for the previous year.
  • Net cash inflow from dividend income, including dividends received from equity accounted investees, for the current year totaled ¥291.6 billion, an increase of ¥14.3 billion from ¥277.3 billion for the previous year.

The following table shows the core operating cash flow by operating segment.

(Billions of Yen) Current Year Previous Year Change
Iron & Steel Products 7.1 11.3 (4.2)
Mineral & Metal Resources 159.9 182.2 (22.3)
Machinery & Infrastructure 69.6 39.3 +30.3
Chemicals 13.5 20.2 (6.7)
Energy 348.0 318.3 +29.7
Lifestyle 4.0 15.5 (11.5)
Innovation & Corporate Development 6.1 (2.3) +8.4
Americas 25.2 15.7 +9.5
Europe, the Middle East and Africa 2.5 1.9 +0.6
Asia Pacific 6.6 5.1 +1.5
All Other and Adjustments and Eliminations 19.1 1.7 +17.4
Consolidated Total 661.6 608.9 +52.7

Cash Flows from Investing Activities

Net cash used in investing activities for the current year was ¥386.4 billion, a decline of ¥273.4 billion from ¥659.8 billion for the previous year. The net cash used in investing activities consisted of:

  • Net cash outflow that corresponded to investments in and advances to equity accounted investees (net of sales of investments and collection of advances) was ¥155.4 billion. The major cash outflows were an acquisition of a 20% stake in Penske Truck Leasing Co., L.P. for ¥73.1 billion, an acquisition of a 20% stake in VLI S.A. for ¥70.1 billion, a loan to the FPSO leasing business for oil and gas production in Ghana and Brazil for ¥30.6 billion, an investment in Cameron LNG Holdings, LLC for ¥13.6 billion, additional investments in ESBR Participações S.A, and an acquisition of a 15% stake in a passenger railway transportation business in Brazil for ¥10.0 billion. The major cash inflows included a loan to the FPSO leasing business for oil and gas production in Ghana and Brazil for ¥25.6 billion, redemption of preferred shares in Valepar S.A. for ¥20.1 billion, the sale of the stake in Silver Bell Mining, LLC, and a sale of a stake in relation to aviation business for ¥12.0 billion.
  • Net cash inflow that corresponded to other investments (net of sales and maturities of other investments) was ¥60.1 billion. The major cash inflows were a sale of shares in Recruit Holdings Co., Ltd. and Burberry Group plc for ¥53.3 billion and ¥11.8 billion, respectively, and capital redemption from a private equity-sponsored loans business with GE Capital for ¥11.4 billion. The major cash outflows included the acquisition of agrichemical fungicide business for ¥13.2 billion.
  • Net cash inflow that corresponded to long-term loan receivables (net of collection) was ¥60.0 billion. The major cash inflows included sales of aircraft and locomotive finance lease receivables for ¥20.9 billion at Mitsui & Co. (U.S.A.), Inc.
  • Net cash outflow that corresponded to purchases of property, plant, equipment and investment property (net of sales of those assets) was ¥346.4 billion. Major expenditures included:
  • Oil and gas projects other than the U.S. shale gas and oil projects for a total of ¥127.7 billion;
  • Iron ore mining projects in Australia for ¥56.3 billion;
  • Marcellus and Eagle Ford shale gas and oil projects in the United States for ¥50.7 billion;
  • A methanol manufacturing joint venture in the United States for ¥24.1 billion;
  • Tank terminals in the United States for ¥ 14.5 billion;
  • A wind power generation business in Australia for ¥14.3 billion and
  • Coal mining operations in Australia for ¥ 12.6 billion.

The major cash inflows included the sale of an ammonia plant by P.T. Kaltim Pasifik Amoniak for ¥9.9 billion.

Free cash flow, or the sum of net cash provided by operating activities and net cash used in investing activities, for the current year was a net inflow of ¥253.6 billion.

Cash Flows from Financing Activities

For the current year, net cash used by financing activities was ¥126.2 billion, an increase of ¥113.0 billion from ¥13.2 billion of net cash used for the previous year. The cash outflow from payments of cash dividends was ¥118.3 billion. The net cash outflow from the borrowing of short-term debt was ¥181.8 billion. Meanwhile, the net cash inflow from the borrowing of long-term debt was ¥197.2 billion.

In addition to the changes discussed above, there was an increase in cash and cash equivalents of ¥47.1 billion due to foreign exchange translation; as a result, cash and cash equivalents as of March 31, 2015 totaled ¥1,400.8 billion, an increase of ¥174.5 billion from ¥1,226.3 billion as of March 31, 2014.

2. Management Policy

(1) Progress with the New Medium-term Management Plan

Reference is made to our Presentation Material of Financial Results for the year ended March 31, 2015 “New Medium-term Management Plan Challenge & Innovation for 2020 – Demonstrating Mitsui Premium – Accomplishments in the First Year and Actions in Progress” on our web site.

Reference is also made to “New Medium-term Management Plan Challenge & Innovation for 2020 – Demonstrating Mitsui Premium –” released on May 7, 2014.

(2) Forecasts for the Year Ending March 31, 2016

1) Forecasts for the year ending March 31, 2016

Foreign exchange rates assumed for the year ending March 31, 2016 are ¥120/US$, ¥95/AU$ and ¥40/BRL, while average foreign exchange rates for the year ended March 31, 2015 were ¥110.62/US$, ¥95.51/AU$ and ¥44.58/BRL. Also, the average crude oil price applicable to our financial results for the year ending March 31, 2016 is assumed to be US$63/barrel, down US$40 from US$103/barrel applied for the year ended March 31, 2015, based on the assumption that the crude oil price (JCC) will average US$63/barrel during the year ending March 31, 2016.

  • Gross profit for the year ending March 31, 2016 is expected to be ¥740.0 billion, reflecting the decline in crude oil and iron ore prices.
  • For gain on investments, fixed assets and other, the reversal effects of impairment losses on fixed assets of Eagle Ford shale oil and gas producing operations as well as oil and gas fields in the North Sea are expected.
  • Dividend income for the year ending March 31, 2016 is expected to be ¥60.0 billion, reflecting the decline in dividend from LNG projects.
  • Profit of equity method investments is expected to be ¥190.0 billion, reflecting reverse effects of the one-time negative impact and decline in earnings from equity method investments of resource and energy.
  • For income taxes, reversal effects of the one-time positive impact due to reduction of the Japanese corporate income tax rate are forecasted.

As a result, EBITDA and profit for the year attributable to owners of the parent for the year ending March 31, 2016 are expected to be ¥660.0 billion and ¥240.0 billion, respectively.

The forecast for profit for the year attributable to owners of the parent by operating segment is described as follows:

Effective April 1, 2015, the media business, included in the Lifestyle Segment until March 31, 2015, was transferred to the Innovation & Corporate Development Segment.

In accordance with the aforementioned change, the operating segment information for the year ended March 31, 2015 has been restated to conform to the operating segment as of April 2015.

(Billions of Yen) Year ending

March 31, 2016

Year ended

March 31, 2015

Iron & Steel Products 12.0 8.5 +3.5
Mineral & Metal Resources 38.0 60.9 (22.9)
Machinery & Infrastructure 53.0 45.7 +7.3
Chemicals 8.0 3.7 +4.3
Energy 56.0 119.7 (63.7)
Lifestyle 19.0 (5.9) +24.9
Innovation & Corporate Development 3.0 9.9 (6.9)
Americas 23.0 25.8 (2.8)
Europe, the Middle East and Africa 2.0 3.4 (1.4)
Asia Pacific 22.0 30.5 (8.5)
All Other and Adjustments and Eliminations 4.0 4.3 (0.3)
Consolidated Total 240.0 306.5 (66.5)
  • The forecast for the Iron & Steel Products Segment is ¥12.0 billion, an increase of ¥3.5 billion from the year ended March 31, 2015. An increase in transactions of line pipes and oil well pipes are expected.
  • The forecast for the Mineral & Metal Resources Segment is ¥38.0 billion, a decline of ¥22.9 billion from the year ended March 31, 2015. Decline in iron ore prices is expected, while reversal effects are projected in relation to foreign exchange valuation losses on debt of Valepar S.A. and recognition of a deferred tax liability of Inversiones Mineras Acrux SpA, a copper mining company in Chile, reflecting the tax system revision in the year ended March 31, 2015.
  • The forecast for the Machinery & Infrastructure Segment is ¥53.0 billion, an increase of ¥7.3 billion from the year ended March 31, 2015. An increase is expected mainly due to reversal effects of one-time negative effects and contribution from businesses newly acquired, while the reversal effect of the one-time positive effect due to the reduction of the Japanese corporate income tax rate in the year ended March 31, 2015 is projected.
  • The forecast for the Chemicals Segment is ¥8.0 billion, an increase of ¥4.3 billion from the year ended March 31, 2015, reflecting recovery of market conditions in the chlor-alkali producing business and contribution from methanol producing business in the United States.
  • The forecast for the Energy Segment is ¥56.0 billion, a decline of ¥63.7 billion from the year ended March 31, 2015. A decline in profits from oil and gas producing operations and a decline in dividends from LNG projects are expected, while reversal effects are projected in relation to the impairment losses on fixed assets of Eagle Ford shale oil and gas producing operations and oil and gas fields in the North Sea in the year ended March 31, 2015.
  • The forecast for the Lifestyle Segment is ¥19.0 billion, an increase of ¥24.9 billion from the year ended March 31, 2015, reflecting gain on sale of building by Bussan Real Estate Co., Ltd. and recovery of origination and merchandising of agricultural products.
  • The forecast for the Innovation & Corporate Development Segment is ¥3.0 billion, a decline of ¥6.9 billion from the year ended March 31, 2015, reflecting the reversal effect of the one-time positive impact on the partial sale of shares in TPV Technology Limited.
  • The forecast for the Americas Segment is ¥23.0 billion, a decline of ¥2.8 billion from the year ended March 31, 2015, reflecting the reversal effects of the sales of a stake in senior living business and Silver Bell Mining, LLC in the year ended March 31, 2015. The forecast for the Europe, the Middle East and Africa Segment is ¥2.0 billion, a decline of ¥1.4 billion from the year ended March 31, 2015, due to the reversal effect of the one-time positive impact. The forecast for the Asia Pacific Segment is ¥22.0 billion, a decline of ¥8.5 billion from the year ended March 31, 2015, due to lower profit from the segment’s minority interest in iron ore mining operations in Australia.

2) Key commodity prices and other parameters for the year ending March 31, 2016

The table below shows assumptions for key commodity prices and foreign exchange rates for the forecast for the year ending March 31, 2016. Effects of movements on each commodity price and foreign exchange rates on profit for the year attributable to owners of the parent are included in the table below.

Impact on profit for the year attributable to owners of the parent

for the Year ending March 31, 2016

March 2016


  March 2015


Commodity Crude Oil/JCC

¥2.7 bn (US$1/bbl)

63 91
Consolidated Oil Price(*1) 63 103
U.S. Natural Gas(*3)

¥0.8 bn (US$0.1/mmBtu)

3.65(*4) 4.28(*2)
Iron Ore

¥3.0 bn (US$1/ton)

(*5) 83(*6)

¥1.0 bn (US$100/ton)

6,000 6,860(*7)
Forex (*8) USD

¥1.8 bn (\1/USD)

120 110.62

¥0.8 bn (\1/AUD)

95 95.51

¥0.3 bn (\1/BRL)

40 44.58

(*1) The oil price trend is reflected in profit for the year attributable to owners of the parent with a 0-6 month time lag. For the year ending March 31, 2016, we assume the annual average price applicable to our financial results as the Consolidated Oil Price based on the estimation: 4-6 month time lag, 34%; 1-3 month time lag, 38%; no time lag, 28%.

(*2) Daily average of settlement price for prompt month Henry Hub Natural Gas Futures contracts reported by NYMEX during January 2014 to December 2014

(*3) US shale gas are not all sold at Henry Hub (HH) linked prices. Therefore the sensitivity does not represent the direct impact of HH movement, but rather the impact from the movement of weighted average gas sales price.

(*4) For natural gas sold in the US on HH linked prices, the assumed price used is US$3.65/mmBtu.

(*5) We refrain from disclosing the iron ore price assumptions.

(*6) Daily average of representative reference prices (Fine, Fe 62% CFR North China) during April 2014 to March 2015

(*7) Average of LME cash settlement price during January 2014 to December 2014

(*8) Impact of currency fluctuation on profit for the year attributable to owners of the parent of overseas subsidiaries and equity accounted investees (denomination in functional currency) against the Japanese yen; Impact of currency fluctuation between their functional currencies against revenue currencies and exchange rate hedging are not included.

(3) Profit Distribution Policy

Our profit distribution policy has been resolved as follows at the board of directors through discussion in which external directors were also involved:

  • In order to increase corporate value and maximize shareholder value, we seek to maintain an optimal balance between (a) meeting investment demand in our core and growth areas through re-investments of our retained earnings, and (b) directly providing returns to shareholders by paying out cash dividends.
  • In addition to the above, in relation to share buyback toward improving capital efficiency, we judge that the decision by the board of directors in a prompt and flexible manner as needed concerning its timing and amount by taking into consideration of the business environment such as, future investment activity trends, free cash flow and interest-bearing debt levels, and return on equity, continues to contribute to enhancement of corporate value.

As we announced on February 4, 2015, for the year ended March 31, 2015, we plan to pay an annual dividend of ¥64 per share, a ¥5 increase from the corresponding previous year.

For the year ending March 31, 2016, as a second year of the New Medium-term Management Plan, we currently envisage an annual dividend of ¥64 per share, same amount as the year ended March 31, 2015, taking into consideration of EBITDA, core operating cash flow as well as stability and continuity of the amount of dividend, on the assumption that profit for the year attributable to owners of the parent will be ¥240 billion, as mentioned in our forecast profit attributable to owners of the parent for the year ending March 31, 2016.

3. Basic Approach on Adoption of Accounting Standards

International Financial Reporting Standards was adopted on our annual securities report under the Financial Instruments and Exchange Act for the year ended March 31, 2014 for the purpose of improving international comparability of financial information as well as enhancement and efficiency of our financial reporting.

4. Other Information


This flash report contains forward-looking statements about Mitsui and its consolidated subsidiaries. These forward-looking statements are based on Mitsui’s current assumptions, expectations and beliefs in light of the information currently possessed by it and involve known and unknown risks, uncertainties and other factors. Such risks, uncertainties and other factors may cause Mitsui’s actual consolidated financial position, consolidated operating results or consolidated cash flows to be materially different from any future consolidated financial position, consolidated operating results or consolidated cash flows expressed or implied by these forward-looking statements.

These risks, uncertainties and other factors include, among others, (1) economic downturns worldwide or at specific regions, (2) fluctuations in commodity prices, (3) fluctuations in exchange rates, (4) credit risks from clients with which Mitsui and its consolidated subsidiaries have business transactions or financial dealings and/or from various projects, (5) declines in the values of non-current assets, (6) changes in the financing environment, (7) declines in market value of equity and/or debt securities, (8) changes in the assessment for recoverability of deferred tax assets, (9) inability to successfully restructure or eliminate subsidiaries or associated companies as planned, (10) unsuccessful joint ventures and strategic investments, (11) risks of resource related businesses not developing in line with assumed costs and schedules and uncertainty in reserves and performance of third party operators, (12) loss of opportunities to enter new business areas due to limitations on business resources, (13) environmental laws and regulations, (14) changes in laws and regulations or unilateral changes in contractual terms by governmental entities, (15) employee misconduct, (16) failure to maintain adequate internal control over financial reporting, and (17) climate change and natural disaster. For further information on the above, please refer to Mitsui’s Annual Securities Report.

Forward-looking statements may be included in Mitsui’s Annual Securities Report and Quarterly Securities Reports or in its other disclosure documents, press releases or website disclosures. Mitsui undertakes no obligation to publicly update or revise any forward-looking statements.

5. Consolidated Financial Statements
(1) Consolidated Statements of Financial Position
                                  (Millions of Yen)
                        March 31,


  March 31,


Current Assets:
Cash and cash equivalents ¥ 1,226,317 ¥ 1,400,770
Trade and other receivables 2,040,855 1,949,837
Other financial assets 271,288 384,156
Inventories 625,328 671,164
Advance payments to suppliers 183,576 188,545
    Other current assets               118,049     136,051  
      Total current assets             4,465,413     4,730,523  
Non-current Assets:
Investments accounted for using the equity method 2,448,848 2,791,341
Other investments 1,554,673 1,529,767
Trade and other receivables 470,880 425,136
Other financial assets 116,298 130,974
Property, plant and equipment 2,007,452 2,148,142
Investment property 139,334 147,757
Intangible assets 144,153 162,951
Deferred tax assets 74,419 78,746
    Other non-current assets             69,849     57,584  
      Total non-current assets           7,025,906     7,472,398  
      Total                 ¥ 11,491,319     ¥ 12,202,921  
                                  (Millions of Yen)
Liabilities and Equity                          
                        March 31,


  March 31,


Current Liabilities:
Short-term debt ¥ 436,869 ¥ 290,641
Current portion of long-term debt 505,946 472,718
Trade and other payables 1,473,834 1,384,039
Other financial liabilities 301,047 414,011
Income tax payables 42,857 41,877
Advances from customers 165,124 177,432
Provisions 17,491 25,523
    Other current liabilities             41,486     34,900  
      Total current liabilities           2,984,654     2,841,141  
Non-current Liabilities:
Long-term debt, less current portion 3,468,301 4,030,598
Other financial liabilities 95,541 147,289
Retirement benefit liabilities 69,558 46,211
Provisions 174,855 228,540
Deferred tax liabilities 567,281 482,141
    Other non-current liabilities           30,825     29,627  
      Total non-current liabilities         4,406,361     4,964,406  
      Total liabilities               7,391,015     7,805,547  
Common stock 341,482 341,482
Capital surplus 418,004 411,881
Retained earnings 2,345,790 2,537,815
Other components of equity 766,631 814,563
    Treasury stock               (56,140)     (5,946)  
      Total equity attributable to owners of the parent   3,815,767     4,099,795  
    Non-controlling interests           284,537     297,579  
      Total equity               4,100,304     4,397,374  
      Total                 ¥ 11,491,319     ¥ 12,202,921  
Notes:1. “All Other” principally consisted of the Corporate Staff Unit which provides financing services and operations services to external
customers and/or to the companies and affiliated companies. Total assets of “All Other” at March 31, 2014 and 2015 consisted
primarily of cash and cash equivalents and time deposits related to financing activities, and assets of the Corporate Staff Unit and
certain subsidiaries related to the above services.
2. Transfers between repotable segments are made at cost plus a markup.
3. Profit (Loss) for the Year Attributable to Owners of the parent of “Adjustments and Eliminations” includes income and expense items that are
not allocated to specific reportable segments, and eliminations of intersegment transactions.
4. Since the year ended March 31, 2015, EBITDA has been disclosed by reportable segments as the information of the operating segments
periodically reviewed by the management. EBITDA is comprised of the companies' (a) gross profit, (b) selling, general and administrative expenses,
(c) dividend income and (d) share of profit of investments accounted for using the equity method as presented in the Consolidated Statements
of Income and (e) depreciation and amortization as presented in the Consolidated Statements of Cash Flows.
(2) Consolidated Statements of Income and Comprehensive Income
Consolidated Statements of Income
                      (Millions of Yen)
Year ended

March 31, 2014

Year ended

March 31, 2015

Sale of products ¥ 5,206,772 ¥ 4,815,162
Rendering of services 415,395 432,112
Other revenue 109,751 157,656
Total revenue 5,731,918 5,404,930
Cost of products sold (4,627,572) (4,310,657)
Cost of services rendered (162,690) (181,528)
Cost of other revenue (61,550) (66,905)
Total cost (4,851,812) (4,559,090)
Gross Profit 880,106 845,840
Other Income (Expenses):
Selling, general and administrative expenses (574,871) (584,608)
Gain (loss) on securities and other investments—net 30,816 42,458
Impairment loss of fixed assets (59,966) (79,948)
Gain (loss) on disposal or sales of fixed assets—net 16,419 1,446
Other income (expense)—net (21,720) (34,918)
Total other income (expenses) (609,322) (655,570)
Finance Income (Costs): Loss on write-down of securities
Interest income 33,644 33,120
Dividend income 124,026 114,070
Interest expense (49,176) (50,229)
Total finance income (costs) 108,494 96,961
Share of Profit of Investments Accounted for Using the Equity Method 171,239 144,596
Profit before Income Taxes 550,517 431,827
Income Taxes (176,654) (104,903)
Profit for the Year ¥ 373,863 ¥ 326,924
Profit for the Year Attributable to:
Owners of the parent ¥ 350,093 ¥ 306,490
Non-controlling interests 23,770 20,434
Consolidated Statements of Comprehensive Income
                      (Millions of Yen)
Year ended

March 31, 2014

Year ended

March 31, 2015

Profit for the Year ¥ 373,863 ¥ 326,924
Other Comprehensive Income:
Items that will not be reclassified to profit or loss:
Financial assets measured at FVTOCI 76,202 (57,039)
Remeasurements of defined benefit plans (9,676) 20,045
Share of other comprehensive income of investments accounted for using the equity method 622 (3,612)
Income tax relating to items not reclassified (12,915) 42,045
Items that may be reclassified subsequently to profit or loss:
Foreign currency translation adjustments 19,961 32,509
Cash flow hedges 9,623 (15,889)
Share of other comprehensive income of investments accounted for using the equity method 103,182 74,115
Income tax relating to items that may be reclassified (3,889) 20,174
Total other comprehensive income 183,110 112,348
Comprehensive Income for the Year ¥ 556,973 ¥ 439,272
Comprehensive Income for the Year Attributable to:
Owners of the parent ¥ 521,457 ¥ 406,583
Non-controlling interests 35,516 32,689
Notes: 1.The Statements of Consolidated Income above are not reviewed by the auditors.

2.The Statements of Consolidated Income above have been adjusted due to the adoption of ASC 810-10-65.

3."Net Income attributable to Noncontrolling Interests" and "Comprehensive Loss (Income) attributable to

Noncontrolling Interests" show the amounts deducted to calculate "Net Income attributable to Mitsui & Co.,

Ltd." and "Comprehensive (Loss) Income attributable to Mitsui & Co., Ltd.", respectively.

4.Tax effects on investments in associated companies which were formerly included in "Equity in Earnings of

Associated Companies - Net (After Income Tax Effect)" are included in "Income Taxes" for the three-month

period ended December 31, 2009. At the same time, "Equity in Earnings of Associated Companies - Net (After

Income Tax Effect)" are changed to "Equity in Earnings of Associated Companies - Net." Amounts for three-

month period ended December 31, 2008 have been reclassified to conform to the current period presentation.

(3) Consolidated Statements of Changes in Equity
                    (Millions of Yen)
  Attributable to owners of the parent     Non-controlling Interest Total


      Common Stock Capital Surplus Retained Earnings Other Components of Equity Treasury Stock Total    
Balance as at April 1, 2013 ¥ 341,482 ¥ 428,552 ¥ 2,060,298 ¥ 614,783 ¥ (5,974) ¥ 3,439,141 ¥ 245,848 ¥ 3,684,989
Profit for the year 350,093 350,093 23,770 373,863
Other comprehensive income for the year 171,364 171,364 11,746 183,110
Comprehensive income for the year 521,457 35,516 556,973
Transaction with owners:
Dividends paid to the owners of the parent

(per share: ¥46)

(83,957) (83,957) (83,957)
Dividends paid to non-controlling interest shareholders (18,981) (18,981)
Acquisition of treasury stock (50,217) (50,217) (50,217)
Sales of treasury stock 0 51 51 51
Equity transactions with non-controlling interest shareholders (10,548) (160) (10,708) 22,154 11,446
Transfer to retained earnings 19,356 (19,356)
Balance as at March 31, 2014 ¥ 341,482 ¥ 418,004 ¥ 2,345,790 ¥ 766,631 ¥ (56,140) ¥ 3,815,767 ¥ 284,537 ¥ 4,100,304
Profit for the year 306,490 306,490 20,434 326,924
Other comprehensive income for the year 100,093 100,093 12,255 112,348
Comprehensive income for the year 406,583 32,689 439,272
Transaction with owners:
Dividends paid to the owners of the parent

(per share: ¥66)

(118,305) (118,305) (118,305)
Dividends paid to non-controlling interest shareholders (13,900) (13,900)
Acquisition of treasury stock (25) (25) (25)
Sales of treasury stock 0 28 28 28
Cancellation of treasury stock (50,191) 50,191
Compensation costs related to stock options 215 215 215
Equity transactions with non-controlling interest shareholders (6,338) 1,870 (4,468) (5,747) (10,215)
Transfer to retained earnings 54,031 (54,031)
Balance as at March 31, 2015   ¥ 341,482 ¥ 411,881 ¥ 2,537,815 ¥ 814,563 ¥ (5,946) ¥ 4,099,795 ¥ 297,579 ¥ 4,397,374
(4) Consolidated Statements of Cash Flows
    (Millions of Yen)


Year ended
March 31, 2014
Year ended
March 31, 2015
Operating Activities:
Profit for the Year ¥ 373,863 ¥ 326,924
Adjustments to reconcile profit for the year to cash flows from operating activities:
Depreciation and amortization 219,147 268,367
Change in retirement benefit liabilities 1,121 (3,787)
Provision for doubtful receivables 10,215 17,041
(Gain)/loss on securities and other investments—net (30,816) (42,458)
Impairment loss of fixed assets 59,966 79,948
(Gain)/loss on disposal or sales of fixed assets—net (16,419) (1,446)
Finance (income)/costs—net (101,451) (86,694)
Income taxes 176,654 104,903
Share of profit of investments accounted for using equity method (171,239) (144,596)
Changes in operating assets and liabilities:
Change in trade and other receivables (44,457) 159,674
Change in inventories (13,508) (161)
Change in trade and other payables (51,883) (52,092)
Other—net (49,831) (129,073)
Interest received 26,817 38,291
Interest paid (51,283) (49,906)
Dividends received 277,305 291,593
    Income taxes paid   (164,958)   (136,561)
      Cash flows from operating activities   449,243   639,967
Investing Activities:
Net change in time deposits 707 (4,736)
Net change in investments in and advances to equity accounted investees (204,757) (155,355)
Net change in other investments (96,918) 60,075
Net change in long-term loan receivables (1,963) 60,046
  Net change in property, plant, equipment and investment property   (356,887)   (346,427)
      Cash flows from investing activities   (659,818)   (386,397)
Financing Activities:
Net change in short-term debt (85,141) (181,841)
Net change in long-term debt 208,986 197,233
Purchases and sales of treasury stock (50,216) (23)
Dividends paid (83,970) (118,323)
  Transactions with non-controlling interest shareholders   (2,896)   (23,239)
      Cash flows from financing activities   (13,237)   (126,193)
Effect of Exchange Rate Changes on Cash and Cash Equivalents   17,595   47,076
Change in Cash and Cash Equivalents (206,217) 174,453
Cash and Cash Equivalents at Beginning of Year   1,432,534   1,226,317
Cash and Cash Equivalents at End of Year   ¥ 1,226,317   ¥ 1,400,770
(5) Assumption for Going Concern: None
  (6) Basis of Consolidated Financial Statements
Scope of subsidiaries and equity accounted investees
1) Overseas   209
2)Japan 70
②Equity accounted investees(associated companies and joint ventures)
1) Overseas 131
2) Japan 35
A total of 334 subsidiaries and equity accounted investees are excluded from the above.
These include companies which are sub-consolidated or accounted for under the equity
method bysubsidiaries other than trading sub sidiaries.
(7) Changes in Accounting Estimates
Ssigunificant changes in accounting estimates in the Consolidated Financial Statements are as follows.
(Impairment Losses)
For the year ended March 31,2015, Mitsui E & P Texas LP, a subsidiary in the Energy Segment engaged in
the shale oil and gas development in Texas, recognized an impairment loss of ¥58,862 million in
"impairment loss of fixed assets"by reducing the carrying amount of the production equipment and others
to the recoverable amount of ¥75,172 million. In addition, Mitsui E&P UK Limited, a subsidiary in the
Energy Dsegment engaged in the oil and gas development in the North Sea, U.K., recognized an impaiment
loss of ¥13,784 million in "impairment loss of fixed assets" by reducing the carrying amount of the mineral
rights and production equipment to the recoverable amount of ¥16,642 million. These impairment losses
mainly related to a decline in the crude oil prices.
The recoverable amount above represented the value in use. The discount rate used to calculate the value in
use is deemed to reflect the market average profit margin and the risks inherent to the cash-generating unit.
(8) Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements
①Segment Information
Year ended March 31, 2014 (from April 1, 2013 to March 31, 2014)
                  (Millions of Yen)
  Iron & Steel Products Mineral & Metal Resources Machinery & Infrastructure Chemicals Energy Lifestyle Innovation & Corporate Development
Revenue   220,068 791,197 410,155 943,198 1,454,254 890,587 103,215
Gross Profit   51,130 200,892 114,743 80,527 199,834 113,979 22,579
Share of Profit of Investments Accounted for Using the Equity Method 5,395 37,990 24,400 8,606 60,087 19,289 4,879
Profit (Loss) for the Year Attributable to Owners of the parent 14,583 88,052 17,146 8,370 188,441 12,096 (12,258)
EBITDA   21,839 241,785 35,642 28,514 416,106 20,203 (23,614)
Total Assets at March 31, 2014 567,741 1,970,858 1,872,585 765,751 2,478,158 1,495,387 496,533


Americas Europe,
the Middle East and Africa
Asia Pacific Total All Other Adjustments
and Eliminations
Consolidated Total
Revenue   699,622 108,663 109,079 5,730,038 1,884 (4) 5,731,918
Gross Profit   78,725 18,752 12,469 893,630 794 (14,318) 880,106
Share of Profit of Investments Accounted for Using the Equity Method 4,039 1,384 4,525 170,594 365 280 171,239
Profit (Loss) for the Year Attributable to Owners of the parent       13,668 397 30,682 361,177 11,004 (22,088) 350,093
EBITDA   26,334 499 (347) 766,961 7,756 44,930 819,647
Total Assets at March 31, 2014 568,772 105,907 345,074 10,666,766 5,037,172 (4,212,619) 11,491,319
Year ended March 31, 2015 (from April 1, 2014 to March 31, 2015)
                  (Millions of Yen)
  Iron & Steel Products Mineral & Metal Resources Machinery & Infrastructure Chemicals Energy Lifestyle Innovation & Corporate Development
Revenue   151,442 791,211 443,946 888,222 991,247 975,991 120,167
Gross Profit   37,970 146,125 130,131 70,134 202,739 116,242 37,420
Share of Profit of Investments Accounted for Using the Equity Method 7,641 913 32,988 7,225 56,610 21,642 5,748
Profit (Loss) for the Year Attributable to Owners of the parent 8,460 60,857 45,680 3,702 119,674 (2,695) 6,006
EBITDA   12,909 155,530 54,977 18,074 439,849 16,156 (4,991)
Total Assets at March 31, 2015       493,961 1,955,957 2,112,645 838,894 2,610,367 1,658,188 550,339


Americas Europe,
the Middle East and Africa
Asia Pacific Total All Other Adjustments
and Eliminations
Consolidated Total
Revenue   828,521 110,161 102,179 5,403,087 1,843 - 5,404,930
Gross Profit   92,589 19,317 12,223 864,890 701 (19,751) 845,840
Share of Profit of Investments Accounted for Using the Equity Method 7,450 574 4,518 145,309 - (713) 144,596
Profit (Loss) for the Year Attributable to Owners of the parent 25,757 3,408 30,535 301,384 8,947 (3,841) 306,490
EBITDA   41,297 (541) (2,528) 730,732 3,221 54,312 788,265
Total Assets at March 31, 2015       584,086 104,646 382,495 11,291,578 5,135,246 (4,223,903) 12,202,921
②Earnings per share
The following is a reconciliation of basic earnings per share attributable to owners of the parent to diluted earnings per share attributable to owners of the parent for the years ended March 31, 2014 and 2015:
Year ended March 31, 2014(from April 1, 2013 to March 31, 2014)          




Per share amount
      Millions of Yen   In Thousands   Yen
Basic Earnings per Share Attributable to

Owners of the Parent:

Profit for the Year Attributable to Owners of the Parent 350,093 1,821,339 192.22
Effect of Dilutive Securities:
Adjustments of effect of dilutive securities of

associated companies

(17) -
Diluted Earnings per Share Attributable to

Owners of the Parent:

  Profit for the Year Attributable to Owners of the Parent

after effect of dilutive securities

350,076   1,821,339   192.21
Year ended March 31, 2015(from April 1, 2014 to March 31, 2015)          




Per share amount
      Millions of Yen   In Thousands   Yen
Basic Earnings per Share Attributable to

Owners of the Parent:

Profit for the Year Attributable to Owners of the Parent 306,490 1,792,516 170.98
Effect of Dilutive Securities:
Adjustments of effect of:
Dilutive securities of associated companies (15) -
Stock options - 257
Diluted Earnings per Share Attributable to

Owners of the Parent:

  Profit for the Year Attributable to Owners of the Parent

after effect of dilutive securities

306,475   1,792,773   170.95
③Subsequent Events
The Company approved at the meeting of the Board of Directors held on May 8, 2015, to allot the stock option scheme as stock-based compensation with stock price conditions to the Company’s Executive Officer to purchase up to 6,800 shares of the Company’s common stock in the period from May 28, 2018 to May 27, 2045 with payment due upon the exercise of offered subscription rights to shares being ¥1 per share.
Notes to Leases, Related party transactions, Tax effect accounting, Financial instruments, Securities, Derivative instruments, Pension cost and severance indemnities, Business combinations, Asset retirement obligations and others are omitted because there is less necessity for disclosure in the Flash Report.

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Category Code: FR
Sequence Number: 464806
Time of Receipt (offset from UTC): 20150508T064351+0100


Mitsui & Co Ltd


Mitsui & Co Ltd