ASEA Celebrates Its Fifth Anniversary With NSF Certification, Product Validation and the Launch of the ASEA Advancing Life Foundation

ASEA’s 2015 “Velocity” International Convention Highlights the Company’s Balanced Growth and Corporate Responsibility Strategy

ASEA's 2015 "Velocity" International Convention (Graphic: Business Wire)

SALT LAKE CITY--()--ASEA, an emerging global leader in cellular health, wraps its fifth annual International Convention, announcing the company received NSF Certification and BioAgilytix Validation. ASEA executives also announced the launch of its first corporate giving program, the ASEA Advancing Life Foundation, aimed at helping children and families in need.

“Since our launch five years ago we have grown in to a $70 million company, a velocity we are proud of and that could only be achieved by having dedicated Associates and a quality product,” said Charles F. Funke, ASEA Chief Executive Officer. “Our products are of the best quality, and we are proud to have received the NSF Certification and BioAgilytix Validation, which further validate the manufacturing excellence of our products.”

Honoring the legacy of ASEA Founder Verdis Norton as he approaches retirement, the “Velocity” International Convention was attended by more than 2,000 Associates and partners. This year’s International Convention focused on the velocity by which the company is growing and expanding with new services and tools for its Associates, while further validating its products and dedication to sustainability and corporate responsibility.

Over the course of three days, attendees were urged to participate in a number of sessions educating about new recognitions and business strategies to further advance the brand and increase sales, while being responsible citizens. Speakers included: ASEA founder Verdis Norton, Authors Tom "Big Al" Schreiter and Natalyn Lewis, Olympic Gold Medalist Breeja Larson, Olympic Swimmer Cody Miller, World Master Track Champion Gerard Louis Robert and Marathon Runner Dane Rauschenberg.

“As we prospered and continue to enjoy success, it’s important that we give back and do the right thing for our Associates and their customers,” continued Funke. “We are thrilled to formalize the giving environment that is already a part of ASEA through the ASEA Advancing Life Foundation.”

ASEA’s NSF Certification

NSF International, a global public health and safety organization that provides food safety and quality assurance services across all food supply chain sectors, has certified ASEA’s production facility as a cGMP compliant facility, confirming it is fully compliant with specific standards for safety, quality and performance.

ASEA’s production facility, which was completed in May 2013, allows the company to produce its own products to ensure 100 percent control over the quality process. With this new certification it is now NSF certified, FDA registered and Kosher certified. ASEA has spent three years dedicated to securing this certification so consumers can be confident that its products are safe and meet all quality standards the FDA has established for the production and testing of nutritional supplements.

ASEA BioAgilytix Validation

BioAgilytix Labs, a leading bioanalytical testing laboratory specializing in immunoassays and cell-based assays, has validated the ASEA Redox Supplement, providing third-party scientific validity of the nature of the company’s products. This process helps to ensure that every product made is of the highest quality and endorsed for scientific effectiveness.

Specializing in biomarker testing, the BioAgilytix Labs team of PhD-level experts validated the existence of redox signaling molecules establishing the proven potential and value of ASEA’s promising and innovative products. To maintain its BioAgilytix certification, ASEA provides a weekly product sample for scientific assay to substantiate the existence of redox signaling.

ASEA Advancing Life Foundation

As a company whose motto is to “Believe, Belong, Become,” ASEA has formalized its giving culture and announced the formation of the ASEA Advancing Life Foundation, aimed at helping children and families in need.

Moving forward, ASEA will partner with select charitable organizations that are engaged in sustainable efforts that meet the needs of children and families in extreme poverty or with specific needs. ASEA’s first partner charity is CHOICE Humanitarian, a non-profit organization that works with motivated villages in third-world settings to create resources and tools that allow villagers to change their lives. In support of CHOICE Humanitarian, ASEA has committed to donating $10,000 to relief efforts in Nepal and has currently collected $7,000 from Associates in an effort to match the donation. Additionally, ASEA is sponsoring a mission in Acambay, Mexico.

CHOICE Humanitarian works with motivated villages in third-world settings to create resources and tools that allow villagers to change their lives. Building skills, capacities and leadership of entire communities can break the cycle of poverty. Communities continue to move forward by defining objectives and leveraging connections.

About ASEA

ASEA, an emerging global leader in cellular health, is dedicated to providing a sustainable lifestyle by delivering high-quality cellular health products through a principle-based, direct-selling distribution model. Harnessing science, ASEA offers first-to-market products that utilize molecules native to the human body that enhance vital cellular functions. ASEA’s cornerstone, patented redox signaling technology boosts the body’s natural cellular renewal and communication processes, improving total body health and allowing every system of the body to function better. Currently, redox signaling technology is available in two first-to-market products: ASEA® Redox Supplement, the company’s flagship liquid supplement, and RENU 28®, a revitalizing whole-body skin gel. Founded in 2010, ASEA currently operates in the United States and 24 international markets. For more information about ASEA products or the accompanying business opportunity, visit


H+K Strategies for ASEA
Christina Witz, 310-633-9424


H+K Strategies for ASEA
Christina Witz, 310-633-9424