Dividend Announcement


db x-trackers II

Investment Company with Variable Capital

Registered office: 49, avenue J.F. Kennedy, L-1855 Luxembourg

R.C.S. Luxembourg B-124.284

(the "Company")



30 March 2015

The Board of Directors of the Company wishes to inform the Shareholders that a dividend per share for the following share classes and Sub-Funds of the Company will be paid:

Please note the following dates which apply to all of the below:

Record date: 1 April 2015

Ex-dividend date: 2 April 2015

Payment date: 15 April 2015

Sub-Fund   db x-trackers II Global Sovereign UCITS ETF
Share Class 2D
Denomination Currency GBP
Amount/Share (gross) 0.1755
ISIN Code LU0641006290
TID* 0.1755
Sub-Fund   db x-trackers II iBoxx Global Inflation-Linked UCITS ETF
Share Class 3D
Denomination Currency GBP
Amount/Share (gross) 0.3590
ISIN Code LU0641007264
TID* 0.3590
Sub-Fund   db x-trackers II IBOXX £ Gilts 1-5 UCITS ETF
Share Class 1D
Denomination Currency GBP
Amount/Share (gross) 2.8612
ISIN Code LU0429458978
TID * 2.8612
Sub-Fund   db x-trackers II iBoxx £ Gilts UCITS ETF
Share Class 1D
Denomination Currency GBP
Amount/Share (gross) 2.6524
ISIN Code LU0321464066
TID* 2.6524
Sub-Fund   db x-trackers II iBoxx GBP Liquid Corporate UCITS ETF
Share Class 1D
Denomination Currency GBP
Amount/Share (gross) 0.5970
ISIN Code LU0675343288
TID* 0.5970
Sub-Fund   db x-trackers II iBoxx UK Gilt Inflation-Linked UCITS ETF
Share Class 1D
Denomination Currency GBP
Amount/Share (gross) 2.1494
ISIN Code LU0321464223
TID* 2.1494
Sub-Fund   db x-trackers II Sterling Cash UCITS ETF
Share Class 1D
Denomination Currency GBP
Amount/Share (gross) 1.4519
ISIN Code LU0321464652
TID* 1.4519

* The Taxable Income per Dividend (TID) is the proportion of taxable income contained in the above dividend under the Council Directive 2003/48/EC on the taxation of savings income in the form of interest payments (the “EUSD”) as transposed into Luxembourg law.

Shareholders’ attention is drawn to the fact that under the Luxembourg laws dated 21 June 2005, implementing the EUSD, as amended by the Law of 25 November 2014, and several agreements concluded between Luxembourg and certain dependent or associated territories of the EU (“Territories”), the Luxembourg-based paying agent is required as from 1 January 2015 to report to the Luxembourg tax authorities the payment of interest and other similar income paid by it to (or under certain circumstances, to the benefit of) an individual or certain residual entities resident or established in another EU Member State or in the Territories, and certain personal detail on the beneficial owner. Such details will be provided by the Luxembourg tax authorities to the competent foreign tax authorities of the state of residence of the beneficial owner (within the meaning of the EUSD).

Dividend will be paid to the registered Shareholders by cheque, mailed at their risk to their address as shown on the register of Shareholders or by bank transfer. According to the prospectus of the Company (the "Prospectus"), “Dividend cheques not cashed within 5 years will be forfeited and will accrue for the benefit of the Sub-Fund out of which the dividend is payable.”

More generally, any distribution which remains unclaimed after a period of 5 years from the date of original payment shall be forfeited and will accrue for the benefit of the Sub-Fund out of which the dividend is payable.

The paying agent is State Street Bank Luxembourg S.A., 49, avenue J.F. Kennedy, L-1855 Luxembourg, Grand Duchy of Luxembourg.

Capitalised terms not defined herein shall have the meaning given to them in the most recent version of the Prospectus.

This notice is for information purposes only. Shareholders are not required to take any action.

Shareholders who have any queries or to whom any of the above is not clear should seek advice from their stockbroker, bank manager, legal adviser, accountant or other independent financial advisor. Shareholders should also consult their own professional advisers as to the specific tax implications under the laws of the countries of their nationality, residence, domicile or incorporation.

db x-trackers II

The Board of Directors

Category Code: MSC
Sequence Number: 458866
Time of Receipt (offset from UTC): 20150330T081047+0100


db x-trackers


db x-trackers