Dealing Disclosure - CATLIN GROUP LTD

(a) Name of exempt principal trader: BARCLAYS CAPITAL SECURITIES LTD
(b) Name of offeror/offeree in relation to whose CATLIN GROUP LTD
  relevant securities this form relates:  
(c) Name of the party to the offer with which exempt CATLIN GROUP LTD
  principal trader is connected  
(d) Date position held/dealing undertaken: 26 March 2015
(a) Interests and short positions in the relevant securities of the offeror or offeree
  to which the disclosure relates following the dealing (if any)      
Class of relevant security:   ORD      
Interests Short Positions
    Number (%) Number (%)
(1) Relevant securities owned
and/or controlled: 775,021 0.21% 330,062 0.09%
(2) Derivatives (other than
options): 91,710 0.02% 451,980 0.12%
(3) Options and agreements to
purchase/sell: 0 0.00% 0 0.00%
TOTAL: 866,731 0.24% 782,042 0.21%
(b) Rights to subscribe for new securities (including directors and other executive
Class of relevant security in relation to
which subscription right exists  
Details, including nature of the rights
concerned and relevant percentages:  
(a) Purchases and sales    
Class of relevant Purchase/sale Number of Price per unit
security   securities  
ORD Purchase 9 7.0850 GBP
ORD Purchase 135 7.0350 GBP
ORD Purchase 174 7.0800 GBP
ORD Purchase 200 7.0550 GBP
ORD Purchase 660 7.0650 GBP
ORD Purchase 667 7.0900 GBP
ORD Purchase 1,894 7.0699 GBP
ORD Purchase 3,202 7.0300 GBP
ORD Purchase 3,626 7.0250 GBP
ORD Purchase 3,986 7.0750 GBP
ORD Purchase 18,527 7.0658 GBP
ORD Sale 174 7.0800 GBP
ORD Sale 667 7.0900 GBP
ORD Sale 1,151 7.0374 GBP
ORD Sale 1,281 7.0350 GBP
ORD Sale 1,349 7.0642 GBP
ORD Sale 2,273 7.0359 GBP
ORD Sale 2,665 7.0583 GBP
ORD Sale 2,716 7.0396 GBP
ORD Sale 2,911 7.0293 GBP
ORD Sale 3,202 7.0300 GBP
ORD Sale 3,734 7.0250 GBP
ORD Sale 3,986 7.0750 GBP
ORD Sale 4,099 7.0663 GBP
ORD Sale 4,997 7.0781 GBP
ORD Sale 5,299 7.0392 GBP
ORD Sale 16,668 7.0270 GBP
ORD Sale 43,165 7.0563 GBP
(b) Derivatives transactions (other than options)      
Class of Product Nature of dealing Number of Price per
relevant description reference unit
security     securities  
ORD CFD Long 3,298 7.0752 GBP
ORD SWAP Long 3,798 7.0272 GBP
ORD CFD Long 18,724 7.0285 GBP
ORD SWAP Long 18,724 7.0285 GBP
ORD SWAP Long 23,700 7.0699 GBP
ORD CFD Short 660 7.0654 GBP
ORD SWAP Short 909 7.0614 GBP
ORD SWAP Short 987 7.0724 GBP
ORD CFD Short 1,344 7.0807 GBP
ORD SWAP Short 17,390 7.0650 GBP
(c) Options transactions in respect of existing securities
(i) Writing, selling, purchasing or varying            
Class Product Writing, Number Exercise Type Expiry Option
of description purchasing, of price date money
relevant selling, securities per unit paid/
security varying etc to which received
option per unit
(ii) Exercising    
Class of relevant Product description Number of Exercise price per
security   securities unit
(d) Other dealings (including subscribing for new securities)  
Class of relevant Nature of Dealings Details Price per unit (if
security     applicable)
Is a Supplemental Form 8 (Open Positions) attached? NO
Date of disclosure: 27 Mar 2015
Contact name: Jay Supaya
Telephone number: 0207 773 0635

Category Code: MSC
Sequence Number: 458658
Time of Receipt (offset from UTC): 20150327T110103+0000


