Total: Fourth Quarter and Full-Year 2014 Results1


Total (Paris:FP) (LSE:TTA) (NYSE:TOT):

    4Q14   Change

vs 4Q13

  2014   Change vs 2013

Adjusted net income2

  • in billions of dollars (B$)
2.8 -17% 12.8 -10%
  • in dollars per share
1.22 -18% 5.63 -11%

Net income3 of 4.2 B$ for full year 2014
Net-debt-to-equity ratio of 31.3% on December 31, 2014
Hydrocarbon production of 2,146 kboe/d for full year 2014
Dividend for 4Q14 of 0.61 €/share payable in July 20154


Total’s Board of Directors, under the chairmanship of Thierry Desmarest, met on February 11, 2015, to review the Group’s fourth quarter accounts. Commenting on the results, CEO Patrick Pouyanné said:

“After a long period of stability around $110 per barrel, oil prices fell dramatically in the second half of 2014, ending the year at $55 per barrel. In this context, Total generated adjusted net results of $12.8 billion², a decrease of 10% compared to the previous year. Given the current economic environment the company recognized after-tax impairments of about $6.5 billion at the end of the year, essentially related to Canadian oil sands, unconventional gas, notably in the United States, and refining in Europe.
The Upstream segment returned to growth with the start-up of its deep-offshore CLOV field in Angola in the second half of 2014. The Refining & Chemicals segment achieved its profitability target one year ahead of schedule and reported a remarkable set of results thanks to the success of its restructuring program and strong operational performance.
After delivering on its commitment to reduce expenditures in 2014, all of the Group’s segments are expanding their cost-cutting programs to get through this period, with no compromise on the absolute priority to safety.
Total successfully completed its 2012-14 asset sale program and plans to accelerate the execution of its 2015-17 asset sale program. As the first international company to enter the new ADCO concession in Abu Dhabi, Total demonstrates its ability to access resources under good conditions and create strong partnerships in a strategic region.
With its high-quality teams, financial strength and ability to adapt, the Group is focused for the short-term on generating cash flow and reducing its breakeven point, and for the medium term confirms its growth strategy.”

The Board of Directors decided to propose at the Annual Shareholders’ Meeting on May 29, 2015, an annual dividend of 2.44 €/share for 2014, an increase of 2.5% compared to 2013, as well as the alternative of receiving the remaining 0.61 €/share in cash or new shares benefiting from a 10% discount.

  • Key figures5
4Q14   3Q14   4Q13   4Q14
  Expressed in millions of dollars
except earnings per share and number of shares
  2014   2013   2014 vs
52,511   60,363   64,975   -19%   Sales   236,122   251,725   -6%
3,705   6,134   6,533   -43%   Adjusted operating income from business segments   21,604   27,618   -22%
2,797   3,927   3,835   -27%   Adjusted net operating income from business segments   14,247   15,861   -10%
1,596   2,765   3,065   -48%  

- Upstream

  10,504   12,450   -16%
956 786 441 x2.2

- Refining & Chemicals

2,489 1,857 +34%
245   376   329   -26%  

- Marketing & Services

  1,254   1,554   -19%
2,801   3,558   3,385   -17%   Adjusted net income   12,837   14,292   -10%
1.22   1.56   1.49   -18%   Adjusted fully-diluted earnings per share (dollars)   5.63   6.29   -11%
0.98   1.17   1.09   -10%   Adjusted fully-diluted earnings per share (euro)   4.24   4.74   -11%
2,287   2,285   2,276   -   Fully-diluted weighted-average shares (millions)   2,281   2,272   -
(5,658)   3,463   2,234   na   Net income (Group share)   4,244   11,228   -62%
8,152   7,769   11,317   -28%  

Investments 6

  30,509   34,431   -11%
1,689   2,030   939   +80%   Divestments   6,190   6,399   -3%
6,409   5,740   8,739   -27%  

Net investments 7

  24,140   25,879   -7%
7,354   7,639   9,578   -23%   Cash flow from operations   25,608   28,513   -10%
5,721   6,741   6,438   -11%   Adjusted cash flow from operations   24,597   27,053   -9%
  • Highlights since the beginning of the fourth quarter 20148
    • Entered new ADCO concession in Abu Dhabi with 10% interest for 40-year duration, effective January 1, 2015
    • Finalized sale of Bostik to Arkema
    • Started production from Eldfisk II in the Norwegian North Sea
    • Started production from West Franklin Phase 2 in the UK North Sea
    • Stopped flaring and started producing gas from the Ofon field, operated by Total in Nigeria
    • Finalized sales of non-operated interests in Norwegian and Nigerian fields, the interest in GTT (Gaztransport & Technigaz) and the Cardinal pipeline network in the United States
    • Jisik discovery in the Kurdistan region of Iraq
  • Fourth quarter 2014 results

> Net operating income from business segments

In the fourth quarter 2014, the Brent price averaged 76.6 $/b, a decrease of 30% compared to the fourth quarter 2013 and 25% compared to the third quarter 2014. The Group’s European refining margin indicator (ERMI) averaged 27.6 $/t in the fourth quarter 2014 compared to 10.1 $/t in the fourth quarter 2013 and 29.9 $/t in the third quarter 2014.

The effective tax rate9 for the business segments was 45.6% in the fourth quarter 2014 compared to 55.2% in the fourth quarter 2013, benefiting mainly from strong downstream results which are taxed at a lower rate.

Adjusted net operating income from the business segments was 2,797 M$ in the fourth quarter 2014 compared to 3,835 M$ in the fourth quarter 2013, a decrease of 27%, reflecting mainly a lower contribution from Upstream, driven essentially by the sharp decline in Brent, partially offset by the solid performance of Refining & Chemicals.

> Net income (Group share)

Adjusted net income was 2,801 M$ in the fourth quarter 2014 compared to 3,385 M$ in the fourth quarter 2013, a decrease of 17%.

Adjusted net income excludes the after-tax inventory effect, the effect of changes in fair value and special items10:

  • The after-tax inventory effect had a negative impact on net income of 1,993 M$ in the fourth quarter 2014 compared to a negative impact of 103 M$ in the fourth quarter 2013.
  • Changes in fair value had a positive impact on net income of 19 M$ in the fourth quarter 2014 compared to a negative impact of 19 M$ in the fourth quarter 2013.
  • Special items11 had a negative impact on net income of 6,485 M$ in the fourth quarter 2014, including mainly the impairment12 of oil sands in Canada, unconventional gas notably in the United States, refining in Europe and certain other assets in the Upstream. Special items had a negative impact on net income in the fourth quarter 2013 of 1,029 M$.

Taking into account these elements, the net loss (Group share) was 5,658 M$ in the fourth quarter 2014 compared to net income of 2,234 M$ in the fourth quarter 2013.

The effective tax rate for the Group was 40.1% in the fourth quarter 2014 compared to 56.7% in the fourth quarter 2013, reflecting mainly the relative decrease in Upstream results and increase in downstream results, which are taxed at a lower rate.

On December 31, 2014, there were 2,285 million fully-diluted shares compared to 2,276 million fully-diluted shares December 31, 2013.

Adjusted fully-diluted earnings per share, based on 2,287 million fully-diluted weighted-average shares, was $1.22 in the fourth quarter 2014 compared to $1.49 in the fourth quarter 2013.

Expressed in euro, the adjusted fully-diluted earnings per share was €0.98 in the fourth quarter 2014, a decrease of 10%.

> Investments – divestments13

Investments, excluding acquisitions and including changes in non-current loans, were 7.0 B$ in the fourth quarter 2014, a decrease of 21% compared to 8.9 B$ in the fourth quarter 2013.

Acquisitions were 730 M$ in the fourth quarter 2014, notably comprised of the carry on the Utica gas and condensate field in the United States. Acquisitions were 1,861 M$ in the fourth quarter 2013.

Asset sales in the fourth quarter 2014 were 1,269 M$, essentially comprised of the sale of the Cardinal midstream assets in the United States, interests in blocks in Norway and Nigeria, and the CCP composites business in Refining & Chemicals. Asset sales in the fourth quarter 2013 were 355 M$.

Net investments14 were 6.4 B$ in the fourth quarter 2014 compared to 8.7 B$ in the fourth quarter 2013.

> Cash flow

Cash flow from operations was 7,354 M$ in the fourth quarter 2014, a decrease of 23% compared to the fourth quarter 2013, mainly due to the decrease in the price of Brent.

Adjusted cash flow from operations15 was 5,721 M$, a decrease of 11% compared to the fourth quarter 2013.

The Group’s net cash flow16 was 945 M$ compared to 839 M$ in the fourth quarter 2013, an increase of 13% reflecting mainly the 27% decrease in net investments, partially offset by the lower cash flow from operations linked to the decrease in Brent.

The net-debt-to-equity ratio was 31.3% on December 31, 2014, compared to 27.8% on September 30, 2014, and 23.3% on December 31, 201317. The increase is partly due to the higher level of net debt linked to lower cash flow from operations as well as the incomplete status on December 31, 2014, of the sales of Bostik, Totalgaz and the South African coal mines, and partly due to the decrease in equity linked mainly to variations in foreign exchange and to the impact of the impairments.

  • Results for the full-year 2014

> Net operating income from business segments

The average Brent price decreased by 9% to 99.0 $/b in 2014 compared to 2013. Brent dropped sharply in the second half, from about 110 $/b to less than 60 $/b by December 31, 2014. The ERMI was 18.7 $/t in 2014 compared to 17.9 $/t in 2013, an increase of 4%. The environment for petrochemicals also improved, notably in the United States.

The effective tax rate18 for the business segments was 51.2% in 2014 compared to 55.5% in 2013. The decrease was due mainly to the benefit of tax allowances in the UK in the second quarter 2014 which reduced the average rate for the Upstream and to the higher contribution from the downstream, which is taxed at a lower average rate.

Adjusted net operating income from the business segments was 14,247 M$ compared to 15,861 M$ in 2013, a decrease of 10%. This decrease was due essentially to the impact of lower Brent prices on Upstream results, partially offset by a higher contribution from downstream activities.

> Net income (Group share)

Adjusted net income was 12,837 M$ in 2014 compared to 14,292 M$ in 2013, a decrease of 10%.

Adjusted net income excludes the after-tax inventory effect, the effect of changes in fair value and special items19:

  • The after-tax inventory effect had a negative impact of 2,453 M$ in 2014 and a negative impact of 728 M$ in 2013.
  • Changes in fair value had a positive impact of 25 M$ in 2014 and a negative impact of 58 M$ in 2013.
  • Special items20 had a negative impact of 6,165 M$ in 2014, including mainly 7.1 B$ of impairments. Taking into account the current economic environment, the Group impaired its oil sands assets in Canada by 2.2 B$, its unconventional gas notably in the United States by 2.1 B$, its refining in Europe by 1.4 B$, as well as certain other assets in the Upstream. These impairments were partially offset by the gain on the sale of the Group’s interests in Shah Deniz in Azerbaijan and GTT. Special items had a negative impact of 2,278 M$ in 2013.

In this context, net income (Group share) was 4,244 M$ in 2014 compared to 11,228 M$ in 2013, a decrease of 62%.

The effective tax rate for the Group was 53.0% in 2014 compared to 56.8% in 2013. This variation is due principally to the benefit of tax allowances in the UK in the second quarter 2014 which lowered the average tax rate in the Upstream and the higher contribution from downstream which benefits from a lower tax rate.

On December 31, 2014, there were 2,285 million fully-diluted shares compared to 2,276 million shares on December 31, 2013.

Adjusted fully-diluted earnings per share, based on 2,281 million fully-diluted weighted-average shares, was $5.63 in 2014 compared to $6.29 in 2013.

Expressed in euro, adjusted fully-diluted earnings per share were €4.24 in 2014, a decrease of 11%.

> Investments - divestments21

Investments excluding acquisitions and including changes in non-current loans, were 26.4 B$ in 2014, a decrease of 7% compared to 2013.

Acquisitions were 2,539 M$ in 2014, comprised principally of the acquisition of an interest in the Elk and Antelope discoveries in Papua New Guinea, the acquisition of an additional interest in Novatek22 and the carry on the Utica gas and condensate field in the United States. Acquisitions were 4,473 M$ in 2013.

Asset sales were 4,650 M$ in 2014, comprised essentially of the sale of interests in Shah Deniz and the associated pipelines in Azerbaijan, Block 15/06 in Angola, GTT (Gaztransport & Technigaz) and the Cardinal midstream assets in the United States. Asset sales were 4,750 M$ in 2013.

Net investments23 were 24.1 B$ in 2014 compared to 25.9 B$ in 2013, a decrease of 7%.

> Cash flow

Cash flow from operations was 25,608 M$ in 2014, a decrease of 10% compared to 2013.

Adjusted cash flow from operations24 was 24,597 M$ in 2014, a decrease of 9% compared to 2013.

The Group’s net cash flow25 was 1,468 M$ in 2014 compared to 2,634 M$ in 2013. This decrease was due essentially to lower cash flow from operations between the two periods, partially compensated by lower net investments.

The net-debt-to-equity ratio was 31.3% on December 31, 2014, compared to 23.3% on December 31, 201326. The increase is partly due to the higher level of net debt linked to lower cash flow from operations as well as the incomplete status on December 31, 2014, of the sales of Bostik, Totalgaz and the South African coal mines, and partly due to the decrease in equity linked mainly to variations in foreign exchange and to the impact of the impairments.

  • Analysis of business segment results


> Environment – liquids and gas price realizations*

4Q14   3Q14   4Q13   4Q14
      2014   2013   2014


76.6   101.9   109.2   -30%   Brent ($/b)   99.0   108.7   -9%
61.7   94.0   102.5   -40%   Average liquids price ($/b)   89.4   103.3   -13%
6.29   6.40   7.36   -15%   Average gas price ($/Mbtu)   6.57   7.12   -8%
50.5   69.1   74.6   -32%   Average hydrocarbon price ($/boe)   66.2   74.8   -11%

* consolidated subsidiaries, excluding fixed margins.

> Production

4Q14   3Q14   4Q13   4Q14


  Hydrocarbon production   2014   2013   2014
2,229   2,122   2,284   -2%   Combined production (kboe/d)   2,146   2,299   -7%
1,077   1,043   1,142   -6%  

- Liquids (kb/d)

  1,034   1,167   -11%
6,219   5,902   6,260   -1%  

- Gas (Mcf/d)

  6,063   6,184   -2%

Hydrocarbon production was 2,229 thousand barrels of oil equivalent per day (kboe/d) in the fourth quarter 2014, a decrease of 2% compared to the fourth quarter 2013, due to the following:

  • -6% essentially for the expiration of the ADCO license in the United Arab Emirates;
  • +2% for lower prices, notably on production sharing contracts (PSC);
  • +3% essentially from the start up of CLOV in Angola; and
  • -1% for natural decline, partially offset by production growth in Russia and Utica in the United States.

Excluding ADCO, which expired in January 2014, hydrocarbon production in the fourth quarter 2014 increased by 3.5% compared to the fourth quarter 2013.

Hydrocarbon production in the fourth quarter 2014 increased by 5% compared to the third quarter 2014 due to the production from CLOV throughout the quarter, lower maintenance in the fourth quarter, and a decrease in price, notably on PSC contracts.

In 2014, hydrocarbon production was 2,146 kboe/d, a decrease of 7% compared to 2013, due to the following:

  • -6% essentially for the expiration of the ADCO license in the United Arab Emirates;
  • -2% essentially for natural decline and higher maintenance in 2014 notably in the first half, partially offset by production growth in Utica in the United States; and
  • +1% for production growth from start-ups, essentially CLOV in Angola.

In 2014, excluding ADCO, hydrocarbon production was virtually stable compared to 2013.

> Reserves

Reserves at December 31   2014   2013   %
Hydrocarbon reserves (Mboe)   11,523   11,526   -

- Liquids (Mb)

  5,303   5,413   -2%

- Gas (Bcf)

  33,590   33,026   +2%

Proved reserves based on SEC rules (based on Brent at 101.3 $/b) were 11,523 Mboe at December 31, 2014. Based on the 2014 average rate of production, the reserve life is more than thirteen years.

The 2014 proved reserve replacement rate27, based on SEC rules, was 100%. The 2014 organic proved reserve replacement rate28 was 125%.

At year-end 2014, Total had a solid and diversified portfolio of proved and probable reserves29 representing more than twenty years of reserve life based on the 2014 average production rate, and resources30 representing about fifty years of production.

> Results

4Q14   3Q14   4Q13   4Q14
  In millions of dollars   2014   2013   2014
2,174   4,671   5,587   -61%   Adjusted operating income*   17,156   23,700   -28%
1,596   2,765   3,065   -48%   Adjusted net operating income*   10,504   12,450   -16%
533   824   704   -24%  
  • includes income from equity affiliates
  2,859   2,889   -1%
6,287   6,923   9,498   -34%   Investments   26,520   29,750   -11%
1,473   1,924   812   +81%   Divestments   5,764   5,786   -
2,608   5,442   7,310   -64%   Cash flow from operations   16,666   21,857   -24%
3,665   5,028   5,095   -28%   Adjusted cash flow from operations   18,667   22,011   -15%

* detail of adjustment items shown in the business segment information annex to financial statements.

Adjusted net operating income from the Upstream segment was 1,596 M$ in the fourth quarter 2014, a decrease of 48% compared to the fourth quarter 2013, essentially due to the decrease in the average realized price of hydrocarbons. The effective tax rate for the Upstream segment was 57.0% compared to 58.8% in the fourth quarter 2013.

Adjusted net operating income from the Upstream segment in 2014 was 10,504 M$ compared to 12,450 M$ in 2013, a decrease of 16%, which was due essentially to the decrease in the average realized price of hydrocarbons. The effective tax rate for the Upstream segment in 2014 was 57.1%, compared to 60.0% in 2013. The lower rate reflects mainly the benefit of tax allowances in the UK in the second quarter 2014.

Technical costs, calculated in accordance with ASC 93231, were 28.3 $/boe in 2014 compared to 26.1 $/boe in 2013, an increase due principally to the increase in depreciation of fixed assets and the increase in production costs, mainly maintenance costs.

The return on average capital employed (ROACE32) for the Upstream segment was 11% for the full year 2014 compared to 14% for the full year 2013.

Refining & Chemicals

> Refinery throughput and utilization rates*

4Q14   3Q14   4Q13   4Q14
      2014   2013   2014
1,887   1,884   1,580   +19%   Total refinery throughput (kb/j)   1,775   1,719   +3%
632   672   535   +18%  

- France

  639   647   -1%
852 840 755 +13%

- Rest of Europe

794 797 -
403   372   290   +39%  

- Rest of world

  342   275   +24%
                Utilization rates**            
82% 82% 73%

- Based on crude only

77% 80%
86%   86%   77%      

- Based on crude and other feedstocks

  81%   84%    

* includes share of TotalErg. Results for refineries in South Africa, French Antilles and Italy are reported in the Marketing & Services segment.
** based on distillation capacity at the beginning of the year.

In the fourth quarter 2014, refinery throughput increased by 19% compared to the fourth quarter 2013. This increase was essentially due to higher refining margins in Europe which allowed utilization rates to rise, and the start-up of Satorp, operating at full capacity since August 2014.

In 2014, refinery throughput increased slightly by 3% compared to 2013, essentially due to the start up of Satorp.

> Results

4Q14   3Q14   4Q13   4Q14
  In millions of dollars
(except the ERMI)
  2014   2013   2014 vs 2013
27.6   29.9   10.1   x2.8   European refining margin

indicator - ERMI ($/t))

  18.7   17.9   +4%
1,069   974   421   x2.5   Adjusted operating income*   2,739   1,766   +55%
956   786   441   x2.2   Adjusted net operating income*   2,489   1,857   +34%
155   161   160   -3%  
  • contribution of Specialty Chemicals**
  629   583   +8%
875   422   956   -8%   Investments   2,022   2,708   -25%
157   9   45   x2.5   Divestments   192   365   -47%
3,113   1,729   1,816   +71%   Cash flow from operations   6,302   4,260   +48%
1,465   1,263   839   +75%   Adjusted cash flow from operations   4,028   2,974   +35%

* detail of adjustment items shown in the business segment information annex to financial statements.
** Hutchinson, Bostik, Atotech.

The ERMI averaged 27.6 $/t in the fourth quarter 2014, nearly three times higher than in the fourth quarter 2013, due to the decrease in Brent and relatively better refined product prices in Europe. The environment for petrochemicals was favorable in the fourth quarter in the United States and in Europe, benefitting from lower naphtha prices.

Adjusted net operating income from the Refining & Chemicals segment was 956 M$ in the fourth quarter 2014, more than double the fourth quarter 2013 results of 441 M$. The segment was able to take advantage of the higher refining and petrochemical margins this quarter thanks to its good industrial performance.

In 2014, adjusted net operating income from the Refining & Chemicals segment was 2,489 M$, an increase of 34% compared to 2013 while the refining margin increased by only 4% to 18.7 $/t in 2014. The synergies and efficiency plans are bearing fruit and the segment was able to adapt to the lower European margins in the first half and subsequently take advantage of a more favorable refining and chemicals environment in the second half of the year. The petrochemicals environment was more favorable in 2014, especially in the United States.

With a ROACE33 of 15% for the full year 2014 compared to 9% for the full year 2013, the segment attained its profitability objective one year earlier than the schedule fixed in 2011.

Marketing & Services

> Refined product sales

4Q14   3Q14   4Q13   4Q14
  Sales in kb/d*   2014   2013   2014
1,132   1,107   1,150   -2%   Europe   1,100   1,138   -3%
678   674   605   +12%  

Rest of world

  669   611   +9%
1,810   1,781   1,755   +3%  

Total Marketing & Services sales

  1,769   1,749   +1%

* excludes trading and bulk Refining sales, includes share of TotalErg

In the fourth quarter 2014, sales increased by 3% compared to the fourth quarter 2013, due to higher sales in growth areas, notably in Africa and the Middle East.

Sales volumes in 2014 increased slightly compared to 2013 due to higher sales in growth areas and offset by lower sales in Europe, mainly due to the impact of weather conditions.

> Results

4Q14   3Q14   4Q13   4Q14
  In millions of dollars   2014   2013   2014 vs 2013
24,079   27,747   28,378   -15%   Sales   106,509   110,873   -4%
462   489   525   -12%   Adjusted operating income*   1,709   2,152   -21%
245   376   329   -26%   Adjusted net operating income*   1,254   1,554   -19%
(15)   5   27   na  
  • contribution of New Energies
  10   -   na
941   398   820   +15%   Investments   1,818   1,814   -
53   56   63   -16%   Divestments   163   186   -12%
1,627   701   442   x3.7   Cash flow from operations   2,721   2,557   +6%
544   542   599   -9%   Adjusted cash flow from operations   2,016   2,497   -19%

* detail of adjustment items shown in the business segment information annex to financial statements.

The Marketing & Services segment’s sales were 24 B$ in the fourth quarter 2014, a 15% decrease compared to the fourth quarter 2013.

Adjusted net operating income for Marketing & Services was 245 M$ in the fourth quarter 2014, a decrease of 26% compared to the fourth quarter 2013, mainly due to a negative accounting effect of 100 M$ on the valuation of hedging positions.

Adjusted net operating income for Marketing & Services in 2014 was 1,254 M$, a decrease of 19% compared to 2013. Other than the accounting effect in the fourth quarter mentioned above, the decrease is mainly due to weather conditions in the first half in Europe, and lower margins in 2014, notably in the European network.

The ROACE34 for the Marketing & Services segment was 13% for the full year 2014 compared to 16% for the full year 2013.

  • TOTAL S.A., parent company accounts

Net income for TOTAL S.A., the parent company, was 6,045 M€ in 2014 compared to 6,031 M€ in 2013.

  • Proposed dividend

After closing the 2014 accounts, the Board of Directors decided on February 11, 2015, to propose to the Annual Shareholders’ Meeting on May 29, 2015 an annual dividend of 2.44 €/share for 2014, an increase of 2.5% compared to 2013. Taking into account the interim dividends for the first three quarters of 2014 approved by the Board of Directors, the remaining 2014 dividend is 0.61 €/share, equal to the three 2014 interim dividends. The Board of Directors will also propose that shareholders have the alternative of receiving the remaining 2014 dividend payment in cash or in new shares benefiting from a 10% discount. Pending the approval at the Annual Shareholders’ Meeting, the ex-dividend date would be June 8, 2015, and the payment date for the cash dividend or the delivery of the new shares, depending on the election of the shareholder, would be set for July 1, 2015.

Total’s dividend pay-out ratio, based on the adjusted net income for 2014, would be 58%.

  • Summary and outlook

The ROACE35 for the Group was 11.1% in 2014, a decrease of 1.9 percentage points compared to 2013. Return on equity was 13.5% in 2014, compared to 14.9% in 2013.

In response to the recent fall in the oil price, Total has launched an ambitious mitigation plan. The plan includes significant reductions to organic investments, operating costs and the exploration budget, as well as an acceleration of its asset sale program.

The Group plans to lower its organic investments by more than 10% from 26.4 B$ in 2014 to 23-24 B$ in 2015, by reducing investments in brownfield developments and stopping certain projects that have become less profitable. For operating costs, the reduction program announced in September 2014 has been expanded mainly in the Upstream segment. The initial target of 800 M$ has been raised to 1.2 B$ in 2015, an increase of 50%. The exploration budget has been reduced by about 30%, to 1.9 B$ in 2015.

Having achieved its 2012-14 asset sale target of 15-20 B$, Total plans to accelerate its 2015-17 asset sale program of 10 B$ by selling 5 B$ of assets in 2015, in addition to benefiting from the completion of about 4 B$ of asset sales that were already signed and pending at the start of the year.

In the Upstream segment, the Group is focused on the execution and delivery of its major projects and plans eight start-ups this year, of which three already started production in January. These start-ups, plus the new ADCO volumes, will contribute to production growth for the Group of more than 8% in 2015.

In addition, refining overcapacity remains an issue in Europe, and the Group is advancing its restructuring plans by launching a capacity reduction program at its Lindsey refinery in the UK and will announce a new plan for its refining activities in France in the spring of 2015.

With the decline in the oil price, the petroleum industry has entered a new cycle. In this context, Total is implementing a strong and immediate response generating 8 B$ in cash in 2015, thereby reducing its breakeven point by 40 $/b without compromising the priority to safety.

Finally, despite intensive investments made for future growth, the Group’s balance sheet remains strong, allowing it access to the financial markets under very favorable conditions.

As it has demonstrated in the past, Total will make the adjustments necessary to successfully adapt to this period of low prices, while at the same time being prepared to take advantage of a recovery, for the benefit of its shareholders.

■ ■ ■

To listen to a presentation by CEO Patrick Pouyanné to financial analysts today in London at 14:30 (London time), please log on to or call +44 (0)203 427 1904 in Europe or +1 646 254 3367 in the United States. For a replay, please consult the website or call +44 (0)203 427 0598 in Europe or +1 347 366 9565 in the US (code 5279785).

This press release presents the results for the fourth quarter and full-year 2014 from the consolidated financial statements of TOTAL S.A. as of December 31, 2014. The audit procedures by the Statutory Auditors are underway. This document does not constitute the Annual Financial Report (Rapport Financier Annuel) within the meaning of article L. 451-1-2 of the French monetary and financial Code (Code monétaire et financier).

This document may contain forward-looking information on the Group (including objectives and trends), as well as forward-looking statements within the meaning of the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995, notably with respect to the financial condition, results of operations, business, strategy and plans of TOTAL. These data do not represent forecasts within the meaning of European Regulation No. 809/2004.

Such forward-looking information and statements included in this document are based on a number of economic data and assumptions made in a given economic, competitive and regulatory environment. They may prove to be inaccurate in the future, and are subject to a number of risk factors that could lead to a significant difference between actual results and those anticipated, including currency fluctuations, the price of petroleum products, the ability to realize cost reductions and operating efficiencies without unduly disrupting business operations, environmental regulatory considerations and general economic and business conditions. Certain financial information is based on estimates particularly in the assessment of the recoverable value of assets and potential impairments of assets relating thereto.

Neither TOTAL nor any of its subsidiaries assumes any obligation to update publicly any forward-looking information or statement, objectives or trends contained in this document whether as a result of new information, future events or otherwise. Further information on factors, risks and uncertainties that could affect the Company’s financial results or the Group’s activities is provided in the most recent Registration Document filed by the Company with the French Autorité des Marchés Financiers and annual report on Form 20-F filed with the United States Securities and Exchange Commission (“SEC”).

Financial information by business segment is reported in accordance with the internal reporting system and shows internal segment information that is used to manage and measure the performance of TOTAL. Performance indicators excluding the adjustment items, such as adjusted operating income, adjusted net operating income, and adjusted net income are meant to facilitate the analysis of the financial performance and the comparison of income between periods. These adjustment items include:

(i) Special items
Due to their unusual nature or particular significance, certain transactions qualified as "special items" are excluded from the business segment figures. In general, special items relate to transactions that are significant, infrequent or unusual. However, in certain instances, transactions such as restructuring costs or asset disposals, which are not considered to be representative of the normal course of business, may be qualified as special items although they may have occurred within prior years or are likely to occur again within the coming years.
(ii) Inventory valuation effect
The adjusted results of the Refining & Chemicals and Marketing & Services segments are presented according to the replacement cost method. This method is used to assess the segments’ performance and facilitate the comparability of the segments’ performance with those of its competitors.
In the replacement cost method, which approximates the LIFO (Last-In, First-Out) method, the variation of inventory values in the statement of income is, depending on the nature of the inventory, determined using either the month-end price differentials between one period and another or the average prices of the period rather than the historical value. The inventory valuation effect is the difference between the results according to the FIFO (First-In, First-Out) and the replacement cost.
(iii) Effect of changes in fair value
The effect of changes in fair value presented as an adjustment item reflects for some transactions differences between internal measures of performance used by TOTAL’s management and the accounting for these transactions under IFRS.
IFRS requires that trading inventories be recorded at their fair value using period-end spot prices. In order to best reflect the management of economic exposure through derivative transactions, internal indicators used to measure performance include valuations of trading inventories based on forward prices.
Furthermore, TOTAL, in its trading activities, enters into storage contracts, which future effects are recorded at fair value in Group’s internal economic performance. IFRS precludes recognition of this fair value effect.

The adjusted results (adjusted operating income, adjusted net operating income, adjusted net income) are defined as replacement cost results, adjusted for special items, excluding the effect of changes in fair value.

Euro amounts presented herein represent dollar amounts converted at the average euro-dollar exchange rate for the applicable period and are not the result of financial statements prepared in euros. However the parent company accounts are held directly in euros.

Cautionary Note to U.S. Investors – The SEC permits oil and gas companies, in their filings with the SEC, to separately disclose proved, probable and possible reserves that a company has determined in accordance with SEC rules. We may use certain terms in this presentation, such as resources, that the SEC’s guidelines strictly prohibit us from including in filings with the SEC. U.S. investors are urged to consider closely the disclosure in our Form 20-F, File N° 1-10888, available from us at 2, Place Jean Millier – Arche Nord Coupole/Regnault - 92078 Paris-La Défense Cedex, France, or at our website: You can also obtain this form from the SEC by calling 1-800-SEC-0330 or on the SEC’s website:

Operating information by segment
for the fourth quarter and full-year 2014

  • Upstream
4Q14   3Q14   4Q13   4Q14



  Combined liquids and gas production by region (kboe/d)   2014   2013   2014



393   340   405   -3%   Europe   364   392   -7%
690 665 644 +7% Africa 657 670 -2%
391 387 522 -25% Middle East 391 536 -27%
99 89 75 +32% North America 90 73 +23%
151 159 149 +1% South America 157 166 -5%
235 237 242 -3% Asia-Pacific 238 235 +1%
270   245   247   +9%   CIS   249   227   +10%
2,229   2,122   2,284   -2%   Total production   2,146   2,299   -7%
594   562   692   -14%   Includes equity affiliates   571   687   -17%
4Q14   3Q14   4Q13   4Q14



  Liquids production by region (kb/d)   2014   2013   2014



168 161 180 -7% Europe 165 168 -2%
558 539 503 +11% Africa 522 531 -2%
185 190 314 -41% Middle East 192 324 -41%
45 39 28 +61% North America 39 28 +39%
49 50 50 -2% South America 50 54 -7%
33 30 27 +22% Asia-Pacific 30 30 -
39   34   40   -3%   CIS   36   32   +13%
1,077   1,043   1,142   -6%   Total production   1,034   1,167   -11%
197   199   323   -39%   Includes equity affiliates   200   325   -38%
4Q14   3Q14   4Q13   4Q14



  Gas production by region (Mcf/d)   2014   2013   2014



1,224 982 1,242 -1% Europe 1,089 1,232 -12%
674 643 690 -2% Africa 693 698 -1%
1,113 1,076 1,139 -2% Middle East 1,084 1,155 -6%
305 284 261 +17% North America 285 256 +11%
573 613 554 +3% South America 599 627 -4%
1,144 1,178 1,258 -9% Asia-Pacific 1,178 1,170 +1%
1,186   1,126   1,116   +6%   CIS   1,135   1,046   +9%
6,219   5,902   6,260   -1%   Total production   6,063   6,184   -2%
2,064   1,966   1,995   +3%   Includes equity affiliates   1,988   1,955   +2%
4Q14   3Q14   4Q13   4Q14



  Liquefied natural gas   2014   2013   2014



3.06   2.98   3.39   -10%   LNG sales* (Mt)   12.15   12.26   -1%

* sales, Group share, excluding trading ; 2013 and 2014 data restated to reflect volume estimates for Bontang LNG in Indonesia based on the 2013 and 2014 SEC coefficients, respectively.

  • Downstream (Refining & Chemicals and Marketing & Services)
4Q14   3Q14   4Q13   4Q14



  Refined product sales by region (kb/d)*   2014   2013   2014



2,112   2,053   2,048   +3%   Europe **   2,047   2,078   -1%
606 540 496 +22% Africa 552 454 +22%
482 632 473 +2% Americas 558 497 +12%
660   604   546   +21%   Rest of world   612   492   +24%
3,860   3,829   3,563   +8%   Total consolidated sales   3,769   3,521   +7%
628   621   608   +3%   Includes bulk sales   615   617   -
1,421   1,427   1,200   +18%   Includes trading   1,385   1,155   +20%

* includes share of TotalErg.
** restated historical amounts.

Adjustment items

  • Adjustments to operating income
4Q14   3Q14   4Q13   In millions of dollars   2014   2013
(7,812)   (216)   (560)   Special items affecting operating income   (8,205)   (1,630)
-   -   (374)  

- Restructuring charges

  -   (376)
(7,817) (122) (176)

- Impairments

(7,979) (1,043)
5   (94)   (10)  

- Other

  (226)   (211)
(2,842)   (563)   (127)   Pre-tax inventory effect : FIFO vs. replacement cost   (3,469)   (1,065)
24   17   (23)   Effect of changes in fair value   31   (74)
(10,630)   (762)   (710)   Total adjustments affecting operating income   (11,643)   (2,769)
  • Adjustments to net income (Group share)
4Q14   3Q14   4Q13   In millions of dollars   2014   2013
(6,485)   294   (1,029)   Special items affecting net income

(Group share)

  (6,165)   (2,278)
30   580   -  

- Gain (loss) on asset sales

  1,209   (117)
(8)   (7)   (513)  

- Restructuring charges

  (20)   (567)
(6,450) (187) (181)

- Impairments

(7,063) (773)
(57)   (92)   (335)  

- Other

  (291)   (821)
(1,993)   (403)   (103)   After-tax inventory effect : FIFO vs. replacement cost   (2,453)   (728)
19   14   (19)   Effect of changes in fair value   25   (58)
(8,459)   (95)   (1,151)   Total adjustments affecting net income   (8,593)   (3,064)

Effective tax rates

4Q14   3Q14   4Q13   Effective tax rate*   2014   2013
57.0%   59.1%   58.8%   Upstream   57.1%   60.0%
40.1%   54.1%   56.7%   Group   53.0%   56.8%

* tax on adjusted net operating income / (adjusted net operating income - income from equity affiliates - dividends received from investments + tax on adjusted net operating income).

Investments - Divestments

4Q14   3Q14   4Q13   4Q14 vs 4Q13   Expressed in millions of dollars   2014   2013   2014



7,002   7,032   8,872   -21%   Investments excluding acquisitions   26,430   28,309   -7%
422 512 390 +8%
  • Capitalized exploration
1,616 1,821 -11%
565 868 1,233 -54%
  • Increase in non-current loans
2,769 2,906 -5%
(420)   (326)   (584)   -28%  
  • Repayment of non-current loans
  (1,540)   (1,649)   -7%
730   411   1,861   -61%   Acquisitions   2,539   4,473   -43%
1,269   1,704   355   x3.6   Asset sales   4,650   4,750   -2%
54   (1)   1,639   -97%   Other transactions with non-controlling interests   179   2,153   -92%
6,409   5,740   8,739   -27%   Net investments*   24,140   25,879   -7%

* net investments = investments including acquisitions – asset sales – other transactions with non-controlling interests.

Net-debt-to-equity ratio

in millions of dollars





Current borrowings





Net current financial assets




Net financial assets classified as held for sale




Non-current financial debt




Hedging instruments of non-current debt




Cash and cash equivalents





Net debt   28,754  





Shareholders’ equity




Estimated dividend payable




Non-controlling interests





Equity   91,845  





Net-debt-to-equity ratio





2015 sensitivities*

    Scenario   Change  

Impact on adjusted
operating income


Impact on adjusted
net operating income

Dollar   1.30 $/€   -0.1 $ per €   +0.7 B$   +0.2 B$
Brent   60 $/b   +10 $/b   +3.1 B$   +1.7 B$

European refining
margin (ERMI)

  25 $/t   +1 $/t   +0.08 B$   +0.05 B$

* Sensitivities are revised once per year upon publication of the previous year’s fourth quarter results. The impact of the €-$ sensitivity on operating income is attributable 60% to Exploration & Production. The impact of the €-$ sensitivity on adjusted net operating income is attributable 90% to Refining & Chemicals.

Sensitivities are estimates based on assumptions about the Group’s portfolio in 2015. Actual results could vary significantly from estimates based on the application of these sensitivities.

Return on average capital employed

  • Full-year 2014

in millions of dollars




Refining & Chemicals


Marketing & Services



Adjusted net operating income








Capital employed at 12/31/2013*





Capital employed at 12/31/2014*








ROACE   10.7%   15.0%   13.3% 11.1%
  • Twelve months ended September 30, 2014

in millions of dollars




Refining & Chemicals


Marketing & Services



Adjusted net operating income








Capital employed at 09/30/2013*





Capital employed at 09/30/2014*








ROACE   12.2%   10.3%   14.2% 11.6%
  • Full-year 2013

in millions of dollars




Refining & Chemicals


Marketing & Services



Adjusted net operating income








Capital employed at 12/31/2012*





Capital employed at 12/31/2013*








ROACE   13.8%   9.2%   16.1% 13.0%

* at replacement cost (excluding after-tax inventory effect).

1 TOTAL changed the presentation currency of the Group’s Consolidated Financial Statements from the euro to the US dollar, effective January 1, 2014, to make its financial information more readable by better reflecting the performance of its activities, which are carried out mainly in US dollars. Comparative 2013 information has been restated.
2 Definition of adjusted results on page 2 – euro amounts represent dollar amounts converted at the average €-$ exchange rate for the period: 1.2498 $/€ in the fourth quarter 2014, 1.3610 $/€ in the fourth quarter 2013, 1.3256 $/€ in the third quarter 2014, 1.3285 $/€ for the year 2014 and 1.3281 $/€ for the year 2013.
3 Group share (IFRS), including -7.1 B$ impairments, -2.5 B$ inventory effect and 1.2 B$ gains on asset sales; details on page 18.
4 The ex-dividend date for the interim dividend will be June 8, 2015, and the payment date will be set for July 1, 2015.
5 Adjusted results are defined as income using replacement cost, adjusted for special items, excluding the impact of changes for fair value. Adjusted cash flow from operations is defined as cash flow from operations before changes in working capital at replacement cost; adjustment items are on page 18 and the inventory valuation effect is explained on page 15.
6 Including acquisitions.
7 Net investments = investments including acquisitions and changes in non-current loans – asset sales – other transactions with non-controlling interests.
8 Certain transactions referred to in the highlights are subject to approval by authorities or to other conditions as per the agreements.
9 Defined as: (tax on adjusted net operating income) / (adjusted net operating income - income from equity affiliates - dividends received from investments + tax on adjusted net operating income).
10 Detail shown on page 15.
11 Detail shown on page 18.
12 Impairments are described more completely in the full-year section of the release on page 5.
13 Detail shown on page 19.
14 Net investments = investments including acquisitions and changes in non-current loans – asset sales – other transactions with non-controlling interests.
15 Cash flow from operations at replacement cost before changes in working capital.
16 Net cash flow = cash flow from operations - net investments (including other transactions with non-controlling interests).
17 Detail shown on page 20.
18 Defined as: (tax on adjusted net operating income) / (adjusted net operating income - income from equity affiliates - dividends received from investments + tax on adjusted net operating income).
19 Detail shown on page 15.
20 Detail shown on page 18.
21 Detail shown on page 19.
22 The Group’s interest in Novatek has been 18.2% since July 18, 2014.
23 Net investments = investments including acquisitions – asset sales – other transactions with non-controlling interests.
24 Cash flow from operations at replacement cost before changes in working capital.
25 Net cash flow = cash flow from operations – net investments (including other transactions with non-controlling interests).
26 Detail shown on page 20
27 Change in reserves excluding production i.e. (revisions + discoveries, extensions + acquisitions – divestments) / production for the period.
28 The reserve replacement rate in a constant oil price environment of 108.02 $/b, excluding acquisitions and divestments.
29 Limited to proved and probable reserves covered by E&P contracts on fields that have been drilled and for which technical studies have demonstrated economic development in a 100 $/b Brent environment, including projects developed by mining.
30 Proved and probable reserves plus contingent resources (potential average recoverable reserves from known accumulations – Society of Petroleum Engineers - 03/07).
31 FASB Accounting Standards Codification Topic 932, Extractive industries – Oil and Gas.
32 Calculated based on adjusted net operating income and average capital employed, using replacement cost, as shown on page 21.
33 Calculated based on adjusted net operating income and average capital employed, using replacement cost, as shown on page 21.
34 Calculated based on adjusted net operating income and average capital employed, using replacement cost, as shown on page 21.
35 Calculated based on adjusted net operating income and average capital employed, using replacement cost, as shown on page 21.

Main Indicators

Chart updated around the middle of the month following the end of each quarter

    $/€   European refining margin ERMI* ($/t)**   Brent ($/b)   Average liquids price*** ($/b)   Average gas price ($/Mbtu)***
Fourth quarter 2014   1.25   27.5   76.6   61.7   6.29
Third quarter 2014   1.33   29.9   101.9   94.0   6.40
Second quarter 2014   1.37   10.9   109.7   103.0   6.52
First quarter 2014   1.37   6.6   108.2   102.1   7.06
Fourth quarter 2013   1.36   10.1   109.2   102.5   7.36

* European Refining Margin Indicator (ERMI) is an indicator intended to represent the margin after variable costs for a hypothetical complex refinery located around Rotterdam in Northern Europe that processes a mix of crude oil and other inputs commonly supplied to this region to produce and market the main refined products at prevailing prices in this region. The indicator margin may not be representative of the actual margins achieved by Total in any period because of Total’s particular refinery configurations, product mix effects or other company-specific operating conditions.
** 1 $/t = 0.136 $/b
*** consolidated subsidiaries, excluding fixed margin contracts, including hydrocarbon production overlifting / underlifting position valued at market price.

Disclaimer : data is based on Total’s reporting, is not audited and is subject to change.

Total financial statements


Fourth quarter and full year 2014 consolidated accounts, IFRS

(M$) (a)   4th quarter


  3rd quarter


  4th quarter


Sales 52,511 60,363 64,975
Excise taxes (5,777) (6,141) (6,208)
Revenues from sales 46,734 54,222 58,767
Purchases, net of inventory variation (35,644) (38,628) (41,992)
Other operating expenses (6,831) (6,925) (7,620)
Exploration costs (611) (433) (658)
Depreciation, depletion and amortization of tangible assets and mineral interests (10,900) (3,082) (2,934)
Other income 740 641 288
Other expense (487) (155) (446)
Financial interest on debt (108) (173) (217)
Financial income from marketable securities & cash equivalents 28 30 26
Cost of net debt (80) (143) (191)
Other financial income 219 176 172
Other financial expense (168) (159) (151)
Equity in net income (loss) of affiliates 464 851 844
Income taxes   722   (2,837)   (3,752)
Consolidated net income   (5,842)   3,528   2,327
Group share (5,658) 3,463 2,234
Non-controlling interests   (184)   65   93
Earnings per share ($)   (2.49)   1.52   0.98
Fully-diluted earnings per share ($)   (2.47)   1.52   0.98

(a) Except for per share amounts.

(M$)   4th quarter


  3rd quarter


  4th quarter


Consolidated net income   (5,842)   3,528   2,327
Other comprehensive income
Actuarial gains and losses 99 (1,010) 663
Tax effect 11 358 (284)
Currency translation adjustment generated by the parent company   (2,562)   (5,748)   1,484
Items not potentially reclassifiable to profit and loss   (2,452)   (6,400)   1,863
Currency translation adjustment 980 2,717 (768)
Available for sale financial assets (5) (21) 25
Cash flow hedge (12) 44 23
Share of other comprehensive income of equity affiliates, net amount (1,242) (276) (198)
Other 3 7 3
Tax effect   10   (10)   (12)
Items potentially reclassifiable to profit and loss   (266)   2,461   (927)
Total other comprehensive income (net amount)   (2,718)   (3,939)   936
Comprehensive income   (8,560)   (411)   3,263
Group share (8,365) (452) 3,176
Non-controlling interests (195) 41 87
(M$) (a)   Year




Sales 236,122 251,725
Excise taxes (24,104) (23,756)
Revenues from sales 212,018 227,969
Purchases, net of inventory variation (152,975) (160,849)
Other operating expenses (28,349) (28,764)
Exploration costs (1,964) (2,169)
Depreciation, depletion and amortization of tangible assets and mineral interests (19,656) (11,994)
Other income 2,577 2,290
Other expense (954) (2,800)
Financial interest on debt (748) (889)
Financial income from marketable securities & cash equivalents 108 85
Cost of net debt (640) (804)
Other financial income 821 696
Other financial expense (676) (702)
Equity in net income (loss) of affiliates 2,662 3,415
Income taxes   (8,614)   (14,767)
Consolidated net income   4,250   11,521
Group share   4,244   11,228
Non-controlling interests   6   293
Earnings per share ($)   1.87   4.96
Fully-diluted earnings per share ($)   1.86   4.94

(a) Except for per share amounts.

(M$)   Year




Consolidated net income   4,250   11,521
Other comprehensive income
Actuarial gains and losses (1,526) 682
Tax effect 580 (287)
Currency translation adjustment generated by the parent company   (9,039)   3,129
Items not potentially reclassifiable to profit and loss   (9,985)   3,524
Currency translation adjustment 4,245 (1,925)
Available for sale financial assets (29) 33
Cash flow hedge 97 156
Share of other comprehensive income of equity affiliates, net amount (1,538) (805)
Other 3 (12)
Tax effect   (18)   (62)
Items potentially reclassifiable to profit and loss   2,760   (2,615)
Total other comprehensive income (net amount)   (7,225)   909
Comprehensive income   (2,975)   12,430
Group share (2,938) 12,193
Non-controlling interests (37) 237
(M$)   December 31, 2014


  September 30, 2014


  December 31, 2013


Non-current assets
Intangible assets, net 14,682 18,071 18,395
Property, plant and equipment, net 106,876 109,437 104,480
Equity affiliates : investments and loans 19,274 21,043 20,417
Other investments 1,399 1,645 1,666
Hedging instruments of non-current financial debt 1,319 1,491 1,418
Deferred income taxes 4,079 2,684 3,838
Other non-current assets   4,192   4,184   4,406
Total non-current assets   151,821   158,555   154,620
Current assets
Inventories, net 15,196 20,873 22,097
Accounts receivable, net 15,704 20,511 23,422
Other current assets 15,702 15,798 14,892
Current financial assets 1,293 1,205 739
Cash and cash equivalents 25,181 24,307 20,200
Assets classified as held for sale   4,901   5,327   3,253
Total current assets   77,977   88,021   84,603
Total assets 229,798 246,576 239,223
Shareholders' equity
Common shares 7,518 7,516 7,493
Paid-in surplus and retained earnings 94,646 101,979 98,254
Currency translation adjustment (7,480) (4,727) (1,203)
Treasury shares   (4,354)   (4,360)   (4,303)
Total shareholders' equity - Group share   90,330   100,408   100,241
Non-controlling interests   3,201   3,382   3,138
Total shareholders' equity   93,531   103,790   103,379
Non-current liabilities
Deferred income taxes 14,810 16,222 17,850
Employee benefits 4,758 5,232 4,235
Provisions and other non-current liabilities 17,545 17,017 17,517
Non-current financial debt   45,481   43,242   34,574
Total non-current liabilities   82,594   81,713   74,176
Current liabilities
Accounts payable 24,150 27,394 30,282
Other creditors and accrued liabilities 16,641 19,610 18,948
Current borrowings 10,942 11,826 11,193
Other current financial liabilities 180 357 381
Liabilities directly associated with the assets classified as held for sale   1,760   1,886   864
Total current liabilities   53,673   61,073   61,668
Total liabilities and shareholders' equity 229,798 246,576 239,223
(M$)   4th quarter


  3rd quarter


  4th quarter


Consolidated net income (5,842) 3,528 2,327
Depreciation, depletion and amortization 11,310 3,288 3,363
Non-current liabilities, valuation allowances and deferred taxes (2,329) 106 825
Impact of coverage of pension benefit plans - - -
(Gains) losses on disposals of assets (460) (479) (193)
Undistributed affiliates' equity earnings 403 (260) (102)
(Increase) decrease in working capital 4,475 1,461 3,267
Other changes, net   (203)   (5)   91
Cash flow from operating activities 7,354 7,639 9,578
Intangible assets and property, plant and equipment additions (7,339) (6,733) (9,622)
Acquisitions of subsidiaries, net of cash acquired (56) (1) -
Investments in equity affiliates and other securities (192) (167) (462)
Increase in non-current loans   (565)   (868)   (1,233)
Total expenditures (8,152) (7,769) (11,317)
Proceeds from disposals of intangible assets and property, plant and equipment 874 1,413 50
Proceeds from disposals of subsidiaries, net of cash sold 136 - 21
Proceeds from disposals of non-current investments 259 291 284
Repayment of non-current loans   420   326   584
Total divestments   1,689   2,030   939
Cash flow used in investing activities (6,463) (5,739) (10,378)
Issuance (repayment) of shares:
- Parent company shareholders 30 53 29
- Treasury shares - (289) (2)
Dividends paid:
- Parent company shareholders (1,735) (1,837) (1,821)
- Non-controlling interests (1) (7) (49)
Other transactions with non-controlling interests 54 (1) 1,639
Net issuance (repayment) of non-current debt 3,647 5,019 2,137
Increase (decrease) in current borrowings (928) (1,235) (1,418)
Increase (decrease) in current financial assets and liabilities (255) (44) 48
Cash flow used in financing activities   812   1,659   563
Net increase (decrease) in cash and cash equivalents 1,703 3,559 (237)
Effect of exchange rates (829) (1,418) 326
Cash and cash equivalents at the beginning of the period   24,307   22,166   20,111
Cash and cash equivalents at the end of the period   25,181   24,307   20,200
(M$)   Year




Consolidated net income 4,250 11,521
Depreciation, depletion and amortization 20,859 13,358
Non-current liabilities, valuation allowances and deferred taxes (1,980) 1,567
Impact of coverage of pension benefit plans - -
(Gains) losses on disposals of assets (1,979) (80)
Undistributed affiliates' equity earnings 29 (775)
(Increase) decrease in working capital 4,480 2,525
Other changes, net   (51)   397
Cash flow from operating activities 25,608 28,513
Intangible assets and property, plant and equipment additions (26,320) (29,748)
Acquisitions of subsidiaries, net of cash acquired (471) (21)
Investments in equity affiliates and other securities (949) (1,756)
Increase in non-current loans   (2,769)   (2,906)
Total expenditures (30,509) (34,431)
Proceeds from disposals of intangible assets and property, plant and equipment 3,442 1,766
Proceeds from disposals of subsidiaries, net of cash sold 136 2,654
Proceeds from disposals of non-current investments 1,072 330
Repayment of non-current loans   1,540   1,649
Total divestments   6,190   6,399
Cash flow used in investing activities (24,319) (28,032)
Issuance (repayment) of shares:
- Parent company shareholders 420 485
- Treasury shares (289) (238)
Dividends paid:
- Parent company shareholders (7,308) (7,128)
- Non-controlling interests (154) (156)
Other transactions with non-controlling interests 179 2,153
Net issuance (repayment) of non-current debt 15,786 11,102
Increase (decrease) in current borrowings (2,374) (9,037)
Increase (decrease) in current financial assets and liabilities (351) 1,298
Cash flow used in financing activities   5,909   (1,521)
Net increase (decrease) in cash and cash equivalents 7,198 (1,040)
Effect of exchange rates (2,217) 831
Cash and cash equivalents at the beginning of the period   20,200   20,409
Cash and cash equivalents at the end of the period   25,181   20,200
Common shares issued Paid-in surplus and retained earnings Currency translation adjustment Treasury shares Shareholders' equity -

Group Share

Non-controlling interests Total shareholders' equity
(M$)   Number  


          Number   Amount            
As of January 1, 2013   2,365,933,146   7,454   92,485   (1,696)   (108,391,639)   (4,274)   93,969   1,689   95,658
Net income 2013 - - 11,228 - - - 11,228 293 11,521
Other comprehensive Income - - 473 492 - - 965 (56) 909
Comprehensive Income - - 11,701 492 - - 12,193 237 12,430
Dividend - - (7,116) - - - (7,116) (156) (7,272)
Issuance of common shares 11,745,014 39 446 - - - 485 - 485
Purchase of treasury shares - - - - (4,414,200) (238) (238) - (238)
Sale of treasury shares (1) - - (209) - 3,591,391 209 - - -
Share-based payments - - 189 - - - 189 - 189
Share cancellation - - - - - - - - -
Other operations with non-controlling interests - - 749 1 - - 750 1,355 2,105
Other items - - 9 - - - 9 13 22
As of December 31, 2013   2,377,678,160   7,493   98,254   (1,203)   (109,214,448)   (4,303)   100,241   3,138   103,379
Net income 2014 - - 4,244 - - - 4,244 6 4,250
Other comprehensive Income - - (907) (6,275) - - (7,182) (43) (7,225)
Comprehensive Income - - 3,337 (6,275) - - (2,938) (37) (2,975)
Dividend - - (7,378) - - - (7,378) (154) (7,532)
Issuance of common shares 7,589,365 25 395 - - - 420 - 420
Purchase of treasury shares - - - - (4,386,300) (283) (283) - (283)
Sale of treasury shares (1) - - (232) - 4,239,335 232 - - -
Share-based payments - - 114 - - - 114 - 114
Share cancellation - - - - - - - - -
Other operations with non-controlling interests - - 148 (2) - - 146 195 341
Other items - - 8 - - - 8 59 67
As of December 31, 2014   2,385,267,525   7,518   94,646   (7,480)   (109,361,413)   (4,354)   90,330   3,201   93,531
(1) Treasury shares related to the restricted stock grants.
4th quarter 2014


  Upstream   Refining & Chemicals   Marketing & Services   Corporate   Intercompany   Total
Non-Group sales 5,415 23,025 24,079 (8) - 52,511
Intersegment sales 6,130 9,323 339 74 (15,866) -
Excise taxes   -   (1,117)   (4,660)   -   -   (5,777)
Revenues from sales 11,545 31,231 19,758 66 (15,866) 46,734
Operating expenses (6,784) (32,248) (19,534) (386) 15,866 (43,086)
Depreciation, depletion and amortization of tangible assets and mineral interests   (8,952)   (1,739)   (202)   (7)   -   (10,900)
Operating income (4,191) (2,756) 22 (327) - (7,252)
Equity in net income (loss) of affiliates and other items 958 (70) (195) 75 - 768
Tax on net operating income   (209)   606   (13)   315   -   699
Net operating income (3,442) (2,220) (186) 63 - (5,785)
Net cost of net debt (57)
Non-controlling interests                       184
Net income (5,658)
4th quarter 2014 (adjustments) (a)


  Upstream   Refining & Chemicals   Marketing & Services   Corporate   Intercompany   Total
Non-Group sales 24 - - - - 24
Intersegment sales - - - - - -
Excise taxes   -   -   -   -   -   -
Revenues from sales 24 - - - - 24
Operating expenses 30 (2,427) (440) - - (2,837)
Depreciation, depletion and amortization of tangible assets and mineral interests   (6,419)   (1,398)   -   -   -   (7,817)
Operating income (b) (6,365) (3,825) (440) - - (10,630)
Equity in net income (loss) of affiliates and other items 171 (197) (131) - - (157)
Tax on net operating income   1,156   846   140   -   -   2,142
Net operating income (b) (5,038) (3,176) (431) - - (8,645)
Net cost of net debt -
Non-controlling interests                       186
Net income (8,459)
(a) Adjustments include special items, inventory valuation effect and the effect of changes in fair value.


(b) Of which inventory valuation effect







On operating income - (2,406) (436) -
On net operating income - (1,710) (321) -








4th quarter 2014 (adjusted)

(M$) (a)

  Upstream   Refining & Chemicals   Marketing & Services   Corporate   Intercompany   Total
Non-Group sales 5,391 23,025 24,079 (8) - 52,487
Intersegment sales 6,130 9,323 339 74 (15,866) -
Excise taxes   -   (1,117)   (4,660)   -   -   (5,777)
Revenues from sales 11,521 31,231 19,758 66 (15,866) 46,710
Operating expenses (6,814) (29,821) (19,094) (386) 15,866 (40,249)
Depreciation, depletion and amortization of tangible assets and mineral interests   (2,533)   (341)   (202)   (7)   -   (3,083)
Adjusted operating income 2,174 1,069 462 (327) - 3,378
Equity in net income (loss) of affiliates and other items 787 127 (64) 75 - 925
Tax on net operating income   (1,365)   (240)   (153)   315   -   (1,443)
Adjusted net operating income 1,596 956 245 63 - 2,860
Net cost of net debt (57)
Non-controlling interests                       (2)
Adjusted net income                       2,801
Adjusted fully-diluted earnings per share ($)                       1.22
(a) Except for earnings per share.
4th quarter 2014


  Upstream   Refining & Chemicals   Marketing & Services   Corporate   Intercompany   Total
Total expenditures 6,287 875 941 49 - 8,152
Total divestments 1,473 157 53 6 - 1,689
Cash flow from operating activities   2,608   3,113   1,627   6   -   7,354
3rd quarter 2014


  Upstream   Refining & Chemicals   Marketing & Services   Corporate   Intercompany   Total
Non-Group sales 5,198 27,417 27,747 1 - 60,363
Intersegment sales 7,560 11,931 466 67 (20,024) -
Excise taxes   -   (1,292)   (4,849)   -   -   (6,141)
Revenues from sales 12,758 38,056 23,364 68 (20,024) 54,222
Operating expenses (5,763) (37,230) (22,742) (275) 20,024 (45,986)
Depreciation, depletion and amortization of tangible assets and mineral interests   (2,496)   (376)   (199)   (11)   -   (3,082)
Operating income 4,499 450 423 (218) - 5,154
Equity in net income (loss) of affiliates and other items 1,298 41 (35) 50 - 1,354
Tax on net operating income   (2,627)   (107)   (123)   (31)   -   (2,888)
Net operating income 3,170 384 265 (199) - 3,620
Net cost of net debt (92)
Non-controlling interests                       (65)
Net income 3,463
3rd quarter 2014 (adjustments) (a)


  Upstream   Refining & Chemicals   Marketing & Services   Corporate   Intercompany   Total
Non-Group sales 17 - - - - 17
Intersegment sales - - - - - -
Excise taxes   -   -   -   -   -   -
Revenues from sales 17 - - - - 17
Operating expenses (79) (512) (66) - - (657)
Depreciation, depletion and amortization of tangible assets and mineral interests   (110)   (12)   -   -   -   (122)
Operating income (b) (172) (524) (66) - - (762)
Equity in net income (loss) of affiliates and other items 432 (45) (65) - - 322
Tax on net operating income   145   167   20   -   -   332
Net operating income (b) 405 (402) (111) - - (108)
Net cost of net debt -
Non-controlling interests                       13
Net income (95)
(a) Adjustments include special items, inventory valuation effect and the effect of changes in fair value.


(b) Of which inventory valuation effect







On operating income - (497) (66) -
On net operating income - (370) (46) -








3rd quarter 2014 (adjusted)

(M$) (a)

  Upstream   Refining & Chemicals   Marketing & Services   Corporate   Intercompany   Total
Non-Group sales 5,181 27,417 27,747 1 - 60,346
Intersegment sales 7,560 11,931 466 67 (20,024) -
Excise taxes   -   (1,292)   (4,849)   -   -   (6,141)
Revenues from sales 12,741 38,056 23,364 68 (20,024) 54,205
Operating expenses (5,684) (36,718) (22,676) (275) 20,024 (45,329)
Depreciation, depletion and amortization of tangible assets and mineral interests   (2,386)   (364)   (199)   (11)   -   (2,960)
Adjusted operating income 4,671 974 489 (218) - 5,916
Equity in net income (loss) of affiliates and other items 866 86 30 50 - 1,032
Tax on net operating income   (2,772)   (274)   (143)   (31)   -   (3,220)
Adjusted net operating income 2,765 786 376 (199) - 3,728
Net cost of net debt (92)
Non-controlling interests                       (78)
Adjusted net income                       3,558
Adjusted fully-diluted earnings per share ($)                       1.56
(a) Except for earnings per share.
3rd quarter 2014


  Upstream   Refining & Chemicals   Marketing & Services   Corporate   Intercompany   Total
Total expenditures 6,923 422 398 26 - 7,769
Total divestments 1,924 9 56 41 - 2,030
Cash flow from operating activities   5,442   1,729   701   (233)   -   7,639
4th quarter 2013


  Upstream   Refining & Chemicals   Marketing & Services   Corporate   Intercompany   Total
Non-Group sales 6,990 29,613 28,378 (6) - 64,975
Intersegment sales 10,218 13,040 388 57 (23,703) -
Excise taxes   -   (1,337)   (4,871)   -   -   (6,208)
Revenues from sales 17,208 41,316 23,895 51 (23,703) 58,767
Operating expenses (9,498) (40,949) (23,226) (300) 23,703 (50,270)
Depreciation, depletion and amortization of tangible assets and mineral interests   (2,146)   (576)   (201)   (11)   -   (2,934)
Operating income 5,564 (209) 468 (260) - 5,563
Equity in net income (loss) of affiliates and other items 808 (75) (38) 12 - 707
Tax on net operating income   (3,326)   (386)   (122)   42   -   (3,792)
Net operating income 3,046 (670) 308 (206) - 2,478
Net cost of net debt (151)
Non-controlling interests                       (93)
Net income 2,234
4th quarter 2013 (adjustments) (a)


  Upstream   Refining & Chemicals   Marketing & Services   Corporate   Intercompany   Total
Non-Group sales (23) - - - - (23)
Intersegment sales - - - - - -
Excise taxes   -   -   -   -   -   -
Revenues from sales (23) - - - - (23)
Operating expenses - (458) (53) - - (511)
Depreciation, depletion and amortization of tangible assets and mineral interests   -   (172)   (4)   -   -   (176)
Operating income (b) (23) (630) (57) - - (710)
Equity in net income (loss) of affiliates and other items - (202) (23) - - (225)
Tax on net operating income   4   (279)   59   -   -   (216)
Net operating income (b) (19) (1,111) (21) - - (1,151)
Net cost of net debt -
Non-controlling interests                       -
Net income (1,151)
(a) Adjustments include special items, inventory valuation effect and the effect of changes in fair value.


(b) Of which inventory valuation effect







On operating income - (82) (45) -
On net operating income - (66) (37) -








4th quarter 2013 (adjusted)

(M$) (a)

  Upstream   Refining & Chemicals   Marketing & Services   Corporate   Intercompany   Total
Non-Group sales 7,013 29,613 28,378 (6) - 64,998
Intersegment sales 10,218 13,040 388 57 (23,703) -
Excise taxes   -   (1,337)   (4,871)   -   -   (6,208)
Revenues from sales 17,231 41,316 23,895 51 (23,703) 58,790
Operating expenses (9,498) (40,491) (23,173) (300) 23,703 (49,759)
Depreciation, depletion and amortization of tangible assets and mineral interests   (2,146)   (404)   (197)   (11)   -   (2,758)
Adjusted operating income 5,587 421 525 (260) - 6,273
Equity in net income (loss) of affiliates and other items 808 127 (15) 12 - 932
Tax on net operating income   (3,330)   (107)   (181)   42   -   (3,576)
Adjusted net operating income 3,065 441 329 (206) - 3,629
Net cost of net debt (151)
Non-controlling interests                       (93)
Adjusted net income                       3,385
Adjusted fully-diluted earnings per share ($)                       1.49
(a) Except for earnings per share.
4th quarter 2013


  Upstream   Refining & Chemicals   Marketing & Services   Corporate   Intercompany   Total
Total expenditures 9,498 956 820 43 - 11,317
Total divestments 812 45 63 19 - 939
Cash flow from operating activities   7,310   1,816   442   10   -   9,578
Year 2014


  Upstream   Refining & Chemicals   Marketing & Services   Corporate   Intercompany   Total
Non-Group sales 23,484 106,124 106,509 5 - 236,122
Intersegment sales 29,183 44,950 1,615 236 (75,984) -
Excise taxes   -   (4,850)   (19,254)   -   -   (24,104)
Revenues from sales 52,667 146,224 88,870 241 (75,984) 212,018
Operating expenses (26,235) (145,014) (86,931) (1,092) 75,984 (183,288)
Depreciation, depletion and amortization of tangible assets and mineral interests   (15,938)   (2,901)   (781)   (36)   -   (19,656)
Operating income 10,494 (1,691) 1,158 (887) - 9,074
Equity in net income (loss) of affiliates and other items 4,302 90 (140) 178 - 4,430
Tax on net operating income   (8,799)   391   (344)   (8)   -   (8,760)
Net operating income 5,997 (1,210) 674 (717) - 4,744
Net cost of net debt (494)
Non-controlling interests                       (6)
Net income 4,244
Year 2014 (adjustments) (a)


  Upstream   Refining & Chemicals   Marketing & Services   Corporate   Intercompany   Total
Non-Group sales 31 - - - - 31
Intersegment sales - - - - - -
Excise taxes   -   -   -   -   -   -
Revenues from sales 31 - - - - 31
Operating expenses (164) (2,980) (551) - - (3,695)
Depreciation, depletion and amortization of tangible assets and mineral interests   (6,529)   (1,450)   -   -   -   (7,979)
Operating income (b) (6,662) (4,430) (551) - - (11,643)
Equity in net income (loss) of affiliates and other items 883 (282) (203) - - 398
Tax on net operating income   1,272   1,013   174   -   -   2,459
Net operating income (b) (4,507) (3,699) (580) - - (8,786)
Net cost of net debt -
Non-controlling interests                       193
Net income (8,593)
(a) Adjustments include special items, inventory valuation effect and the effect of changes in fair value.


(b) Of which inventory valuation effect







On operating income - (2,944) (525) -
On net operating income - (2,114) (384) -








Year 2014 (adjusted)

(M$) (a)

  Upstream   Refining & Chemicals   Marketing & Services   Corporate   Intercompany   Total
Non-Group sales 23,453 106,124 106,509 5 - 236,091
Intersegment sales 29,183 44,950 1,615 236 (75,984) -
Excise taxes   -   (4,850)   (19,254)   -   -   (24,104)
Revenues from sales 52,636 146,224 88,870 241 (75,984) 211,987
Operating expenses (26,071) (142,034) (86,380) (1,092) 75,984 (179,593)
Depreciation, depletion and amortization of tangible assets and mineral interests   (9,409)   (1,451)   (781)   (36)   -   (11,677)
Adjusted operating income 17,156 2,739 1,709 (887) - 20,717
Equity in net income (loss) of affiliates and other items 3,419 372 63 178 - 4,032
Tax on net operating income  


  (622)   (518)   (8)   -   (11,219)
Adjusted net operating income 10,504 2,489 1,254 (717) - 13,530
Net cost of net debt (494)
Non-controlling interests                       (199)
Adjusted net income                       12,837
Adjusted fully-diluted earnings per share ($)                       5.63
(a) Except for earnings per share.
Year 2014


  Upstream   Refining & Chemicals   Marketing & Services   Corporate   Intercompany   Total
Total expenditures 26,520 2,022 1,818 149 - 30,509
Total divestments 5,764 192 163 71 - 6,190
Cash flow from operating activities   16,666   6,302   2,721   (81)   -   25,608
Year 2013


  Upstream   Refining & Chemicals   Marketing & Services   Corporate   Intercompany   Total
Non-Group sales 26,367 114,483 110,873 2 - 251,725
Intersegment sales 37,650 52,275 2,159 177 (92,261) -
Excise taxes   -   (4,814)   (18,942)   -   -   (23,756)
Revenues from sales 64,017 161,944 94,090 179 (92,261) 227,969
Operating expenses (31,875) (160,031) (91,343) (794) 92,261 (191,782)
Depreciation, depletion and amortization of tangible assets and mineral interests   (9,484)   (1,736)   (733)   (41)   -   (11,994)
Operating income 22,658 177 2,014 (656) - 24,193
Equity in net income (loss) of affiliates and other items 2,688 181 55 (25) - 2,899
Tax on net operating income   (13,706)   (612)   (560)   (29)   -   (14,907)
Net operating income 11,640 (254) 1,509 (710) - 12,185
Net cost of net debt (664)
Non-controlling interests                       (293)
Net income 11,228
Year 2013 (adjustments) (a)


  Upstream   Refining & Chemicals   Marketing & Services   Corporate   Intercompany   Total
Non-Group sales (74) - - - - (74)
Intersegment sales - - - - - -
Excise taxes   -   -   -   -   -   -
Revenues from sales (74) - - - - (74)
Operating expenses (113) (1,405) (134) - - (1,652)
Depreciation, depletion and amortization of tangible assets and mineral interests   (855)   (184)   (4)   -   -   (1,043)
Operating income (b) (1,042) (1,589) (138) - - (2,769)
Equity in net income (loss) of affiliates and other items (305) (268) 4 (34) - (603)
Tax on net operating income   537   (254)   89   (45)   -   327
Net operating income (b) (810) (2,111) (45) (79) - (3,045)
Net cost of net debt -
Non-controlling interests                       (19)
Net income (3,064)
(a) Adjustments include special items, inventory valuation effect and the effect of changes in fair value.


(b) Of which inventory valuation effect







On operating income - (978) (87) -
On net operating income - (656) (63) -








Year 2013 (adjusted)

(M$) (a)

  Upstream   Refining & Chemicals   Marketing & Services   Corporate   Intercompany   Total
Non-Group sales 26,441 114,483 110,873 2 - 251,799
Intersegment sales 37,650 52,275 2,159 177 (92,261) -
Excise taxes   -   (4,814)   (18,942)   -   -   (23,756)
Revenues from sales 64,091 161,944 94,090 179 (92,261) 228,043
Operating expenses (31,762) (158,626) (91,209) (794) 92,261 (190,130)
Depreciation, depletion and amortization of tangible assets and mineral interests   (8,629)   (1,552)   (729)   (41)   -   (10,951)
Adjusted operating income 23,700 1,766 2,152 (656) - 26,962
Equity in net income (loss) of affiliates and other items 2,993 449 51 9 - 3,502
Tax on net operating income   (14,243)   (358)   (649)   16   -   (15,234)
Adjusted net operating income 12,450 1,857 1,554 (631) - 15,230
Net cost of net debt (664)
Non-controlling interests                       (274)
Adjusted net income                       14,292
Adjusted fully-diluted earnings per share ($)                       6.29
(a) Except for earnings per share.
Year 2013


  Upstream   Refining & Chemicals   Marketing & Services   Corporate   Intercompany   Total
Total expenditures 29,750 2,708 1,814 159 - 34,431
Total divestments 5,786 365 186 62 - 6,399
Cash flow from operating activities   21,857   4,260   2,557   (161)   -   28,513
Reconciliation of the information by business segment with consolidated financial statements
4th quarter 2014


  Adjusted   Adjustments (a)   Consolidated statement of income
Sales 52,487 24 52,511
Excise taxes (5,777) - (5,777)
Revenues from sales 46,710 24 46,734
Purchases, net of inventory variation (32,802) (2,842) (35,644)
Other operating expenses (6,836) 5 (6,831)
Exploration costs (611) - (611)
Depreciation, depletion and amortization of tangible assets and mineral interests (3,083) (7,817) (10,900)
Other income 515 225 740
Other expense (294) (193) (487)
Financial interest on debt (108) - (108)
Financial income from marketable securities & cash equivalents 28 - 28
Cost of net debt (80) - (80)
Other financial income 219 - 219
Other financial expense (168) - (168)
Equity in net income (loss) of affiliates 653 (189) 464
Income taxes   (1,420)   2,142   722
Consolidated net income 2,803 (8,645) (5,842)
Group share 2,801 (8,459) (5,658)
Non-controlling interests 2 (186) (184)
(a) Adjustments include special items, inventory valuation effect and the effect of changes in fair value.
4th quarter 2013


  Adjusted   Adjustments (a)   Consolidated statement of income
Sales 64,998 (23) 64,975
Excise taxes (6,208) - (6,208)
Revenues from sales 58,790 (23) 58,767
Purchases, net of inventory variation (41,865) (127) (41,992)
Other operating expenses (7,236) (384) (7,620)
Exploration costs (658) - (658)
Depreciation, depletion and amortization of tangible assets and mineral interests (2,758) (176) (2,934)
Other income 288 - 288
Other expense (229) (217) (446)
Financial interest on debt (217) - (217)
Financial income from marketable securities & cash equivalents 26 - 26
Cost of net debt (191) - (191)
Other financial income 172 - 172
Other financial expense (151) - (151)
Equity in net income (loss) of affiliates 852 (8) 844
Income taxes   (3,536)   (216)   (3,752)
Consolidated net income 3,478 (1,151) 2,327
Group share 3,385 (1,151) 2,234
Non-controlling interests 93 - 93
(a) Adjustments include special items, inventory valuation effect and the effect of changes in fair value.
Reconciliation of the information by business segment with consolidated financial statements
Year 2014


  Adjusted   Adjustments (a)   Consolidated statement of income
Sales 236,091 31 236,122
Excise taxes (24,104) - (24,104)
Revenues from sales 211,987 31 212,018
Purchases, net of inventory variation (149,506) (3,469) (152,975)
Other operating expenses (28,123) (226) (28,349)
Exploration costs (1,964) - (1,964)
Depreciation, depletion and amortization of tangible assets and mineral interests (11,677) (7,979) (19,656)
Other income 1,272 1,305 2,577
Other expense (700) (254) (954)
Financial interest on debt (748) - (748)
Financial income from marketable securities & cash equivalents 108 - 108
Cost of net debt (640) - (640)
Other financial income 821 - 821
Other financial expense (676) - (676)
Equity in net income (loss) of affiliates 3,315 (653) 2,662
Income taxes   (11,073)   2,459   (8,614)
Consolidated net income 13,036 (8,786) 4,250
Group share 12,837 (8,593) 4,244
Non-controlling interests 199 (193) 6
(a) Adjustments include special items, inventory valuation effect and the effect of changes in fair value.
Year 2013


  Adjusted   Adjustments (a)   Consolidated statement of income
Sales 251,799 (74) 251,725
Excise taxes (23,756) - (23,756)
Revenues from sales 228,043 (74) 227,969
Purchases, net of inventory variation (159,784) (1,065) (160,849)
Other operating expenses (28,177) (587) (28,764)
Exploration costs (2,169) - (2,169)
Depreciation, depletion and amortization of tangible assets and mineral interests (10,951) (1,043) (11,994)
Other income 647 1,643 2,290
Other expense (574) (2,226) (2,800)
Financial interest on debt (889) - (889)
Financial income from marketable securities & cash equivalents 85 - 85
Cost of net debt (804) - (804)
Other financial income 696 - 696
Other financial expense (702) - (702)
Equity in net income (loss) of affiliates 3,435 (20) 3,415
Income taxes   (15,094)   327   (14,767)
Consolidated net income 14,566 (3,045) 11,521
Group share 14,292 (3,064) 11,228
Non-controlling interests 274 19 293
(a) Adjustments include special items, inventory valuation effect and the effect of changes in fair value.

Capital : 5 963 168 812,50 €
542 051 180 R.C.S. Nanterre

Nicolas FUMEX
Tel. : + 44 (0)207 719 7962
Fax : + 44 (0)207 719 7959
Robert HAMMOND (U.S.)
Tel. : +1 713-483-5070
Fax : +1 713-483-5629
2, place Jean Millier
Arche Nord Coupole/Regnault
92 400 Courbevoie France

Category Code: MSC
Sequence Number: 452550
Time of Receipt (offset from UTC): 20150212T065300+0000


