Pet Care from beyond the Grave

This infographic shows the results of Securian's survey of 906 pet owners. They were asked whether they've made financial plans for their pets' future care. (Graphic: Securian)

ST. PAUL, Minn.--()--It’s not unusual to hear about wealthy people mentioning their pets in their estate plans. New York real estate tycoon Leona Helmsley, who died in 2007, famously left $12 million to her dog, Trouble1. Joan Rivers2 and Lauren Bacall,3 who passed away this year, both left money for their pooches’ future care. Less wealthy individuals are doing the same thing.

In a recent survey of US pet owners, Securian Financial Group asked whether they have made financial provisions for their pets’ care after they’re gone. The 906 people who responded name a variety of options – from outright cash gifts to the future caregivers, to earmarking life insurance and annuity benefits for future pet care.

Since 1880, Securian Financial Group and its affiliates have provided financial security for individuals and businesses in the form of insurance, investments and retirement plans. Now one of the nation’s largest financial services providers, it is the holding company parent of a group of companies that offer a broad range of financial services.

1 “Leona Helmsley's Little Rich Dog Trouble Dies in Luxury,” ABC News,

2 “Joan Rivers’ Will Names Her Dogs,” Pet Talk News,

3 “Lauren Bacall’s Apartment Where She Died Hitting The Market, Expected To Sell For $26 Million,” Realty Today,


Securian Financial Group
Maggie Jensen, APR, 651-665-7558
Cell: 651-236-0964

Release Summary

This infographic shows the results of Securian's survey of 906 pet owners. They were asked whether they have made financial provisions for their pets' future care and 44% said they have.


Securian Financial Group
Maggie Jensen, APR, 651-665-7558
Cell: 651-236-0964