

Nationwide Building Society

(the "Issuer")


to the holders of the

£150,000,000 Fixed/Floating Rate Callable Subordinated Notes due 2020 (the “Subordinated Notes”) issued under the £5,000,000,000 (excluding Deposit Notes) Euro Note Programme of Nationwide Building Society (formerly Portman Building Society) (the “Programme”)

(ISIN: XS0235423406 / Common Code: 023542340)

NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN by the Issuer to the Noteholders that the Issuer has requested that the Trustee agrees not to receive the certificates required to be given pursuant Clause 8.15 of the Trust Deed 7 July 2006 listing those Subsidiaries of the Issuer which, as at the relevant date, were Material Subsidiaries for the purpose of Condition 10 of the terms and conditions of the Notes (the “Certificates”).

The Subordinated Notes are the only Series of Notes outstanding under the Programme and the Certificates are relevant only in relation to the events of default specified in Condition 10 in relation to Senior Notes and Deposit Notes.

The Trustee has confirmed that it has no objection to not receiving the Certificates this year but has reserved its right to request the Certificates in future, should the need arise.

Unless otherwise defined in this Notice, terms used in this Notice have the meanings given to them in the term and conditions of the Notes.

This Notice is given by:

Nationwide Building Society

Nationwide House

Pipers Way

Swindon SN38 1NW

United Kingdom

For further information, please contact:

Nationwide Building Society
Sarah Hill   Investor Relations

  0207 261 6540

Dated: 22 December 2014

Category Code: MSC
Sequence Number: 445927
Time of Receipt (offset from UTC): 20141222T180424+0000


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