Simon Morris: What is the 2035 retirement tipping point?

A recent report from a leading UK financial industry group has warned of an impending consumer finance crisis unless action is taken to change people’s attitudes to saving.

LONDON--()--A leading UK financial industry group named the year 2035 as a retirement tipping point ( when many retirees will give up work to live worse off than their parents – the first time this has happened in more than a century.

Retirement maybe a long way from the average 20 something’s mind, but studies have shown that the earlier you start saving for retirement the better off you’ll be. Typically people save for retirement later, saving £100 a month from 40 to 65 will give you £69,300 at retirement age, assuming 6pc growth after charges. Doing the same thing at 30 would mean you accumulate £142,500. Starting the same £100 per month saving regime at 21 and the figure rises to £276,000 – a dramatic increase.

Using property funds to take advantage of growth

The UK property market is always a good place to find growth, and many people are using the high returns from property funds to help secure savings for the future. Using investment vehicles like ISAs, SIPPs and property based funds are an excellent way to boost your pension pot.

Property funds have the added advantage of seeing gains from the market without the headache of actually owning bricks and mortar property. Simon Morris (, a London-based property expert has recently written a guide to help simplify the world of property funds, Simon’s Guide to Property Investment Options ( helps explain how the funds operate and what pitfalls to avoid.

Investment advice for the 21 year old you

For many people over 40, looking back, property has proved to be one of the best investments over our lifetime. With hindsight many of us would have loved to take advantage of the gains property has made, and if we could go back we would advise our 21 year old selves to invest heavily in property.

For your people today, it can be a real struggle to get a foot up onto the property ladder, but the entry levels for making an investment into a property fund are lower. Young people can still take a stake in the property market, and take advantage of rising prices while helping to secure a brighter future for themselves, in either the shorter or longer term.

Simon Morris

Simon Morris is a London-based property expert who uses his specialist knowledge of the commercial property sector, to advise UK property investment funds on how to maximise profitability.

For more information on property investments please read Simon’s Guide to Property Investment Options.

For more information on Simon Morris please go to:

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