Himark BioGas Granted a Patent for its “Clean Slate™” Grit removal system for processing

of Organic Fraction Municipal Solid Waste (OFMSW) and Other Wet Waste

EDMONTON, Alberta--()--Himark BioGas International (Himark BioGas) announced today the issuance to it by the South African Patents Office of a patent that covers a grit removal system for anaerobic digester (“AD”) tanks. The system removes indigestible solids, including rocks, stones, sand, metal objects, or other indigestible organic or inorganic foreign objects settled on the tank floor during the production of methane-rich biogas for CNG, electricity, steam/heat production or natural gas pipeline injection.

With ordinary AD technology, these solids cause shutdown of the plant for periodic removal of non-digestible material - reducing energy and fertilizer output and harming overall plant economics. The removal process is a very expensive and inconvenient process. It requires shutting down the anaerobic digester tanks and removing all the liquid and gas content from the tanks. Furthermore, after the removal process is complete, restarting the anaerobic digesters to reach peak output requires an additional lag time. The whole clean-out process usually requires weeks of down time, leading to significant operational and economic disadvantages.

Himark BioGas’ patented Grit Removal System “Clean Slate™” removes these solids from the bottom of the tanks on a continuous basis and flushes them out for disposal. This enables continuous and seamless operation of the digesters and eliminates the need to shut down and manually clean-out the tanks. Himark BioGas’ customers enjoy maintenance cost savings and continuous generation of biogas and by-products which leads to greater consistency, quality and profitability.

“This patented, proven Clean Slate™ technology works with Himark’s patented HiSIS system to provide a hybrid wet-dry digestion approach to the processing of MSW wet waste and other digestible material. It outperforms wet systems in terms of scale and scope of feedstock. It leaves dry systems in the dust, in terms of yield and stability”, said Evan Chrapko, CEO of Himark BioGas. He further added, “Granting of this patent cements Himark’s status as a leading global waste-to-energy player while building upon Himark’s other recent patent grants around the world.”

Himark BioGas is a global waste-to-energy technology and engineering services company and has developed some of the most economical and profitable bioGas plants, using its patented anaerobic digestion technologies. Himark’s numerous patents and trade-secrets apply to various aspects of anaerobic digestion and related processes, with multiple granted patents and pending applications in major world markets, including the United States, Canada, Europe, Japan, China, India, Brazil, Mexico, Australia, Pakistan, Bangladesh, South Africa, ASEAN and the Middle East.

About Himark BioGas International

BioGas and Algae (Technology + Engineering) International Inc. (“BATE”)—a Barbados company doing business globally as Himark BioGas—is a leading waste-to-energy technology and engineering services company. BATE has in-depth experience and operational know-how in bioengineering, anaerobic digestion (AD) and microbiology, AD technology integration with other industrial plants, mechanical and electrical engineering, project development and management, soil science/fertilizer, food production management, and algae technologies.

With offices in Barbados, Houston, Hong Kong, Karachi, and Edmonton, BATE/Himark BioGas gives its clients the world’s largest, most economical, and lowest-carbon renewable energy plants. It does so with its internationally-patented technology and services focused on feasibility studies, project design, engineering, construction and operational support.

Himark BioGas is a founding member of a Cleantech catalyst/cluster, “Biowaste to Energy for Canada Integration Initiative (BECii).”


Himark BioGas International
Ali Aziz, 1-647-469-2385
Toll Free (US and Canada): 1 855 8 HIMARK (446275)

Release Summary

Himark BioGas International announced today the issuance to it of a patent that covers a grit removal system for anaerobic digester (“AD”) tanks.


Himark BioGas International
Ali Aziz, 1-647-469-2385
Toll Free (US and Canada): 1 855 8 HIMARK (446275)