Value per Security



Dated: 31 October 2014


Immediate Release 31 October 2014

DB ETC Index plc (the Issuer)

(incorporated and registered in Jersey under the Companies (Jersey)

Law 1991 (as amended) with registered number 103783)

Re: Value per Security of ETC Securities Announcement

The Issuer is providing the Value per Security for the ETC Securities for the following Series as set out in the table below for 30 October 2014

Series ISIN Currency Value per Security
Series 1 db Brent Crude Oil Euro Hedged ETC Securities due 2060 DE000AIAQGX1 EUR 106.8547
Series 4 db Industrial Metals Euro Hedged ETC Securities due 2060 DE000AIAQGY9 EUR 77.3020
Series 5 db S&P GSCI ETC Securities due 2060 GB00B3WP6619 USD 101.5471
Series 7 db Agriculture Booster Euro Hedged ETC Securities due 2060 DE000A1ED2G8 EUR 86.3283
Series 8 db Industrial Metals Booster Euro Hedged ETC Securities due 2060 DE000A1ED2H6 EUR 67.8304
Series 9 db Energy Booster Euro Hedged ETC Securities due 2060 DE000A1ED2J2 EUR 81.7917
Series 10 db Natural Gas Booster Euro Hedged ETC Securities due 2060 DE000A1ED2K0 EUR 33.6908
Series 11 db Commodity Booster ETC due 2060 GB00B3WH1Q22 USD 100.5452
Series 12 db S&P GSCI Agriculture ETC due 2060 GB00B3S0JK55 USD 103.5581
Series 13 db Agriculture Booster ETC due 2060 GB00B3WKJL25 USD 94.8471
Series 14 db S&P GSCI Industrial Metals ETC GB00B3YH0180 USD 87.4292
Series 15 db Industrial Metals Booster ETC due 2060 GB00B3WKDS73 USD 88.0256
Series 16 db S&P GSCI Energy ETC due 2060 GB00B455N087 USD 101.3373
Series 17 db Energy Booster ETC GB00B3QRNJ57 USD 102.3588
Series 18 db WTI Crude Oil Booster ETC due 2060 GB00B3SC0P31 USD 97.8680
Series 19 db Natural Gas Booster ETC due 2060 GB00B438CS06 USD 33.9586
Series 21 db Mean Reversion ETC GB00B4N0QN94 USD 85.5958
Series 25 db Brent Crude Oil Booster ETC (EUR) DE000A1KYN55 EUR 97.9610
Series 34 db Monthly Short Brent Crude Oil ETC (EUR) DE000A1L9YT1 EUR 105.6610
Series 35 db Monthly Short WTI Crude Oil ETC (EUR) DE000A1L9YU9 EUR 107.0759
Series 36 db Monthly Short Natural Gas ETC (EUR) DE000A1L9YV7 EUR 121.3313
Series 37 db Monthly Short Gold ETC (EUR) DE000A1L9YW5 EUR 139.7105
Series 38 db Monthly Short Silver ETC (EUR) DE000A1L9YX3 EUR 175.3066
Series 40 db Metals & Energy Booster ETC (EUR) DE000A1NY0U7 EUR 78.8329
Series 42 db Copper Booster ETC (EUR) DE000A1XVBJ3 EUR 93.6820
Series 43 db Commodity Booster OYE Light Energy Select ETC GB00BB36BH58 USD 89.2421

Enquiries to:

DB ETC Index plc

Category Code: MSC
Sequence Number: 439307
Time of Receipt (offset from UTC): 20141031T155730+0000


Deutsche Bank AG


Deutsche Bank AG