Notice of EGM


Ingenious Entertainment VCT 1 plc

Ingenious Entertainment VCT 2 plc

Publication of a Circular

Ingenious Entertainment VCT 1 plc and Ingenious Entertainment VCT 2 plc (the “Companies”) were launched in November 2007 through an offer for subscription for ordinary shares of 1p each in each of the Companies. In 2008 the Companies made an offer for subscription for C shares of 1p each (the “C Shares”). It was always anticipated that the Companies would seek to return funds to the subscribers for C Shares as soon as possible after the five year holding period stipulated in VCT regulations had ended. The fifth anniversary of the close of the offer for C Shares has now passed and each of the Companies’ boards have agreed formal proposals to return the residual capital paid up on the C Shares to their holders and to cancel, extinguish and repay the C Shares by means of a court approved reduction of capital.

The Companies have issued a joint circular setting out these proposals in full and giving notice of general and class meetings (the “Meetings”) at which the resolutions to enable these proposals are to be considered by their respective shareholders. The Meetings are to be held on 27 November 2014.

If the resolutions are passed at the Meetings, a court hearing will take place, following which the cancellation, extinguishment and repayment of the C Shares will be effected. Trading in the C Shares will then be suspended at 7.00 a.m. on or around 17 December 2014 and their listing and admission to trading will subsequently be cancelled, which is expected to take place on or around 19 December 2014.

Expected Timetable  
Publication of Notice of Meetings 30 October 2014
Latest date for receipt of Form of Proxy for Ingenious Entertainment VCT 1 plc Meetings 25 November 2014
Latest date for receipt of Form of Proxy for Ingenious Entertainment VCT 2 plc Meetings 25 November 2014
Dealings in the shares of the Companies suspended 17 December 2014
Ingenious Entertainment VCT 1 plc Meetings 27 November 2014
Ingenious Entertainment VCT 2 plc Meetings 27 November 2014

A copy of the circular has been submitted to the National Storage Mechanism and will shortly be available for inspection at

Enquiries to:

Sarah Cruickshank

Company Secretary

15 Golden Square



Tel: 020 7319 4000

Carmen Murray

Powerscourt Group

0207 250 1446

Category Code: NOE
Sequence Number: 439159
Time of Receipt (offset from UTC): 20141030T175506+0000


Ingenious Entertainment VCT 1 plc


Ingenious Entertainment VCT 1 plc