Eutelsat Communications : First Quarter 2014-2015 Revenues


Revenues up 4.21% to €357.6 million

  • Video Applications up 3.2%, benefiting from capacity added in the past year
  • Data down 5.0%, mixed regional trends
  • Value-Added Services up 14.2%, continued uptake on KA-SAT
  • Government Services2 up 2.8%, benefiting from new contracts and Satmex

Order Backlog up to €6.3 billion, representing 4.5 years of revenues

Full-year and three-year financial targets confirmed; growth underpinned by arrival of new capacity and Satmex delivery

PARIS--()--Regulatory News :

Eutelsat Communications (Paris:ETL) (ISIN: FR0010221234 - Euronext Paris: ETL) reported revenues for the first quarter ended 30 September 2014.

Preliminary note: first quarter 2013/2014 revenues have been restated. Please refer to note on page 5 for more details.

First quarter ended 30 September


In millions of euros



Q1 2013-2014


Q1 2013-2014


Q1 2014-2015

  Change (%)

at constant currency

Video Applications   217.1 220.7   227.6   + 3.2%
Data Services 43.2 54.2 51.2 -5.0%
Value-Added Services 23.0 23.0 26.3 +14.2%
Government Services 36.8 43.6 44.5 + 2.8%
Other revenues   3.0 2.6   8.0   ns
Sub-total 323.2 344.1 357.6 + 4.2%
Non-recurring revenues   0.3 0.3   -   -
Total   323.5 344.4   357.6   + 4.1%

Commenting on the first quarter, Michel de Rosen, Chairman and CEO said: “Like-for-like1 revenue growth of 4.2% for the first quarter was in line with our objectives, and we are on track to deliver on our full-year financial targets. Our core Video activity saw a further pick-up in revenue growth reflecting capacity added in the past year serving high-growth markets. Regional trends in Data remained mixed, with ongoing tough conditions in EMEA but good momentum in Latin America. Growth in Value-Added Services remained robust on the back of the continued uptake on KA-SAT. Government Services benefited from new contracts and the good performance of Satmex.

Our order backlog stood at 6.3 billion euros, representing over 4.5 years of revenues and continuing to lend strong visibility to our business. The Satmex acquisition and the roll-out of our targeted fleet deployment plan mean we are well positioned to capture the growth opportunities we have identified in our sector. The underlying drivers in our core applications remain positive.”


Total first quarter revenues for the Group stood at €357.6 million, up 4.2%, at constant currency and excluding non-recurring revenues. By application, the breakdown is as follows :


Revenues from Video Applications were up 3.2% to €227.6 million, representing 65.1% of Group revenues. This increase in particular reflected the entry into service of the Express-AT1 satellite, which was operational for the full quarter, additional resources added at 7°/8° West in September 2013 and a good performance from Satmex Video applications. These positive elements more than offset the impact of the suspension of operations on certain frequencies at 28.5° East in October 2013.

In September an agreement was announced with Nilesat, the Egyptian satellite operator, for a long-term lease on the EUTELSAT 8 West B satellite to be launched in 2015, confirming the continued strong potential at 7°/8° West, which is the leading video neighbourhood in the Middle East and North Africa.

At 30 September 2014, the total number of channels broadcast by Eutelsat satellites stood at 5,788. Excluding Satmex (322 channels as at 30 September 2014), the channel count was up 16.0% year-on-year to 753. Including Satmex, 629 channels were broadcast in High Definition, up from 439, implying a penetration rate of 10.9%, compared to 9.3% at 30 September 2013.


Data Services revenues decreased by 5.0% to €51.2 million, and represented 14.6% of Group revenues. Regional trends were mixed: the environment remained difficult in EMEA but momentum in Latin American and Asia-Pacific was favourable. The Satmex acquisition has ameliorated our geographic mix in this application.


Value Added Services revenues amounted to €26.3 million, up 14.2% and accounting for 7.5% of Group revenues. Uptake on KA-SAT continued, with 166,000 broadband terminals activated at 30 September 2014, up from 108,000 a year earlier, and 154,000 at 30 June 2014.


Revenues from Government Services stood at €44.5 million, up 2.8%, accounting for 12.7% of Group revenues. This growth reflected new contracts, notably on EUTELSAT 48D and EUTELSAT 33B, as well as the good performance of Satmex, which more than offset the impact of the lower level of contract renewals in 2013-2014.

September/October 2014 contract renewals were in line with expectations.


Other revenues amounted to €8.0 million, compared with €2.6 million at 30 September 2013, reflecting notably the agreements with SES at 28°5 East.

There were no non-recurring revenues at 30 September 2014.


The fill rate stood at 76.0% at 30 September 2014, compared to 78.7% at 30 June 2014. This evolution reflects mainly the entry into service of new satellites (Express-AT2, EUTELSAT 3B and EUTELSAT 7B).

    30 September


  30 June


  30 September


Number of operational transponders5

  859   996   1,033

Number of leased transponders6

646 784 785
Fill rate   75.2%   78.7%   76.0%

Note: KA-SAT’s 82 spot beams as well as EUTELSAT 3B’s 5 Ka-band spot beams are considered transponder equivalents. KA-SAT’s fill rate is considered to be at 100% when 70% of the capacity is taken up.


The order backlog7 stood at €6.3 billion at 30 September 2014, up by 16% year-on-year including Satmex and by 10% excluding Satmex. It was equivalent to 4.5 times 2013-2014 revenues. Video Applications represented 84% of the backlog.

    30 September


  30 June


  30 September


Value of contracts (in billions of euros)   5.4   6.4   6.3
In years of annual revenues based on last fiscal year 4.2 4.6


Share of Video Applications   93%   84%   84%


Revenues (at constant currency and excluding non-recurring revenues)

Based on a nominal satellite deployment plan, the Group targets organic revenue growth of around 4.0% for the current year on a proforma basis9.

With the deployment of additional capacity, average revenue growth should be above 5% for the two subsequent years to 30 June 2017.


The EBITDA margin is targeted at above 76.5% for each fiscal year until 30 June 2017.

All other targets published in July 2014 are also confirmed.


Estimated launch schedule1

Satellite   Orbital position   Estimated launch
(calendar year)
  Main applications   Main geographic coverage   Transponders
EUTELSAT 115 West B   114.9° West   Q1 2015   Video, Data, Government Services   Americas   34 Ku / 12 C
EUTELSAT 9B   9° East   Q2 2015   Video   Europe   50 Ku
EUTELSAT 8 West B   7°/8° West   Q3 2015   Video, Data   Middle East, Africa, South America   40 Ku / 10 C
EUTELSAT 36C(2)   36° East   Q4 2015   Video, Data, Broadband   Russia, Sub-Saharan Africa   Up to 52 Ku / 18 Ka-band spotbeams
EUTELSAT 117 West B   116.8 ° West   Q4 2015   Video, Data, Government Services   Latin America   40 Ku
EUTELSAT 65 West A   65° West   Q2 2016   Video, Data, Broadband   Latin America   24 Ku, 10 C, up to 24 Ka-band spotbeams
EUTELSAT 172B   172° East   H1 2017   Data, Government Services, Mobility   Asia Pacific   36 Ku (regular), 14 C, 11 Ku-band HTS spotbeams
1 Satellites generally enter into service one to two months after launch for chemical propulsion satellites. In the case of electric propulsion satellites: EUTELSAT 115 West B and EUTELSAT 117 West B will need 7 to 9 months after launch to enter in service, and EUTELSAT 172B circa 4 months.

2 Partnership satellite with RSCC


Fleet deployment

Express-AT2, which was launched on 16 March 2014 in the framework of the partnership with RSCC, went into operation in early July 2014.

EUTELSAT 3B, which was launched on 25 May 2014, entered into operational service in early July 2014 and replaced the EUTELSAT 3A and EUTELSAT 3D satellites.

In mid-July 2014, EUTELSAT 3D was relocated to 7° East where it is now co-positioned with EUTELSAT 7A and has been renamed EUTELSAT 7B.

Scrip Dividend

Eutelsat’s Board of Directors will submit for approval by the General Shareholders’ Meeting of 7 November 2014 a resolution providing for the introduction of an option for shareholders to receive the entire dividend, either in cash or in new shares of the Company. The price of the new shares issued as payment of the dividend will amount to 90% of the average share price during the 20 trading sessions preceding the General Shareholders’ Meeting, less the net amount of the dividend and rounded up to the nearest euro cent.


As of Q1 2014-2015, published revenues take account of changes in perimeter (acquisition of Satmex, disposal of KabelKiosk) as well as several reclassifications between the various applications in order to better reflect the final usage of the capacity.

To facilitate comparison with financial year 2013-2014, the table below shows restated revenues using the same basis as financial year 2014-2015:

Quarterly restated revenues by business application

  3 months ended   Full-year ended 30/06/2014
In millions of euros   30/09/2013   31/12/2013   31/03/2014   30/06/2014  
Video Applications 220.7   215.2   214.7   221.7 872.3
Data Services 54.2 52.0 50.6 52.5 209.2
Value-Added Services 23.0 20.1 20.5 25.0 88.7
Government Services 43.6 43.8 44.0 43.2 174.7
Other revenues   2.6   11.9   7.8   10.0   32.4
Sub-total 344.1 343.0 337.7 352.5 1,377.3
Non-recurring revenues   0.3   0.2   -   -   0.5
Total   344.4   343.2   337.7   352.5   1,377.8

* * *


About Eutelsat Communications:

Established in 1977, Eutelsat Communications (Euronext Paris: ETL, ISIN code: FR0010221234) is one of the world's leading and most experienced operators of communications satellites. The company provides capacity on 37 satellites to clients that include broadcasters and broadcasting associations, pay-TV operators, video, data and Internet service providers, enterprises and government agencies. Eutelsat’s satellites provide ubiquitous coverage of Europe, the Middle East, Africa, Asia-Pacific and the Americas, enabling video, data, broadband and government communications to be established irrespective of a user’s location. Headquartered in Paris, with offices and teleports around the globe, Eutelsat represents a workforce of 1,000 men and women from 32 countries who are experts in their fields and work with clients to deliver the highest quality of service.

First quarter 2014-2015 Revenues conference call

A conference call will be held on Thursday, 30 October 2014 at 6:30 pm CET.

To connect to the call, please use the following numbers:

  • + 33(0) 1 76 77 22 25 (from France)
  • +44 (0)20 3427 1910 (from the UK or elsewhere)
  • +1 646 254 3360 (from United States)

Access code: 3232032 #

Instant replay number will be available from 30 October 8:30pm CET to 5 November, midnight.

  • +33(0) 1 74 20 28 00 (from France)
  • + 44 (0) 20 3427 0598 (from the U.K or elsewhere)
  • +1 347 366 9565 (from the United States)

Access code: 3232032 #

Financial calendar

The financial calendar below is provided for information purposes only. It is subject to change and will be regularly updated.

  • November 7, 2014: Annual General Shareholders Meeting
  • February 12, 2015: First Half 2014-2015 Results
  • May 12, 2015: Third Quarter 2014-2015 Revenues


Satmex quarterly revenues by business application

  Three months ended
In millions of euros   31/03/2014   30/06/2014   30/09/2014
Video Applications 7.3   8.1   8.2
Data Services 13.7 14.2 14.4
Value-Added Services - - -
Government Services 4.4 4.9 5.2
Other   -   -   -
Sub-total 25.4 27.2 27.9
Non-recurring revenues   -   -   -
Total   25.4   27.2   27.9

Channel growth at neighbourhoods serving Central and Eastern Europe, Russia, Middle East, Africa

Orbital position   Markets   30/09/2013   30/09/2014   Growth
7°/ 8° West   North Africa, Middle East   688   810   + 17.7%
7° East Turkey, Africa 222 351 + 58.1%
16° East Central Europe, Indian Ocean Islands, Africa 728 854 + 17.3%
36° East Russia, Africa 786 875 + 11.3%
56° East   Russia   0   292   na
Total       2,424   3,182   +31.3%

1 On a proforma basis (including revenues for Satmex from July to December 2013 and adjusting for the impact of the KabelKiosk disposal) at constant currency and excluding non-recurring revenues.
2 The nomenclature of the activity previously known as ”Multi-usage” is henceforth ”Government Services”.
3 i) all revenue growth rates are made against the first quarter restated figures of the previous fiscal year, are at constant currency and exclude non-recurring revenues. Please refer to page 5 for more detail; ii) the share of each application as a percentage of total revenues is calculated excluding “other revenues” and “non-recurring revenues”.
4 Other revenues mainly include compensation paid on the settlement of business-related litigation, the financing of certain research programmes by the European Union and other organisations, and the recognition of EUR/USD foreign exchange gains/losses.
5 Number of transponders on satellites in stable orbit, back-up capacity excluded
6 Number of transponders leased on satellites in stable orbit
7 The backlog represents future revenues from capacity lease agreements and can include contracts for satellites under procurement
8 Based on proforma revenues for fiscal year 2013-2014.
9 Based on proforma revenues, excluding non-recurring revenues, of €1,377 M for FY 2013-2014 (see note on page 5 for more details).


Eutelsat Communications
Press Relations
Vanessa O’Connor, Tel: + 33 1 53 98 37 91
Frédérique Gautier, Tel: + 33 1 53 98 37 91
Marie-Sophie Ecuer, Tel: + 33 1 53 98 37 91
Investor Relations
Joanna Darlington, Tel: +33 1 53 98 31 07
Cédric Pugni, Tel: +33 1 53 98 31 54


Eutelsat Communications
Press Relations
Vanessa O’Connor, Tel: + 33 1 53 98 37 91
Frédérique Gautier, Tel: + 33 1 53 98 37 91
Marie-Sophie Ecuer, Tel: + 33 1 53 98 37 91
Investor Relations
Joanna Darlington, Tel: +33 1 53 98 31 07
Cédric Pugni, Tel: +33 1 53 98 31 54