Groupe Eurotunnel : Information Relating to the Total Number of Shares and Voting Rights Which Form the Share Capital as at the Date of the Notice Referred to under Article L. 223-8 of the French Commercial Code


Groupe Eurotunnel (Paris:GET):



Presenter / Corporate name


Société Groupe Eurotunnel SA


Société Anonyme

RCS Paris 483 385 142

3 rue de La Boétie, 75008 Paris

Number of shares in issue (1)   550,000,000
Number of voting rights theoretical (2) (3)   638,506,090
Date   30 September 2014

Total number of exercisable voting rights at 30 September 2014 and not including the shares for which voting rights have been suspended: 627,991,889

* * * *

(1) The share capital is set at an amount of €220,000,000. The share capital is divided into 550,000,000 ordinary shares of a nominal value of €0.40 each.

(2) Theoretical Number: calculated on the basis of all shares, including the shares for which voting rights have been suspended.

(3) In accordance with article 27-8° of the Company’s constitutional document, “Each member has the same number of votes as the number of shares in the Company that he holds and represents, whether in his name or by proxy, without limit”.
A double voting right is set out under Article 11 of the Company’s constitutional document “As from the date of admission of the Company’s shares to trading on a regulated market, a voting right double that which is conferred on other A Shares, by reference to the fraction of share capital they represent, is attributed, under the conditions provided by applicable law and regulations, to all fully paid-up A Shares which can be shown to have been held by the same shareholder in registered form for two years (such two year period running from the date of admission of the Company’s shares to trading on a regulated market).

Category Code: MSC
Sequence Number: 438220
Time of Receipt (offset from UTC): 20141023T160054+0100


Groupe Eurotunnel


Groupe Eurotunnel