Pernod Ricard: Q1 2014/15 Sales

Return to Growth in Q1, Despite a Difficult Environment

Organic Sales Growth: +2%

2014/15 Guidance: Organic Growth in PRO between +1% and +3%

PARIS--()--Regulatory News:

Press release - Paris, 23 October 2014

Pernod Ricard (Paris:RI):

Sales for the first quarter of 2014/15 totalled € 2,037 million. Pernod Ricard posted organic growth of +2%, representing a return to growth, including:

  • a gradual improvement in Asia-Rest of World (+4%)
  • a mixed performance in Europe (-1%)
  • continued growth in the Americas (+3%)

Reported growth was +1% due to a slightly unfavourable foreign exchange effect over the period.

The Top 14 (+2%) returned to growth.

Priority Premium Wines declined (-3%) despite the continued growth of the Campo Viejo and Brancott Estate brands.

The 18 Key Local Brands (+7%) reported very good growth driven by Indian whiskies.

As part of this communication, Pierre Pringuet, Chief Executive Officer, stated: “Pernod Ricard’s return to growth in the first quarter illustrates the Group’s resilience in a difficult context. We are confident in the strength of our portfolio and distribution network. The roll-out of project Allegro will contribute to strengthening our operational efficiency.”

Alexandre Ricard, Deputy Chief Executive Officer and Chief Operating Officer, added: “For the full financial year we anticipate a gradual improvement in sales, in an environment that will remain difficult. We plan to increase investment behind our priority brands and innovations. As a result, our 2014/15 guidance is organic growth in profit from recurring operations between +1% and +3%.”

A detailed presentation of sales for the first quarter of 2014/15 can be downloaded from our website:

Note: All growth data specified in this press release refers to organic growth, unless otherwise stated.

About Pernod Ricard

Pernod Ricard is the world’s co-leader in wines and spirits with consolidated sales of € 7,945 million in 2013/14. Created in 1975 by the merger of Ricard and Pernod, the Group has undergone sustained development, based on both organic growth and acquisitions: Seagram (2001), Allied Domecq (2005) and Vin & Sprit (2008). Pernod Ricard holds one of the most prestigious brand portfolios in the sector: Absolut Vodka, Ricard pastis, Ballantine’s, Chivas Regal, Royal Salute and The Glenlivet Scotch whiskies, Jameson Irish whiskey, Martell cognac, Havana Club rum, Beefeater gin, Kahlúa and Malibu liqueurs, Mumm and Perrier- Jouët champagnes, as well Jacob’s Creek, Brancott Estate, Campo Viejo, Graffigna and Kenwood wines. Pernod Ricard employs a workforce of approximately 18,000 people and operates through a decentralised organisation, with 6 “Brand Companies” and 80 “Market Companies” established in each key market. Pernod Ricard is strongly committed to a sustainable development policy and encourages responsible consumption. Pernod Ricard’s strategy and ambition are based on 3 key values that guide its expansion: entrepreneurial spirit, mutual trust and a strong sense of ethics.

Pernod Ricard is listed on the NYSE Euronext exchange (Ticker: RI; ISIN code: FR0000120693) and is a member of the CAC 40 index.


Emerging Markets

Asia-Rest of World

    Americas     Europe
Algeria     Malaysia     Argentina     Albania
Angola Mongolia Bolivia Armenia
Cambodia Morocco Brazil Azerbaijan
Cameroon Mozambique Caribbean Belarus
China Namibia Chile Bosnia
Congo Nigeria Colombia Bulgaria
Egypt Persian Gulf Costa Rica Croatia
Ethiopia Philippines Cuba Georgia
Gabon Senegal Dominican Republic Hungary
Ghana South Africa Ecuador Kazakhstan
India Sri Lanka Guatemala Kosovo
Indonesia Syria Honduras Latvia
Iraq Tanzania Mexico Lithuania
Ivory Coast Thailand Panama Macedonia
Jordan Tunisia Paraguay Moldova
Kenya Turkey Peru Montenegro
Laos Uganda Puerto Rico Poland
Lebanon Vietnam Uruguay Romania
Madagascar Zambia Venezuela Russia

Sales Analysis by Region

Net Sales
(€ millions)

  Q1 2013/14   Q1 2014/15   Change   Organic Growth   Group Structure   Forex impact
Europe 666 33% 652 32% (15) -2% (4) -1% (4) -1% (6) -1%
Americas 532 26% 530 26% (2) 0% 16 3% 6 1% (24) -4%
Asia / Rest of World 814   40% 855   42% 41   5% 34   4% 0   0% 7   1%
World 2,013   100% 2,037   100% 25   1% 46   2% 3   0% (24)   -1%

Organic Sales Growth of the Top 14(1)

  Net Sales   Volumes   Price/mix
Absolut -2% -1% -1%
Chivas Regal 9% 10% 0%
Ballantine's 9% 7% 2%
Ricard -4% -4% 0%
Jameson 9% 8% 1%
Havana Club -7% -5% -2%
Malibu -7% -6% -2%
Beefeater -3% -5% 2%
Kahlua 23% 18% 5%
Martell -4% 7% -10%
The Glenlivet 17% 12% 5%
Royal Salute 3% 6% -3%
Mumm 3% 7% -4%
Perrier-Jouët -2% -4% 2%
Top 14 2% 2% 0%

(1) Data may be subject to rounding


Foreign exchange impact Q1 2014/15 (sales)

Forex impact Q1 2014/15

(€ millions)

  Average rates evolution  

On Net

2013/14   2014/15   %
Argentinian peso ARS 7.40 10.98 48.5% (12)
Venezuelan bolivar VEF 16.56 66.26 300.2% (7)
Russian rouble RUB 43.45 48.08 10.6% (6)
Ukrainian hryvnia UAH 10.79 16.66 54.4% (3)
Canadian dollar CAD 1.38 1.44 4.8% (3)
Chinese yuan CNY 8.11 8.17 0.7% (2)
Japanese yen JPY 131.05 137.74 5.1% (1)
US dollar USD 1.32 1.33 0.0% (0)
Indian rupee INR 82.46 80.31 -2.6% 4
Korean won KRW 1.47 1.36 -7.3% 5
Pound sterling GBP 0.85 0.79 -7.1% 7
Other currencies               (5)
Total               (24)

Foreign Exchange Impact for the Full-Year 2014/15 (profit from recurring operations)

Over the full 2014/15 financial year, the forex impact on profit from recurring operations is estimated at approximately +€ 80 million, based on 17 October 2014 forex rates, particularly EUR/USD of 1.29.


Pernod Ricard
Julia Massies, +33 (0)1 41 00 42 02
VP, Financial Communication & Investor Relations
Sylvie Machenaud, +33 (0)1 41 00 42 74
Director External Communications
Alison Donohoe, +33 (0)1 41 00 42 14
Investor Relations
Carina Alfonso Martin, +33 (0)1 41 00 43 42
Press Relations Manager


Pernod Ricard
Julia Massies, +33 (0)1 41 00 42 02
VP, Financial Communication & Investor Relations
Sylvie Machenaud, +33 (0)1 41 00 42 74
Director External Communications
Alison Donohoe, +33 (0)1 41 00 42 14
Investor Relations
Carina Alfonso Martin, +33 (0)1 41 00 43 42
Press Relations Manager