Zoetis Debuts a New SERELISA® ParaTB Ab Mono Indirect Assay Kit

Test Rapidly Detects Antibodies to Help Diagnose Johne’s Disease in Cattle

Zoetis now offers a test to quickly and accurately screen for the detection of antibodies to Johne’s Disease in cattle. (Photo: Business Wire)

FLORHAM PARK, N.J.--()--Zoetis now offers a test to quickly and accurately screen for the detection of antibodies to Johne’s Disease in cattle, the company announced today.

Matthew Krecic, DVM, MS, MBA, DACVIM, Senior Technical Services Manager of U.S. Diagnostics, Zoetis, said the test uses an indirect immunoenzymatic technique to detect Mycobacterium avium, subspecies paratuberculosis (M. ParaTB) antibodies in samples of cattle serum and plasma. Results are available in less than 75 minutes, giving producers an economical, convenient way to help monitor their herds for the presence of this chronic, contagious, and fatal disease.

Johne’s Disease can cost producers up to $250 million1 annually in lost productivity and animals. The fatal bacterial disease is primarily a health problem in ruminants, is highly infectious, and is common in dairy cattle. The organism that causes the disease can live for years in the soil of affected farms. Animals typically infected as calves can appear healthy for a long time—months or years—before symptoms appear, which allows it to spread easily when an infected animal is introduced into the herd. Often the first symptom is a decrease in milk production.

“Calves are most susceptible to Johne’s disease and producers want to help protect them,” Dr. Krecic said. “Producers often wait to add newly purchased cattle to the herd until certain the animals are free from the disease. By being able to quickly test healthy-looking cattle, producers can continue to help safeguard the health of their herd. SERELISA® ParaTB Ab Mono Indirect offers 90.0% sensitivity and 99.6% specificity2—making diagnosis accurate even when the animal shows no sign of the illness.”

“At Zoetis, we are investing in diagnostics to help veterinarians and producers prevent the spread of devastating diseases like Johne’s Disease,” said Chris Demiris, Marketing Director of U.S. Diagnostics, Zoetis. “This test is important for our customers. It’s easy to use, cost-effective, and helps keep a herd healthy through early, accurate diagnosis.”

The SERELISA® ParaTB Ab Mono Indirect is the one of several new diagnostic tests that will be introduced in the near future by Zoetis. For more information about SERELISA® ParaTB Ab Mono Indirect or any Zoetis assay, contact your local sales representative.

About Zoetis

Zoetis (zō-EH-tis) is the leading animal health company, dedicated to supporting its customers and their businesses. Building on more than 60 years of experience in animal health, Zoetis discovers, develops, manufactures and markets veterinary vaccines and medicines, complemented by diagnostic products and genetic tests and supported by a range of services. In 2013, the company generated annual revenues of $4.6 billion. With approximately 9,800 employees worldwide at the beginning of 2014, Zoetis has a local presence in approximately 70 countries, including 27 manufacturing facilities in 10 countries. Its products serve veterinarians, livestock producers and people who raise and care for farm and companion animals in 120 countries. For more information, visit www.zoetis.com.

Zoetis is the proud sponsor with the Smithsonian Institution Traveling Exhibition Service, the American Veterinary Medical Association, and the American Veterinary Medical Foundation of the mobile educational exhibit Animal Connections: Our Journey Together. Families visiting the exhibit will explore the vast bonds between people and animals and learn about the important role veterinarians play in protecting animal and human health. For more information, visit https://www.zoetis.com/animal-connections-tour/.

1 USDA-Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service-Veterinary Services, 2007
2 Data on file. Product Improvement Validation Report June 20, 2013, Zoetis Inc.

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Chris Demiris, 973-443-3139


Chris Demiris, 973-443-3139