BGE Teams up with University of Maryland Upper Chesapeake Health for Significant Energy Efficiency Savings with New Combined Heat and Power Plant through BGE’s Smart Energy Savers Program®

Upper Chesapeake Health’s Combined Heat and Power Plant project is the first recipient of installation incentives from BGE’s Smart Energy Savers Program, receiving $1.5 million in incentives

The Combined Heat and Power Plant will generate approximately 13 million kilowatt hours annually and is expected to save Upper Chesapeake Health $9 million over 20 years

BGE presents University of Maryland Upper Chesapeake Health with $1.5 million in incentives through the BGE Smart Energy Savers Program Combined Heat and Power Program. Overall, the completed combined heat and power energy efficiency project is expected to save Upper Chesapeake $9 million over 20 years and will generate approximate 13 million kilowatt hours annually, making a positive impact on the electric grid, the local environment and importantly, the employees and patients of Upper Chesapeake Health. Pictured left to right: Jim Libertini, BGE, William Wolf, BGE, Lyle Sheldon, president and chief executive officer, Upper Chesapeake Health, Calvin G. Butler Jr., chief executive officer, BGE, Ruth Kiselewich, BGE (Photo: Business Wire)

BALTIMORE--()--Baltimore Gas and Electric Company’s (BGE) Smart Energy Savers Program recently teamed up with University of Maryland Upper Chesapeake Health to help Upper Chesapeake Health better manage their energy use through BGE’s Combined Heat and Power Program. Upper Chesapeake Health unveiled its new combined heat and power plant, which is located on site at the medical campus in Bel Air, Maryland.

Upper Chesapeake Health and Clark Construction were joined today by officials from BGE and U.S. Senator Ben Cardin to commend their commitment to energy efficiency and sustainability, solidifying Upper Chesapeake Health’s reputation as a leader in environmental innovation. Upper Chesapeake Health is the first recipient of installation incentives from BGE’s Smart Energy Savers Program, receiving $1.5 million in incentives.

“BGE is proud to team up with University of Maryland Upper Chesapeake Health in their efforts to become a leader in energy efficient innovation,” said Calvin G. Butler Jr., chief executive officer, BGE. “Upper Chesapeake Health is the first recipient of installation incentives from BGE’s Combined Heat and Power Program, part of BGE’s Smart Energy Savers Program. Through this suite of energy efficiency program offerings, we are able to help customers attain the energy efficiency milestones that will help them reduce energy use, save money and make a positive impact on the environment, while also improving the quality of life for their employees and patients now and for many years to come. We applaud Upper Chesapeake Health for leading the class in sustainability and their commitment to the environment.”

Overall, the completed combined heat and power energy efficiency project is expected to save Upper Chesapeake Health $9 million over 20 years and will generate approximately 13 million kilowatt hours annually. That equates to removing the annual greenhouse gas emissions from more than 2,000 cars from the road.

“It’s not just the energy and cost savings that are important,” continued Butler. “The combined heat and power plant will improve power reliability along with improved energy efficiency, and produce cleaner power through better fuel utilization. This positive impact on the Upper Chesapeake Health Medical Center will improve the environment for employees, patients, and importantly the local community. This project puts Upper Chesapeake Health into a category of its own when it comes to sustainability and their commitment to the environment.”

The BGE Smart Energy Savers Program offers financial incentives and technical assistance to BGE customers in an effort to promote energy efficiency throughout Maryland. The program supports the EmPOWER Maryland Energy Efficiency Act and offers energy-saving solutions for renters, homeowners, large and small business customers, nonprofits and institutional customers. Customers participating in the program are able to save money, reduce energy usage and improve power quality. Collectively, BGE Smart Energy Savers Program offerings help contain the cost of energy, improve power reliability, reduce peak demand and slow the growth in energy consumption to lessen the need for more power plants.

“Energy efficiency makes good economic sense and supports a cleaner, healthier community. I’m proud to help flip the switch on energy projects that are secure, sustainable, and resilient,” said Senator Cardin. “This collaboration of BGE, Upper Chesapeake Medical Center and Clark Construction Group is a perfect example of how our tax code can encourage much-needed energy efficiency improvements.”

Thanks largely to the collaboration with organizations like Upper Chesapeake Health, BGE customers have achieved a savings of nearly 1.8 billion kilowatt hours a year, proving that they are committed to working with BGE in keeping Maryland clean, green and reliable.

To view photos from the event, visit BGE’s Flickr site at

BGE, headquartered in Baltimore, is Maryland’s largest gas and electric utility, delivering power to more than 1.2 million electric customers and more than 655,000 natural gas customers in central Maryland. The company’s approximately 3,400 employees are committed to the safe and reliable delivery of gas and electricity, as well as enhanced energy management, conservation, environmental stewardship and community assistance. BGE is a subsidiary of Exelon Corporation (NYSE: EXC), the nation’s leading competitive energy provider, with 2013 revenues of approximately $24.9 billion. Like us on Facebook and follow us on Twitter, YouTube and Flickr.


Baltimore Gas and Electric Company (BGE)
Rachael Lighty,
BGE Media Hotline: 410-470-7433


Baltimore Gas and Electric Company (BGE)
Rachael Lighty,
BGE Media Hotline: 410-470-7433