Imagination Trumps Internet as Home Improvement Asset

Home Projects Council Survey Reveals Surprising Do-It-Yourself Resources

ATLANTA--()--Despite advances in technology, it’s a person’s imagination followed by family and friends that are the leading sources of inspiration for do-it-yourself (DIY) home improvement projects according to a recent survey by the Home Projects Council (HPC), a collection of highly reputable home improvement experts. The online survey of 585 homeowners identified the preferred resources for DIY home improvement projects in four phases of the process: inspiration, education/instruction, selection and promotion. While the Internet proved popular with survey respondents, more traditional resources were selected as the top choice in each phase of the DIY home improvement project life cycle.

“The survey revealed some surprising insights regarding the resources homeowners turn to for help with home improvement projects,” said Frank Owens, vice president marketing for The QUIKRETE® Companies. “I don’t think the results necessarily discount the value of any resource, especially when you consider that consumers access multiple sources of information before making a purchase. However, the survey is a strong indication that relationships with family and friends, and local stores as well as personal experience are proven project assets and remain invaluable today.”

Consumers go to more than 10 sources of information before making a purchase according to Google ZMOT (Zero Moment of Truth) and Shopper Science, reaffirming the need for a variety of diverse home improvement project resources.

The following insights are the percentage of aided survey respondents who selected resources in their top three in each phase of the DIY home improvement project life cycle.

Phase I – Inspiration (What resources do homeowners prefer for inspiration?)

His/Her Imagination           46%
Friends & Family 39%


Home Improvement Retailers 26%
Magazines 25%

Phase II – Education/Instruction (What resources do homeowners prefer for education/instruction?)

Friends & Family           44%
Internet 42%
YouTube 28%
Home Improvement Websites 26%
How-To Videos 25%

Phase III – Selection (What resources do homeowners prefer to select project materials?)

Home Improvement Retailer           45%
Internet 44%
Friends & Family 42%
Home Improvement Websites 28%
Product Manufacturers Website




Phase IV – Promotion (How do homeowners prefer to share their project success?)

Tell friends and family directly           69%
Post on personal social media channels




There were few significant gender discrepancies in the survey results with the exception of social media, which women are two times more likely than men to use for sharing a successful home improvement project. That said, the definition of a successful home improvement project varies by gender with 42.7% of men making functional benefits the priority and 35.7% of women seeking aesthetic benefits. If a home improvement project is unsuccessful, 76% of both men and women surveyed will share those failed experiences just as they would a successful project.

“The survey once again proves that word of mouth and imagination are key ingredients in choosing a home improvement option. The results clearly indicate that manufacturers and other influencers should concentrate on empowering homeowners with powerful image-driven marketing and instruction that leads to high-quality results and fosters the sharing of project experiences,” said Ed Fioroni, PhD, vice president marketing and sales for Pavestone®.

Insights from the Home Project Council and its member are available on Facebook.

Survey Demographic

Conducted in June 2014

  • 585 respondents – 43% male, 57% female
  • Ages 25 to 54
  • Homeowners planning a do-it-yourself (DIY) home improvement project in the next year
  • DIY skill level – 32% beginner, 50% intermediate, 18% expert
  • Household incomes between $50,000 - $250,000 – 81%

Home Projects Council Members

  • Tom Baker – This Old House, building technology editor
  • Danny Lipford – Today’s Homeowner with Danny Lipford, host
  • Jill Sell – Cleveland Plain Dealer and Ohio Magazine, home improvement columnist
  • Ben Uyeda – ZeroEnergy Design and, co-founder
  • Stacey Moncrieff – National Association of Realtors, vice president, business-to-business communications
  • Fred Miller – Home Improvement Research Institute (HIRI), managing director
  • Tanya Komas, Ph.D. – California St. University at Chico, Concrete Industry Management program coordinator
  • Ethan Hagan – One Project Closer, blogger
  • Frank Owens – The QUIKRETE® Companies, vice president marketing
  • Ed Fioroni, Ph.D. – Pavestone®, vice president sales and marketing
  • Reeve Haldeman – Custom Building Products®, vice president marketing
  • Mike Eastergard – PreiTech, president


The QUIKRETE® Companies
Chad Corley, 404-634-9100


The QUIKRETE® Companies
Chad Corley, 404-634-9100