IFALPA calls for international cooperation to prevent aviation attacks

MONTREAL--()--The International Federation of Air Line Pilots’ Associations (IFALPA) expresses its condolences to the families of the crew and passengers of Malaysian Airlines flight MH17 which is reported to have been shot down by a missile over the Russia-Ukraine border.

The Federation fully supports the statement made by Dr. Olumuyiwa Benard Aliu, President of the Council of the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO), and joins ICAO in the strong condemnation of the use of weapons against international civil aviation. IFALPA calls for States and International Aviation Organizations to consider the prevention of such attacks as a high priority, through a multi-layered approach with an emphasis based on both ground and airspace security.

IFALPA also upholds the principle of international co-operation to combat these attacks, endorses the formulation, ratification and implementation of Conventions, Protocols, Resolutions and Statements intended to achieve these aims and strongly urges States to ratify and fulfil their obligations as signatories to these international instruments, and ensure the safety and security of commercial flights in their national airspace.

The Federation will continue to work closely with the Malaysian Air Line Pilots’ Association (MAPA) and will keep its resources at the disposal of the relevant accident investigation agencies in order to help gather facts and any other information which may be pertinent to this tragic event.

Note to Editors: The International Federation of Air Line Pilots’ Associations represents in excess of 100,000 pilots in more than 100 countries world-wide. IFALPA’s mission is to be the global voice of airline pilots, promoting the highest level of aviation safety and security world-wide and providing services, support and representation to all of its Member Associations.

See the Federation website www.ifalpa.org

For more information contact Valerie McLeod, IFALPA Communications Coordinator, at tel +1 514 419 1191 or valeriemcleod@ifalpa.org


International Federation of Air Line Pilots’ Associations (IFALPA)
Valerie McLeod, IFALPA Communications Coordinator
+1 514-419-1191


International Federation of Air Line Pilots’ Associations (IFALPA)
Valerie McLeod, IFALPA Communications Coordinator
+1 514-419-1191