Foster Wheeler Awarded Contract for Terrace WallTM Steam Reformer Heater in Russia

ZUG, Switzerland--()--Foster Wheeler AG (Nasdaq:FWLT) announced today that a subsidiary of its Global Engineering and Construction Group has been awarded a contract by Glencore Oil Projects AG for the engineering and material supply of a steam reformer heater for hydrogen production for the Orsknefteorgsyntez Refinery at Orsk, Russia.

The value of Foster Wheeler’s contract was not disclosed and was included in the company’s first-quarter 2014 bookings.

The heater will be based on Foster Wheeler's Terrace WallTM design. Foster Wheeler’s scope of work is scheduled to be completed in the second quarter of 2015. This latest award follows Glencore’s award to Foster Wheeler of a Terrace WallTM visbreaker heater for this refinery in 2013.

“We have a long and very successful track record in designing and supplying heaters for the Russian market, and we are very pleased to have received this award, which constitutes another vote of confidence in the quality and reliability of our heaters,” said Roberto Penno, Chief Executive Officer, Foster Wheeler Global Engineering and Construction Group.

Foster Wheeler's Terrace WallTM reformer is characterized by a firing arrangement and sloped-wall radiant section design that, together, enable long catalyst tube life (often in excess of 100,000 hours) and deliver the flexibility to extend a reformer's operating envelope. This often allows production of hydrogen in excess of the design capacity of the hydrogen production unit, which may in turn deliver additional economic benefits. Foster Wheeler's reformers can operate with ultra-low-NOx burners to meet tightening environmental emission standards worldwide. Foster Wheeler has supplied over 200 Terrace WallTM steam reformers to the refining and petrochemical industries in more than 40 countries worldwide.

Foster Wheeler AG is a global engineering and construction company and power equipment supplier delivering technically advanced, reliable facilities and equipment. The company employs approximately 13,000 talented professionals with specialized expertise dedicated to serving its clients through one of its two primary business groups. The company’s Global Engineering and Construction Group designs and constructs leading-edge processing facilities for the upstream oil and gas, LNG and gas-to-liquids, refining, chemicals and petrochemicals, power, minerals and metals, environmental, pharmaceuticals, biotechnology and healthcare industries. The company’s Global Power Group is a world leader in combustion and steam generation technology that designs, manufactures and erects steam generating and auxiliary equipment for power stations and industrial facilities and also provides a wide range of aftermarket services. The company is based in Zug, Switzerland, and its operational headquarters office is in Reading, United Kingdom. For more information about Foster Wheeler, please visit our website at

Safe Harbor Statement
Foster Wheeler AG news releases may contain forward-looking statements that are based on management’s assumptions, expectations and projections about the Company and the various industries within which the Company operates. These include statements regarding the Company’s expectations about revenues (including as expressed by its backlog), its liquidity, the outcome of litigation and legal proceedings and recoveries from customers for claims and the costs of current and future asbestos claims and the amount and timing of related insurance recoveries. Such forward-looking statements by their nature involve a degree of risk and uncertainty. The Company cautions that a variety of factors, including but not limited to the factors described in the Company’s most recent Annual Report on Form 10-K for the year ended December 31, 2013, which was filed with the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission on February 27, 2014, and the following, could cause the Company’s business conditions and results to differ materially from what is contained in forward-looking statements including: the timing and success of the proposed offer and acquisition of the Company by AMEC plc, the risk that the Company’s business will be adversely impacted during the pending proposed offer and acquisition of the Company by AMEC plc, benefits, effects or results of the Company’s redomestication to Switzerland, deterioration in global economic conditions, changes in investment by the oil and gas, oil refining, chemical/petrochemical and power generation industries, changes in the financial condition of its customers, changes in regulatory environments, changes in project design or schedules, contract cancellations, the changes in estimates made by the Company of costs to complete projects, changes in trade, monetary and fiscal policies worldwide, compliance with laws and regulations relating to the Company’s global operations, currency fluctuations, war, terrorist attacks and/or natural disasters affecting facilities either owned by the Company or where equipment or services are or may be provided by the Company, interruptions to shipping lanes or other methods of transit, outcomes of pending and future litigation, including litigation regarding the Company’s liability for damages and insurance coverage for asbestos exposure, protection and validity of the Company’s patents and other intellectual property rights, increasing global competition, compliance with its debt covenants, recoverability of claims against the Company’s customers and others by the Company and claims by third parties against the Company, and changes in estimates used in its critical accounting policies. Other factors and assumptions not identified above were also involved in the formation of these forward-looking statements and the failure of such other assumptions to be realized, as well as other factors, may also cause actual results to differ materially from those projected. Most of these factors are difficult to predict accurately and are generally beyond the Company’s control. You should consider the areas of risk described above in connection with any forward-looking statements that may be made by the Company. The Company undertakes no obligation to publicly update any forward-looking statements, whether as a result of new information, future events or otherwise. You are advised, however, to consult any additional disclosures the Company makes in proxy statements, quarterly reports on Form 10-Q, annual reports on Form 10-K and current reports on Form 8-K filed with or furnished to the Securities and Exchange Commission.


Media Contacts:
United States
Liz Picone, +1-908-713-2946
Cristiana Monti, +39 02 4486 2135
Investor Relations:
Scott Lamb, +1 908-730-4155
Other Inquiries:
+1 908-730-4000


Media Contacts:
United States
Liz Picone, +1-908-713-2946
Cristiana Monti, +39 02 4486 2135
Investor Relations:
Scott Lamb, +1 908-730-4155
Other Inquiries:
+1 908-730-4000