STOCKHOLM--()--Regulatory News:

Net sales in the first quarter increase and total SEK 348.6 (340.4) million. Operating profit (EBIT) is SEK 36.1 (34.4) million, which is equivalent to a margin of 10.3 per cent. During March, the Annual General Meeting decided on a shareholders’ dividend of SEK 2.60 per share, totalling approximately SEK 137 million.“We increase our net sales and profit and we improve our margin compared to the same period last year. This in a Nordic market that continues to feel the impact of the uncertainty in our surrounding world. Mobility and digitisation are critical factors in all industries and create endless opportunities on the road ahead,” says Lars Stugemo, President and CEO of HiQ.

More businesses than ever are dependent on mobile and digital solutions and new technology is constantly transforming the roadmap, creating new possibilities and needs. HiQ’s focus is, as always, how to improve and simplify for people – IT is our mean for doing so. An example of this is when HiQ helps Volvo Cars with “Roam Delivery”, a service that allows people to have goods delivered straight to the trunk of their connected car. A clear illustration of what we call Internet of Things, where items and products are becoming connected, creating new business opportunities.

“Development is constantly moving at a quicker pace and we are a leading player in the growth of our information driven and connected society. With strong finances and the best employees in the business, HiQ creates the solutions that improve people’s lives,” Lars Stugemo concludes.

HiQ’s President and CEO, Lars Stugemo, presents the report today, Wednesday 23 April at 09:00 CET, at HiQ’s head office (Regeringsgatan 20) in Stockholm. The report can be ordered by phone (+46 8 588 90 000) or downloaded from www.hiq.se

HiQ is required by Swedish law (the Securities Market Act and/or the Financial Instruments Trading Act) to publish this information. This information was released for publication at 07:30 CET on 23 April 2014.

For more information, please contact: Lars Stugemo, President and CEO, HiQ, tel. +46 8 588 90 000 Laura Manninen, acting Head of Corporate Communications HiQ, tel. +46 734 481 317

HiQ simplifies and improves people’s lives through solutions within communications and software development. The company is a leader in these areas and has the Nordic region as its home market. HiQ employs more than 1,300 staff and has offices both in the Nordic countries and in Russia. HiQ is listed on the NASDAQ OMX Stockholm Mid Cap List. For more information, please visit www.hiq.se

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Lars Stugemo, +46 8 588 90 000
President and CEO
Laura Manninen, +46 734 481 317
acting Head of Corporate Communications HiQ,


Lars Stugemo, +46 8 588 90 000
President and CEO
Laura Manninen, +46 734 481 317
acting Head of Corporate Communications HiQ,