Observable Networks Launches Cloud-Based Network Security Service

New Platform Identifies Suspicious Behavior in All Devices Attached to Corporate Networks – Detects Compromised and Misused Assets Escaping Security Tools Facilitating Faster Remediation

ST. LOUIS--()--Observable Networks, an emerging leader of network security technology and advanced threat detection services, today officially entered the IT security market, empowering organizations to readily understand normal and abnormal device behaviors in their networks. Observable’s Continuous Device Profiling (CDP) technology and cloud-based service platform uses real-time traffic sensors and automated security analytics to continuously model all devices on networks of any size. Observable’s solution is indifferent to encryption and does not require recognition of threat signatures – a growing problem with current security technologies.

“For many companies, unmanaged endpoints like BYOD, copy machines, video cameras, and building controls are increasingly used as gateways for targeted attacks. Additionally, many successful attacks involve low tech approaches such as stealing credentials or exploiting physical access to IT assets,” said Bryan Doerr, CEO of Observable Networks. “Our service works a lot like a credit card suspicious activity alert system. We’re continuously looking at our client’s devices and their behaviors on the network, and because our platform acutely understands what is normal and abnormal, we can alert them quickly and with precision.”

Observable Networks focuses on the growing and diverse assets that comprise corporate networks and the unraveling of the security perimeter. Unlike signature-based mechanisms, Observable does not assume threats can be recognized since modern attacks are highly customized and stealth. Additionally, Observable addresses exploitable weaknesses in perimeter-based mechanisms – the notion of a boundary between what is good and bad. As companies incorporate cloud infrastructure, SaaS applications, data centers, mobile platforms, and integrate with customers, suppliers, and partners, Observable’s approach provides clear visibility into the behavior of all endpoints - managed and unmanaged - in today’s fragmented business network.

With no specialized hardware to purchase and no software agents to deploy, Observable’s service is available as a cost-effective software-as-a-service (SaaS) subscription – greatly simplifying deployment. With scalability ranging from 100 to Millions of devices, it is a crucial threat detector for any organization - providing a significant leap forward to a stronger security posture compared to traditional approaches.

Observable Networks enters the market at a time when technology has drastically upended the threat detection and security landscape. Traditional threat detection has been unable to keep up with multi-layered attacks resulting in some disturbing trends:

  • 18% year-over-year increase in successful cyber-attacks
  • 74% of key breech events taking weeks to months to detect
  • 32-day average to resolve a detected breeches at an average cost of $11.6M

“It was clear that the inevitable rise of end-to-end encryption would "turn the lights off" on network security analysts. This observation, coupled with the limitations of signature-based mechanisms, inspired the creation of CDP, ” said Patrick Crowley, Observable Networks’ founder & CTO and associate professor of computer science at Washington University in St. Louis. “By monitoring and modeling all devices on the network, we enable customers to press the one advantage they have over adversaries - a continuous, unobstructed view of the devices on their network, and how those devices behave through time. By baselining and modeling all devices, CDP provides a durable network security mechanism, one whose value will grow through time.”

About Observable Networks

Observable Networks, Inc. is an emerging leader of network security technology and advanced threat detection services that identify compromised and misused networked devices currently escaping detection by network security tools. Observable’s Continuous Device Profiling (CDP) technology includes a cloud-based service platform incorporating automated security analytics and real-time traffic sensors to continuously model all devices on networks of any size, all the time. CDP is indifferent to encryption and does not use threat signatures. Observable empowers organizations to readily understand normal and abnormal device behaviors in their networks, helping them to identify compromised devices and facilitate faster remediation. Observable Networks is a privately held company headquartered in St. Louis, MO and has received institutional backing from the Vectis II fund, of which Stifel, Nicolaus & Company, Inc. is a co-General Partner. For more information, please visit www.observable.net.


Allison + Partners
David Baum, 646-428-0620


Allison + Partners
David Baum, 646-428-0620