Director/PDMR Shareholding


8 April 2014

Centrica plc (‘the Company’)

Director/PDMR Shareholding

The following transactions took place in London and are in respect of Centrica plc ordinary shares of 614/81pence (Shares).

Transfer of Shares from the Deferred and Matching Share Scheme 2011 (DMSS)

The Company announces that on 7 April 2014, deferred and investment shares held under the terms of the DMSS were transferred to its Executive Directors and other Persons Discharging Managerial Responsibility (PDMRs), together the Executives, following the three year mandatory deferral period, as detailed below.


Executive Directors

  Total number of DMSS deferred shares transferred   Total number of DMSS investment shares transferred
Sam Laidlaw 180,646 37,619
Mark Hanafin 75,956 26,402
Nick Luff 76,138 30,186
Chris Weston 71,673 25,874
Grant Dawson 35,645 17,497
Jill Shedden 10,007 7,488

The DMSS deferred and investment shares were purchased by the Executives in 2011 following mandatory and voluntary deferrals from annual bonus payments.

Performance against the Economic Profit target for the three year period ending in 2013 failed to meet the minimum threshold and, therefore, none of the conditional matching awards granted in 2011 have vested.

All Shares were retained by the Executives, save for the sale of sufficient Shares to settle 47% tax and National Insurance (NIC) withholding liability on the DMSS deferred awards.

This announcement is made following notifications under Disclosure Rule 3.1.2.

Nicola Carroll

Head of Company Secretarial Services

Centrica plc

01753 494009

Category Code: RDS
Sequence Number: 413465
Time of Receipt (offset from UTC): 20140408T082631+0100


Centrica plc


Centrica plc