Multiplexed Microwell Diagnostic System from Dynex Technologies Chosen for UCLA/Gates Foundation Health Study in the Congo

Collaboration brings cutting-edge technology to impoverished region to support immunization programs

CHANTILLY, Va.--()--Dynex Technologies announced today it has conducted a successful field trial of its patented M² Multiplexed Microwell system to test for five different diseases with a single process as part of a serosurvey program in the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC). Dynex's MMRVT panel tested each patient for measles, mumps, rubella, varicella and tetanus in the program under the direction of Dr. Anne Rimoin, Associate Professor of Epidemiology at UCLA. These diseases present a significant danger of child mortality and congenital deformation of unborn children. The survey is designed to develop a nationwide immunity profile, which in turn will be used to design immunization programs within the DRC. In this work 40,000 respondents will be surveyed with 8,000 children being tested for MMRVT immunity via dried blood spot sample collection. The project is being funded by The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation in partnership with UCLA and coordinated by the Kinshasa School of Public Health.

This summer, the first 807 dried blood spot samples were analyzed onsite in Kinshasa using Dynex’s patented M² multiplex technology. The M² assay involves using a modified microwell plate, with the bottom of each well embedded with 10 different positionally determined 2-millimeter diameter polystyrene beads, with each bead activated for separate viral agents or as in-well positive and negative controls. Samples taken from the dried blood spots are then assayed for levels of several different antibodies in a single well. The fully automated Dynex DS2® immunoassay processor performs the assay followed by data acquisition in a chemiluminescent image analyzer, where 540 data points per completed microplate are obtained and analyzed in less than two minutes. This technology allows researchers to quickly and reliably determine exposure and immunization effectiveness levels for a range of diseases using very little sample, while also demonstrating the effectiveness of using dried blood spots as a means of sampling. In contrast to whole blood draws, which require more advanced training and equipment than is typically available in impoverished areas, dried blood spots can be easily obtained and transported without refrigeration.

Dr. Anne Rimoin, UCLA: “The M² technology from Dynex proved itself very adaptable to the conditions of the samples and the environment in a low resource, logistically challenging location like Kinshasa, allowing us to achieve our goals of obtaining high quality results quickly, easily and inexpensively, with a minimum amount of training.”

Adrian Bunce, President of Dynex: “We are very pleased to support this project with M² technology. Dynex has focused on providing robust and easy to use automated platforms for over 20 years. We continuously strive to improve the performance and utility of our systems and our new M² multiplexing technology offers a quantum leap forward in this regard. This real world application in the DRC demonstrates the efficacy, robustness and productivity of M². We look forward to launching this fully automated multiplex technology in 2014 for any immunoassay application requiring increased throughput and lower cost per test.”

Dynex and UCLA will continue to collaborate on the DRC health survey, testing a further 7,500 samples taken from across the country through the first quarter of 2014. More information on M² technology can be found at

About Dynex Technologies: Dynex pioneered microplate technology more than 50 years ago, and has since delivered a series of cutting edge, best-of-class processing systems, including the 4-plate DSX® and 2-plate DS2® systems, and the newly released Agility® high throughput system. Dynex’s patented M² multiplexed microwell technology combines ELISA-based assay technology with the cost and time saving benefits of multiplexed assays in a fully automated system, delivering superior reproducibility and sensitivity. Dynex designs each of its products to meet the rigorous demands of scientists in clinical, biomedical, and pharmaceutical development applications. Dynex is based in Chantilly, Virginia, USA, with locations in Hong Kong, Germany and the UK, and markets its products worldwide.


Dynex Technologies
Michael Rashed, 703-803-1218


Dynex Technologies
Michael Rashed, 703-803-1218