SecureBuy Donates Technology to Reduce Payment Fraud for All Online Retailers

RIDGELAND, Miss.--()--SecureBuy®, a leader in global payment fraud prevention and security technology, announces today during an interview with Karen Webster at, that it is donating access to its SecureBuy 2.0, 3-D Secure® MPI to online retailers for the next 10 years.

3-D Secure is the most widely deployed active authentication solution in the world, with over 250 million registered cardholders and over a million merchants. Visa originally developed the 3-D Secure XML-based protocol over a decade ago and licenses the technology to the other card brands / networks. 3-D Secure is better known by merchants and consumers as Verified by Visa, MasterCard® SecureCode™ and American Express SafeKey®.

3-D Secure is the crown jewel of payment fraud protection technology and is most effective when used as a building block of a total solution. 3-D Secure payer authentication is the only authentication solution available to merchants that allows them to authenticate a consumer directly with the consumers' issuing bank. Additionally, as part of the 3-D Secure process, the merchant receives interchange advantages (lower processing fees) and the shift of financial / chargeback liability for the transaction to the cardholders' bank.

If or when EMV is implemented in the United States, online payment fraud based on estimates from the card brands will increase by 30% to 60%. The only way to deal with that kind of increase in payment fraud is ironclad automated technology. “Merchants spend millions of dollars every year for the right to use the 3-D Secure MPI in an effort to reduce card not present (CNP) fraud. SecureBuy is stepping up to the plate and offering its SecureBuy 2.0, 3-D Secure technology free of charge in an effort to reduce global payment fraud and stabilize online and mobile commerce for the benefit of the entire ecosystem. I hope other major players in the industry follow our lead, as we all have a responsibility to do what we can to minimize the risks associated with payment fraud." states Greg Wooten, CEO of SecureBuy.

SecureBuy will make its SecureBuy 2.0, 3-D Secure® MPI available to merchants effective immediately, under a 10 year royalty free license. Online merchants will be allowed to use the SecureBuy 2.0, 3-D Secure® MPI Technology in any manor they wish. The only requirement for online merchants to receive access to the SecureBuy technology is to register on the SecureBuy website and comply with all card brand / network rules and regulations.

About SecureBuy – A SignatureLink Company

SecureBuy ( is a wholly owned subsidiary of SignatureLink, Inc. Founded in 2002; SecureBuy is an established eCommerce cyber-security and technology company, a payment fraud prevention pioneer and leader. SecureBuy's innovative technology reduces or eliminates the risk of payment fraud for merchants, call centers, consumers and payment processors. SecureBuy provides the latest next-generation automated technologies and solutions to reduce revenue erosion from payment fraud and to stabilize eCommerce.

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SecureBuy - Public Relations
David Ferguson, 408-769-5007


SecureBuy - Public Relations
David Ferguson, 408-769-5007