Go Daddy Goes “Gangnam Style” to Celebrate Spectacular 2012 Success

Legendary Party Featured $2MM Donation to Semper Fi Fund & $1MM in Employee Prizes

SCOTTSDALE, Ariz.--()--Go Daddy’s end-of-year holiday parties have become legendary and 2012 was no exception. Last night, a few thousand Go Daddy employees and their guests were wined and dined, entertained and awarded cash prizes in honor of a record-breaking Go Daddy year.

Go Daddy, the world’s largest Web host and domain name provider, is the go-to choice for small businesses looking to leverage the power of the Internet … but there was nothing small about last night’s big bash at Phoenix’s Chase Field.

Together, Go Daddy and The Bob and Renee Parsons Foundation presented the Semper Fi Fund with checks totaling $2 million to help injured military veterans. It was the result of a matching fund drive the two organizations first announced last month and illustrated how generosity is still very much a part of the holiday season. The first $1 million check came from generous donors, including Go Daddy customers, the second million dollar check represented the matching funds. The Semper Fi Fund is an organization that provides immediate financial support for injured and critically ill members of the U.S. Armed Forces and their families.

“Our Semper Fi Fund members are blessed to have the support of Go Daddy and The Bob and Renee Parsons Foundation,” said the organization’s CEO, President and Founder Karen Guenther. “Their matching fund program was not something we expected. This money will definitely make a difference with so many of our veterans.”

Renee Parsons, co-founder of the foundation, pointed out how quickly the donations were delivered. “It's rewarding to see so many people come forward to donate like this. Think about it, $1 million in about a month from all different types of people ... it really shows what we can do when we put our hearts into it.”

Go Daddy Cares, the company’s charity division, provided funding to more than 60 charities in 2012, including Every Kid Counts, which drew gifts from hundreds of Go Daddy employees at last night’s party.

“We are fortunate to be in a position to help others who need help,” said Go Daddy Executive Chairman and Founder Bob Parsons. "We owe everything to those who serve and have served our military, the Semper Fi Fund is a very special organization, doing important work," Parsons, a decorated war veteran who served in Vietnam, said. “At Go Daddy, we like to share our success and we have fun doing it. As my little brother always likes to remind me, ‘we’re not here for a long time … we’re here for a good time!”

The party was definitely a “good time.” The iconic B-52’s rocked the stage with all their marquee hits, including “Love Shack.” The party opened with a remarkable impersonation of South Korean rapper Psy who, along with a dancing troupe, set the stage for Bob Parsons’ dramatic entrance. The man behind Go Daddy’s years’ long tradition of over-the-top holiday parties gave employees more than $1 million dollars, in thousand-dollar increments, in celebration of the company’s successful year. Parsons drew random names with help from Go Daddy Girl and NASCAR star Danica Patrick, and Go Daddy’s IndyCar star James Hinchcliffe. All taxes on the prizes are paid by the company.

“This is how Go Daddy celebrates success, it’s the Go Daddy way,” Parsons proclaimed. “Our employees work very hard to take good care of our customers and we want to show our employees the same love and appreciation they give our customers. Our party is actually very good for business!”

The tradition is tied to terrific results, giving Go Daddy much to celebrate. In 2012, for a twelfth consecutive year, Go Daddy produced double-digit sales growth. This year, Go Daddy generated nearly $1.3 billion in sales and is approaching 11 million customers worldwide. Also this year, for the first time ever, Go Daddy ranked on Fortune magazine’s Best Companies to Work For and Inc. magazine’s Hire Power lists. And for a ninth consecutive year, Go Daddy appeared on both the Inc. 500/5000 Fastest-Growing Companies and Valley’s Best Places to Work lists.

“I feel so lucky to be a part of Go Daddy,” said employee Noah Plumb, who leads the company’s social media team. “Not only is it a fast-moving company, operating at the center of the hot space that is the Internet, but it’s a company that cares about its employees and is recognized for its culture and commitment. Plus, my wife and I got to hang out with Danica Patrick and IndyCar star James ‘Hinch’ Hinchcliffe at the party – how cool is that?!”

Danica shook hands and posed for photos, as she has done for each of the six years Go Daddy has thrown its year-end party at Chase Field. “This is a celebration unlike any company party I’ve ever been to, or heard about,” Danica smiled. “Bob and his Go Daddy team know how to show their colleagues a good time and I have a lot of respect for that level of commitment. When you think about their dedication to customers, employees and charities ... it tells you all you need to know about what Go Daddy represents!”

The party centered on the “Inside / Out” theme, which was a nod to the company's new marketing campaign representing the contrast between Go Daddy's “outside” image for edgy commercials and its more realistic “inside,” which is seriously committed to technology and helping customers succeed online. In keeping with tradition, the party was capped with fireworks out the open-air roof of Chase Field and free taxi rides home for guests.

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About Go Daddy

Go Daddy is the world's largest domain name provider, Web hosting provider and new SSL certificate provider, focused on helping small businesses grow larger. Go Daddy provides dozens of cloud-based services and is the largest worldwide mass-market hosting provider by annual revenue according to Tier1 Research (Mass-Market Hosting Report-Winter 2011) and is the #1 provider of net-new SSL certificates for 2011, according to the Netcraft, LTD Secure Server Survey. To learn more about the company, visit www.GoDaddy.com/PR.

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Go Daddy
Kari Amarosso, 480-518-7019


Go Daddy
Kari Amarosso, 480-518-7019