dena Solar Roofs Programme:
Solar installation company mp-tec cooperating with Warsaw University of Technology on the efficient use of solar energy

EBERSWALDE, Germany & WARSAW--()--mp-tec GmbH & Co. KG has concluded a cooperation agreement with Warsaw University of Technology under the “dena Solar Roofs Programme” coordinated by the Deutsche Energie-Agentur GmbH (dena) – the German Energy Agency – and co-financed by the German Federal Ministry of Economics and Technology (BMWi) within the initiative “renewables – Made in Germany”. As part of the project, two photovoltaic systems are currently being installed on the Warsaw University of Technology campus.

These are a fixed and a tracking solar installation with a total output of 8.64 kWp. The installation of the two systems directly next to each other enables an optimum long-term comparison of yield data and is ideal for demonstrating the differences between fixed and tracking systems.

The university is home to an Institute of Microelectronics and Optoelectronics, one department of which is the Laboratorium Fotowoltaiki, a Polish research facility for photovoltaics. “We are delighted to have secured such a high-calibre partner as the Warsaw University of Technology, which performs independent and long-term yield measurements on tracking systems and compares them with fixed installations. At the same time, the demonstration systems and workshops facilitate knowledge transfer, which particularly benefits the students,” says Michael Preißel, Managing Director of the Eberswalde-based solar installation company mp-tec.

Alongside this partnership of business and science, a key objective of the project-driven company mp-tec is the development of the Polish market with a view to photovoltaics. In October, mp-tec took the first concrete steps in this direction with the foundation of the joint venture mp-tec Solar Poland with Torell Technology. At the current time, all of Poland has less than 10 MWp of installed photovoltaic capacity, but energy experts are expecting a significant expansion of solar energy in the light of legislative amendments in 2013 and corresponding solar subsidies.

The systems will be constructed using only products manufactured in Germany, with mp-tec responsible for the majority of development and production work. Alongside the installed S-Line series high-performance modules, this includes the single base assembly system for mounting the open space system and the Skytrap Plus tracking system, winner of the Plus X-Award.

The project will be complemented by information services and training to enable students and other interested parties to find out about photovoltaics and the project. The systems are due to be officially inaugurated in December 2012.


The export initiative
The “renewables – Made in Germany” initiative was launched by the German Parliament in 2002 and is run by the Federal Ministry of Economics and Technology. The main objective is to contribute to climate protection by stimulating the acceptance and use of renewable energy around the world. By showcasing Germany's technical expertise in the field of renewable energy and by organising business trips to and from Germany, the export initiative facilitates business contacts between companies in Germany and abroad. The platform provides information about German renewable energy technologies and contact data of German suppliers.

The Deutsche Energie-Agentur GmbH (dena) - the German Energy Agency - is the centre of expertise for energy efficiency, renewable energy sources and intelligent energy systems. dena's aim is to ensure that energy is used in both a national and international context as efficiently, safely and economically as possible with the least possible impact on climate. dena is working with stakeholders from the worlds of politics and business and from society at large to achieve this aim. Shareholders in dena are the Federal Republic of Germany, KfW Bankengruppe, Allianz SE, Deutsche Bank AG and DZ BANK AG.

dena Solar Roofs Programme
The “dena Solar Roofs Programme” was developed by the Deutsche Energie-Agentur GmbH (dena) – the German Energy Agency. Launched in 2004, this programme, co-financed by the Federal Ministry of Economics and Technology, supports German solar energy companies entering new markets. Within the framework of the programme reference and demonstration projects are installed on the roofs of designated institutions in different countries around the world. The installation is accompanied by comprehensive marketing and training programmes. These projects impressively present high-quality solar technology.

As a manufacturer, supplier, and project contractor, the solar installation company mp-tec is a partner for authorised dealers, tradespeople, planners, and investors in Germany and on numerous international markets. The Eberswalde company founded in 2002 by Managing Director Michael Preißel specialises in the development and manufacture of solar power, solar heat, and assembly systems.

Warsaw University of Technology
Warsaw University of Technology was founded in 1826 and today houses 17 faculties with some 30,000 students. The university is home to an Institute of Microelectronics and Optoelectronics, one department of which is the Laboratorium Fotowoltaiki, a research facility for photovoltaics in Poland.

Agnes Elektromax
Agnes Elektromax was founded in 2005 by Maciej Juźwik. The company offers a wide range of electrical installation services for consumers and industry. Agnes Elektromax is one of very few companies in Poland to possess extensive experience in installing solar power systems.


mp-tec GmbH & Co. KG
Press and Public Relations
Anja Kroll
Tel.: +49 33 34.59 44 89
Fax: +49 33 34.59 44 85


mp-tec GmbH & Co. KG
Press and Public Relations
Anja Kroll
Tel.: +49 33 34.59 44 89
Fax: +49 33 34.59 44 85