New SAS Digital Marketing Suite Makes Customer Interactions More Relevant

SAS® Adaptive Customer Experience helps personalize customer Web experience

CARY, N.C.--()--SAS® Adaptive Customer Experience, a new modular digital marketing solution from the leader in business intelligence and integrated marketing management, helps companies target customer communications with greater precision than ever. It combines Website analysis with other online and offline customer data to provide personalized customer interactions and a consistent customer experience across channels (Web, direct mail, email, etc.) The new SAS solution’s real-time data collection, without the need for site tagging, helps lower costs compared with traditional Web analytics tools.

“SAS Adaptive Customer Experience is at a completely different level – not just incrementally better -- than other digital marketing analytics solutions,” said Gary Angel, President of Web analytics consulting firm Semphonic. “For the enterprise that wants to use digital analytics and not just consume metrics, it stands alone in the marketplace. As you might expect from SAS, its Adaptive Customer Experience significantly improves the quality of intelligence -- particularly at the customer level -- for digital marketers. But delivering to marketers the ability to use that intelligence to drive personalization and offers is what makes this SAS software truly transformative.”

SAS Adaptive Customer Experience combines three solutions:

SAS Customer Experience Analytics – Captures and transforms Web interactions into customer knowledge, integrating the data with other channel views. This approach helps organizations more effectively understand, model and market to customers visiting their Web properties.

SAS Customer Experience Targeting – Delivers outbound offers to customers who have interacted online with an organization. This solution combines online data with data from other channels so companies can target customers and deliver offers in an outbound campaign mode.

SAS Customer Experience Personalization – Enables organizations to deliver real-time offers over the Web personalized to the individual consumer.

The modular nature of SAS Adaptive Customer Experience lets companies add capabilities over time. An organization can start with SAS Customer Experience Analytics for dynamic data collection and analysis, add SAS Customer Experience Targeting for outbound targeting and then move on to SAS Customer Experience Personalization for inbound, personalized targeting in real time.

“Today, marketers must move even faster from customer insight to real-time marketing execution to acquire and retain customers,” said Wilson Raj, Global Customer Intelligence Director at SAS. “With SAS Adaptive Customer Experience added to the SAS Customer Intelligence suite, marketers can roll out intelligent digital marketing initiatives more cost-effectively than ever by quickly analyzing consumer behaviors and turning these insights into dynamic, personalized offers.”

Deep insight, lower cost

SAS’ real-time, dynamic data collection technology – included in SAS Adaptive Customer Experience -- avoids costly Website tagging and rapidly transforms data into customer-focused insight. Marketers can quickly and flexibly change online Web content and offers without requiring tag changes. Implementation takes as little as a few hours and maintenance costs are less than for data captured through traditional tagging.

Ability to deliver truly real time personalized Web offers

SAS Adaptive Customer Experience employs flexible methods to pinpoint the best offer for the customer, including business rules, predictive models, and multivariate tests via custom predictive models. Marketers can test multiple scenarios to ensure the customer gets the very best of many possible offers.

Open customization

Predictive models can be customized to adapt the solution to specific business cases. The ability to manipulate online data, merge it with offline data sources, and analyze it helps marketers understand how online purchasing, browsing, and researching behaviors correlate with acquisition, retention, cross-sell, and up-sell efforts.

About SAS

SAS is the leader in business analytics software and services, and the largest independent vendor in the business intelligence market. Through innovative solutions, SAS helps customers at more than 60,000 sites improve performance and deliver value by making better decisions faster. Since 1976 SAS has been giving customers around the world THE POWER TO KNOW®.

SAS and all other SAS Institute Inc. product or service names are registered trademarks or trademarks of SAS Institute Inc. in the USA and other countries. ® indicates USA registration. Other brand and product names are trademarks of their respective companies. Copyright © 2012 SAS Institute Inc. All rights reserved.


Angela Lipscomb, 919-531-2525

Release Summary

SAS® Adaptive Customer Experience helps companies target customer communications with greater precision than ever.


Angela Lipscomb, 919-531-2525